Month: September 2015

The View & Nurses – Bigots & Candidates – Pope Francis & Cow Gas Headlined by 9/20/15

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AFrancis I in America smallt the very least, we owe ourselves The View that every ER demonstrates:  we don’t always need a doctor, but as with Ebola scare, nurses are healthcare front line.  The view we need for respecting gender equality is, three more states ratifying ERA & less Bill Cosby; an American view with less Fiorina & more Planned Parenthood.

In 2015-16, what together are we willing to contribute (or sacrifice) to free ourselves from racial prejudice expanding its 21st century bigotry to focus politically on superficial differences in appearance, lifestyle, religion and sexual preferences?

Ready to stop waiting for someone to hand us the answers on a fast food tray?  Are we ready, with our votes, purchases and rallies to start telling Wall Street, Congress, NSA, EPA, DOJ & NRA what 47—99% of us want them to do?  Ready to let go of being bottom line speck on somebody’s doormat?  As nation, neighborhood, community center, place of worship, Social Media and individual, let us begin:

  • Prioritize Mental Healthcare and better gun purchase background checks
  • Get informed and take responsible action, acknowledging Climate Change denial can ultimately lead to flooded countries, as well as American states, and Climate Wars
  • Educate police and public in campus & military rape prevention
  • Raise the minimum wage
  • Transform our mind-set from fossil fuels to clean air & water
  • Become global citizens with humane student loan & Immigration Reform – not military conquest
  • Share our watchful eye on Wall Street bankers and Oil Barons, with Animal Agriculture, because cow gas is even worse for our environment than BP, Shell, GM, Exxon & Volkswagen

Or, all of us pay the price for corporate fossil fuel greed and consumer red meat cravings.  Almonds may not have transformed sunny California into the dried up Wild, Wild West, but it is those who thrive on driving, growing, selling, buying and over consuming, who, fuel what endangers life on earth.

Like any American, I’m all for convenience at my fingertips and instant gratification with each directed remote or mouse click.  So unless Papa can awaken the stewardship of Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself Nazarene in us; or unless we evolve from creators of food deserts devouring cheeseburgers, into Mediterranean Diet worshipers or devotees to reversing our Grain Brains — our destiny is the frog simmering in a pot of dirty water of our own boiling.

Deaf to the still small voice within, it is crucial we hear the voice of one crying out in the wilderness The New Peter, and be the change that rejuvenates earth from exhaustive depletion, and ourselves from over consumerism.

Why not stop living like overcrowded pinned up pigs gassing up on gas producing cows — dining on dyed chemicals, coal ash water, parched food sources, fishless oceans — still driving gas guzzlers.  It’s not God’s Will that created smog inhalation or increasingly devastating hurricanes and tornadoes — it’s Free Will.

Have we become one of three kinds of Americans?

  • Zealots believing Ideology is more important than people
  • Humanitarians believing in the civility of The Golden Rule, feeling people are more important than Ideology
  • The great manipulators who created The Great Recession

Whatever our politics or beliefs, let’s not worship immigration bigots, nor Lehman Brothers, Hewlett-Packard merger mother partying over 30,000 layoffs – tinkling Lies and Video Tape on #PP.

Facelift or not, The Right is wrong for America.  So let’s daily resuscitate our civic duty by paying attention and getting involved, because Climate Change, like animal agriculture, is the reality show making our past, our prologue.  Are we Rocco, Yeah. That’s it. More. That’s right! I want more!?!

View The Formula (1980, Marlon Brando, George C. Scott) but feed on Cowspiracybecause sometimes we want government to tell us only the part we want to hear.Climate Chage Cows





Fueling the American Dream Begins with Freedom of Choice at the Pump – Headlined by 9/14/15

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Follow Francis SmallCongrats to Queen Elizabeth and prayers for those escaping Syrian war surviving persecution of Hungarian government, failing to imagine resources spent on mass transit trains would transport refugee masses out of Hungary, faster than camps and barbed wire fences.

The Victorian Age convinced most, there were monumental eras, man-made institutions, sustainable benchmarks and developing technologies that would, if not protect our empires, then at least our borders, resources and civilizations from erosion.

We assumed the permanence of coal, glaziers, Rain Forests, seasons, predictable weather patterns, electricity, sound currencies, loyalty between business and customers, incorruptible governments, national security, basic human decency, honesty, Character, Professionalism, WTC towers, air conditioning, computers, smart phones, personal privacy, freedom, plentiful, safe and clean food, water, air – and an endless flow of Fracking-Free oil – all while allowing infrastructure supporting our over consumerism habit, to decay, like truth at the pump.

Somewhere between Supreme Court shattering Standard Oil and favoring Citizens United, we became willing welcome mats for oil men hooking us on their Hookah refineries.  Oil in our carpets, furniture, plastics; our sweatshop produced clothing and pricy Pharmaceutical meds.

Oil lubricates High Tea societies, the poor, Middle Class and Middle East alike.  It is the underground stream overflowing Russian and European resurrection dreams, and fueling China’s race from second place to a smogged finish line.

Mesmerized by all that glitters, we believe lower gasoline prices come from oil gods suddenly empathetic to our environmental goals, instead of the manipulated calm before the storm, aimed at impeding the pursuit of alternative green energy.  Few wonder why most American military entrenchments are positioned near corporate owned oil fields, at an annual tax burden of, half a trillion dollars – corporate welfare, most foul.

Arguably, GM, Firestone Tire, Standard Oil, Federal Engineering, Phillips Petroleum, and Mack Trucks bought and destroyed electric mass transportation trolley cars, as prelude to Eisenhower confusing interstate roadways with mass transportation.  Either way, America got run off the rails and, oil slicked, Jack and Jill went up the hill guzzling gas.

International oil pumps ignited by WWII demand, became economic extortion weapons for mass American consumption, when in 1960, OPEC was founded by countries that America continues to fight for and against.

What if, China’s falling yuan stocks us like students haunted by banker’s loans?  What if black gold reserves disappear before Corporatism monopolizes renewable alternatives?  Can oil reserves last until we’re renewable, or tap out, leaving our children perpetually bloodied for oil stains? What will satisfy the next generation’s Chinese car craze, created in our image?

Hillary’s campaign, Serena’s loss and 9/11 have taught us, nothing can be taken for granted.  There is no certainly on a melting iceberg, in a diminishing Rain Forest or a flaming Giant Sequoia.  The only alternative to embracing renewable energy is a snowball in Congress and the corporate pawn hailing it as proof against Global Warming.

So what do we do?

  • Realize Americans dying for Halliburton is not a sustainable solution
  • Individually transform our piece of America to renewable green energy
  • Drive in a way that ends our Oil Age
  • Politically oppose oil company fuel monopoly
  • Make solar panels a construction requirement
  • Demand a choice between gasoline and bio fuels
  • Immolate China immolating us by immolating Brazil
  • Check to see if we have a Flex Fuel car
  • Petition Congress for alternative fuel distribution and demand the Open Fuel Standard Act be passed and delivered to President Obama to sign into law

Oil men like Bush/Cheney, oil companies like Shell and Exxon, auto companies like GM and their Wall Street bankers are the people who are corporations – and they are destroying the fabric of America; cities like Detroit, social assistance like Planned Parenthood, public education and the self-confidence of hard working Americans.

Even Henry Ford’s assembly line produced cars capable of running on either gasoline or alcohol.  Then came oilman John D. Rockefeller’s 18th Amendment to the Constitution.

It’s time America left behind the oil industry leaving us behind, because their bottom line is the priority that denies us the freedom to choose Flex Fuel cars.  When we stop buying gas guzzlers and start buying electric cars, prices will decline, the environment may get a second wind and we will be enriched by choice.  Our transportation, society, economy and freedom hang in the imbalance of Citizens United electing Kim Davis, and reason looming just out of reach, but still at our fingertips, if we update the software in our cars.