Month: March 2023

The Way We Were, We Are – and Both Fantasy and Truth: Hurt -Headlined on – TREMR Featured Writer

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If we have yet to learn anything about what motivates Donald Trump, it is his predictable pattern to manipulate every situation to his numerical advantage – whether TV ratings, political polls or millions who swoon to his rhetoric, swinging like pendulums in violent extremes. 

If only we acknowledged, knowledge of American History as our civic duty, we could understand America has always been a balancing act between Conservatives and Liberals

20% of Colonists believed America’s security was anchored in the past with King George III.  As such, they are the predecessors of fear of change, which remains the lynchpin of Conservative thinking today.

Believing liberty and freedom are found in warring against ourselves is to ignore the history of, Ach, if we only knew, and thus repeat the subjugation of human decency to the basest form of self-deception and most egregious offense against, love thy neighbor as thyself.

Our history has tried to educate our courage to awaken us to the benefits of national evolution, by learning necessary lessons without repeating them:  the disparity of the Industrial Age, women denied voting rights, Roaring Twenties violence, lack of Constitutional Gender Equality and Too Big to Fail greed.

IF, 70% (rather than 50-60%) of We the People voted in every election for Liberals with proven track records of trying to help all who live here and many who sacrifice all, to live here America could minimize, if not positively transform:

  • The backward-looking political whims of Conservatives in Congress, SCOTUS, and mobs of insurrectionists
  • Our racial, cultural and sexual biases
  • Failing banking systems before profiteering Board Members sell stocks for millions
  • Media nursing at the sour milk breasts of Corporatism’s self-serving news for dummies hyperbole
  • From our belief that social media Likes, Followers and Friends are real, before we start worshiping posts by Artificial Intelligence

If we only respected America’s passionate motivations for our Revolutionary War delivering us from taxation without representation, we might deliver Washington, DC (our nation’s capital) from this Conservative infliction, and prevent Corporate owned media from shredding our, United We Stand, determining individual worth by salary, skin color or sexual orientation.

Doing so, however, we risk the wisdom of knowing the real antagonists against America’s future has always been:  where the money goes and from whom it flows.

Federalists, Whigs, Democrats, Republicans, even Independents with no party affiliation, have never been perfect at preserving, protecting and defending all living in America. 

However, the difference between Liberals and Conservatives is, Liberals, lean toward fighting for, our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, while  Conservatives fight for, Corporations are People, Banksters Too Big to Jail and selling their souls to Billionaires like Charles Koch, shipping magnate Richard Uihlein, Chairman Larry Ellison, venture capitalist Peter Thiel, Kelcy Warren, Oil Baron Harold Hamm, Linda McMahon formerly of the Small Business Administration, before Chairing the pro-Trump super-PAC called:  America First. 

Beware, some male political/corporate power brokers – likeAdelson-McMahon-Mercer-SCOTUS Justice Thomas, hide their conservative biases behind the skirts of their wives and daughters.

Our ever-increasing willingness to be bought and sold, aiding and abetting Billionaire control over the information we receive, is too akin to being enslaved like the triangle trade.

Although, America’s collective truth and singular definition were sculptured before Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and DCI/CIA Bay of Pigs director Allen Dulles both betraying Republican Eisenhower, Democrat Kennedy and the American people confirms:  it’s not about political party, but the continuing Civil War between Conservatives and Liberals regarding how best our elected officials should use our taxes to crystallize our American Dream:  Hearth, Home, Family and yes, World Peace.  

We must rise above:

  • regurgitated monologues by sensationalists’ masquerading as, Breaking News
  • Frightened politicians condemning libraries, educators and students to relive, What is Past is Prologue
  • Bequeathing our children an earth teeming with life-eliminating chemicals, famine, choked on air and endless gun violence
  • Corporatism’s puppeteers cloaked in Board Room avarice
  • Make America Like Florida

Knowledge of our good, bad and ugly history is the power we give to our children to change their future.

No State is free while its citizens are denied historical truth, affordable gender-friendly healthcare, racial & cultural equality, and education saved from Corporatism’s ATM:  Student Loans

We still live in an America where one person can make a difference:

Given the twice Impeached Donald Trump’s stealing of Classified Documents for possible nefarious if not treasonous intent, and probable malice aforethought in illegal actions, American democracy was probably saved by one General: Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Despite betrayal by the CIA, and overwhelming opposition from Conservative Generals, President Kennedy saved the world from nuclear destruction. 

Education in American history is not our enemy.  Conservatives’ fear of it, is!