Month: January 2011


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Stock market up, Civility down, Emanuel oppressed but Mandela like rebounds; Leaky Social Network Links inspire justified rebellious grounds.  Year three President reclaims that,  “we do big things,” but Conservatives sacrifice children’s education and nation’s future to Grand Old Party blings.

Conservatism by nature is slow to move, resisting change, believing in status quo, wallowing in the lifestyle of the rich and famous, while waiting to see how “trickle down,” trickles tricks on financially unsound.  Government by Conservatives is difficult at best, for governing a nation is love test, for government of, for and by all the people.

It’s raw deal, squeezing Middle Class out, reacting to “New Deal” pout and Whikileaks twirling dervishes are Tunisia, Yemen and Egypt following England Conservatives’ slash of citizens’ services.  Not originating with The Dick’s Bush League takers, still they chiseled steeple graffiti in Wall Street granite which took “We the People,” and dumped on our planet.

Following expansionists Tyler (1841), Polk (1844); Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico and foreign US state: Hawaii McKinley until 1901; Teddy’s Panama and “Great White Fleet” gaff; “Our Little Brown Brothers” tub of lard Taft — our government carved out a world view keeping tight grip of “Land of the Free” on accelerated empire and corporate greed intact, with Republicans calling their dung pile of snuff, the banner proving what’s real American stuff.  Ah, those were the days when Imperialism was “Progressive,” with few tax delays.

Scratch the surface of current global cash lack and the FB & Twitter inspired winter of discontent of oppressed millions, and you’ll find political PACs responded to both Party attacks.  To the government victor, the spoils, Teddy damaged corporate control, but FDR’s death freed comeback takers’ big boys, taking back what Teddy had wrenched from papa’s Robber Barons’ joys.  Then with gunfire, Dallas birthed New World Order of The United Corporate States of America, thus secretly aided by Conservative government, 2008 melted and burned like grill cheese left unattended, securing top 2% takers vs. the 98% of the taken.  Twas in tea leaves for us to be upended.

For at least sixty-five years Conservative thinking of now legal tenure “in greed we trust” Bankstas and government allies, preached fear to convince, that every populace was on Communists’ fence.  Now C Street House Conservatives’ empire Uganda to kill the gays, beating out Roman Church, leaving Peace Corps only raped women for lays.

Merciless dictators crushing their citizens, dismissing human rights with the same casual fist wave, as GWB’s Democracy for all lip service served, for pre-emptive justification to save with “Mission Accomplished” murder of 100,000 civilians enslaved, and thousands of Americans maimed or in Arlington graves.

After decades of empowering non-communist bad guys, Americans watch through Conservative eyes the real reality show exposing our lies, of propped up dominos taking the fall, and “WTF,” not WMDs, is the best we get from Palin, Bachmann and Paul, failing to even measure up to civility of Silver Backs standing and walking tall.


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Stock market up, Civility down, Emanuel oppressed but Mandela like rebounds; Leaky Social Network Links inspire justified rebellious grounds.  Year three President reclaims that,  “we do big things,” but Conservatives sacrifice children’s education and nation’s future to Grand Old Party blings.

Conservatism by nature is slow to move, resisting change, believing in status quo, wallowing in the lifestyle of the rich and famous, while waiting to see how “trickle down,” trickles tricks on financially unsound.  Government by Conservatives is difficult at best, for governing a nation is love test, for government of, for and by all the people.

It’s raw deal, squeezing Middle Class out, reacting to “New Deal” pout and Whikileaks twirling dervishes are Tunisia, Yemen and Egypt following England Conservatives’ slash of citizens’ services.  Not originating with The Dick’s Bush League takers, still they chiseled steeple graffiti in Wall Street granite which took “We the People,” and dumped on our planet.

Following expansionists Tyler (1841), Polk (1844); Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico and foreign US state: Hawaii McKinley until 1901; Teddy’s Panama and “Great White Fleet” gaff; “Our Little Brown Brothers” tub of lard Taft — our government carved out a world view keeping tight grip of “Land of the Free” on accelerated empire and corporate greed intact, with Republicans calling their dung pile of snuff, the banner proving what’s real American stuff.  Ah, those were the days when Imperialism was “Progressive,” with few tax delays.

Scratch the surface of current global cash lack and the FB & Twitter inspired winter of discontent of oppressed millions, and you’ll find political PACs responded to both Party attacks.  To the government victor, the spoils, Teddy damaged corporate control, but FDR’s death freed comeback takers’ big boys, taking back what Teddy had wrenched from papa’s Robber Barons’ joys.  Then with gunfire, Dallas birthed New World Order of The United Corporate States of America, thus secretly aided by Conservative government, 2008 melted and burned like grill cheese left unattended, securing top 2% takers vs. the 98% of the taken.  Twas in tea leaves for us to be upended.

For at least sixty-five years Conservative thinking of now legal tenure “in greed we trust” Bankstas and government allies, preached fear to convince, that every populace was on Communists’ fence.  Now C Street House Conservatives’ empire Uganda to kill the gays, beating out Roman Church, leaving Peace Corps only raped women for lays.

Merciless dictators crushing their citizens, dismissing human rights with the same casual fist wave, as GWB’s Democracy for all lip service served, for pre-emptive justification to save with “Mission Accomplished” murder of 100,000 civilians enslaved, and thousands of Americans maimed or in Arlington graves.

After decades of empowering non-communist bad guys, Americans watch through Conservative eyes the real reality show exposing our lies, of propped up dominos taking the fall, and “WTF,” not WMDs, is the best we get from Palin, Bachmann and Paul, failing to measure up to ability or civility of Silver Backs standing and walking tall.