Month: August 2017

Trump Team:  Accessories Before and After the White Supremacy Facts Staff Pick

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What causes wars and loses elections is fear not hate; fear of losing something real or imaginary; fear of being overlooked, forgotten or ignored; fear of being left behind, thought stupid or not being able to keep up – but when fear and hate marry, equality and justice for all, are rarely the resulting issue.

Whether the rippling effect of a Trump election or not, in 2017 fear of equal opportunity, heritage of immigration diversity and becoming America’s new minority – has thrown its panicked gauntlet at the feet of America’s character.

American History is a continuing roller-coaster ride of memories from differing points of view.  Rattled by suspicions of betrayal, drives many to betray, love thy neighbor as thyself. 

Our history is in the making, and the maker, but only in America do we celebrate rebellion against our Constitution, which guarantees Freedom of Speech when in union with the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government.

As incompetent as Donald Trump is, it’s not just his dishonesty, or even his Pilate-like washing his hands of Afghanistan, turning it over to generals for endless war — it’s that, 67% of Republicans support his response to the domestic terrorism invading American cities.

When Native Americans protested the Dakota Access Pipeline to protect water, environment and their sacred land, they were shot with rubber bullets by North Dakota police, but when armed white supremacists attacked interdenominational clergy, who were obeying their permit to peacefully assemble, police protection was frozen in place, until Charlottesville citizens put themselves between the assaulted clergy and the Brown Shirts style menace.

Seven score and twelve years ago American families fought over preserving, protecting and defending a new nation conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men were created equal vs. the right for plantation owners fearful of economic loss to incite secession from America.

750,000 Americans died from decease, malnutrition, imprisonment and combat.  In 2012 numbers, 7.5 million died for opposite definitions of America – in a war more temporarily muted by presidential Emancipation and assassination than ended by two generals exchanging personal interpretations of the greater good. 

Still David Duke and company deny us, peace and goodwill toward all, and in 2017, statues are the latest excuse for incivility, gerrymandering, second-class citizenship, Hate Speech for Free Speech and murder, when an American’s skin is a tanner hue, religion non-Christian, gender female, politics not Conservative, sexual preference not hetero – when not Bannon/Gorka/Miller clones.

Arguably, Alt-Right and bigots are interchangeable, but the former portends fresh faces – not older Open Carry, carrying neo-Nazi and Confederate flags.  From eye-witnesses to the University Tiki-torch parade Friday August 11, 2017, the Alt-Right are, Bannon babies — twenty-somethings being radically educated, not to be the tip of the spear, but the point of a sharpened cue stick.

The descendants of Jefferson Davis and Generals Lee & Stonewall Jackson have condemned the violence in the name of their ancestors, and joined the call to put Confederate statues in museums where they can be venerated by anyone wishing to relive the 19th century in 21st century air-conditioned comfort.

Any nation so conceived and so dedicated, was not lulled back into civil war because of a February 1915 Birth of a Nation, promoting good guy images of the Klan.  Nonetheless, to be vigilant, we need emulate the nine Tougaloo College students who, on May 27, 1961, exercised their right to do homework in a Jackson Mississippi library.  Their read-in illuminated what they were for — not forces they opposed.

What if, in the 1930s, no Germans attended Hitler rallies?

What if we fired McConnell’s GOP for having physically challenged Americans in peaceful assembly, dragged from their wheel chairs and removed from the halls of Congress?

What if we ask DHS why it’s halting funding plans for, Life After Hate, Sammy Rangel’s anti-white extremism group?

It’s not about statues.  Racism is not symbolism.  It’s people so fearful of national evolution, they elect international isolation.

Although, not the light of the world, we are the dawns early light, eclipsing the bully’s hate, the politician’s fear and waging of endless war, in silence.

Trump Locked in by White Supremacists He Reloaded – on

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From Dog Whistling Birtherism to working DIA, the madness of the Donald baits us to switch from Russian Probe to Korean braggadocios fire and fury competition – but his Alt-Right support evaporated his smokescreen and now a backlash of peaceful assembly for freedom, is becoming a national movement.

On Saturday August 12, 2017, in the city of Thomas Jefferson’s University of Virginia, thirty-five Americans were injured, nineteen of them assaulted by a twenty-year-old Ohio man driving into them to preserve and protect our history of slavery, racism and second-class citizenship.

While this summer Charlottesville Virginia reaped what Donald Trump has sowed, America, and indeed human decency and potentially humankind are being raped by the perversion of patriotism by Right Wing white supremacists.

In response, an Attorney General who thinks the KKK is, OK until I found out they smoked pot, is a joke, is launching an investigation into the Paris-like vehicular murder of a thirty-two-year-old woman – the incident in support of an administration offensive to the Constitution and truth, colluding with a leader who fears saying the very thing he incites — Domestic Terrorism.

Our Founding Fathers, U. S. Constitution and we ourselves are not perfect, but choosing ongoing educational expansion on a journey of Constitutional Amendments, striving for equal opportunity, is the perfection of mutual respect.

The Ugly American truth is, historically, Conservatives have failed to accept that every person, place and thing matters — Words, Medicaid, Black Lives, Women, Medicare, Native-Americans, Mexicans, Asians, Seniors and Transgenders matter!

It matters that in 2016, we elected a small, thin-skinned excuse of a man, lacking intellectual curiosity and tolerance for differing points of view, whose Bannon/Gorka/Miller appointments excel at staining American character.

Attacking honorable Americans, like Judge Curiel, James Comey, Charlottesville’s Gold Star Khan family and LGBTQ citizens courageously serving America in uniform — what can an isolationist president, incapable of all-inclusive big picture vision amass, but white nationalists?

Since Jamestown and Plymouth Rock, white supremacy has dominated America, imposing self-serving prejudice not only on Native-Americans and people of color, but Jews, Irish Catholics, women and our ancestral immigrants processing past the Statue of Liberty, through Ellis Island, into the Land of the Free.

However, if after 241 years, under white Christian male management, we’re still electing a boy’s idea of what a real man is, perhaps what we should be resisting is our tendency to recklessly swing our electoral pendulum — Flip-Flopping between silence and violence will never penetrate the hypocrisy of Pence pretense, Jason Kessler’s Unite the Right or Trump’s Make America Great Again.

President John F. Kennedy was not only infinitely careful not to back Soviets into a Cuban corner, but was equally emphatic that, America was not going to nuclear war.  Our current 1600 occupant, however, craves the evaporation of all life on the Korean peninsula, in exchange for a macho media image.

It is within our power, to deny him this power, by refusing to play the cards neo-Nazi’s deal, and instead, making it necessary for him, like Nixon, to resign.

Men like Trump, David Duke, Steve Bannon, Jason Kessler and Tom Bossert have proven power to bring out the worst and best in us – the worst, clones of themselves — the best, the rest of us:  Valley Forge militia, Lincoln, women risking lives for 19th Amendment, the American Baptist Home Mission Society, nonviolent responders to violent Jim Crow era — we who defend Mexicans and Muslims from presidential prejudice.

True American patriots, as in the Civil Rights movement and the Women’s Marches, January 21, 2017, exercise peaceful assembly in civility when demonstrating.  It is vital that we are ever vigilant not to become what we’re against.

Instead of responding to radical extremists in-kind, let us embrace the civic ideal of, petition the government:  By the millions, stand tall in DC and regional GOP offices, admonishing Congress to, at the very least, call for the application of the 25th Amendment – or Fast Track Robert Mueller’s investigation, in expectation that Donald Trump has indeed committed Impeachable offences.

And make certain they know we’re there because Trump’s rhetoric caused the death of an American citizen – whose life was snatched away for defending equality and justice for all — paralegal Heather Heyer