As Portland Goes, So Goes the Nation – Headline – Best of TREMR

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COVID-19 under the averted eyes of our, wartime president has aided and abetted his negligence, in 1000 deaths each day for the last five days in several states.  Texas in Triage mode choosing who gets hospitalized to Gurneys in hallways hoping there’ll be enough ventilating machines to save them from refrigerated trucks outside for those for whom there’s no room.

And still we fail to bridge the gap between reality and our homemade myths.

In his own words, Mark Meadows proved, everyone can come on TV and provide their opinion, confirming that Trump’s fourth Chief of Staff, like Pompeo, Munuchin, Kavanaugh, Pence, Barr, Cheney and Nixon – too many Americans have yet to manage navigating the bridge from gullible to discriminate.

What Protesters, state & local police and Barr’s get low gestapo must understand, and all living in America need to internalize is:

Our Constitutional right to peacefully assemble does not include acts of violence, including throwing Molotov Cocktails or attempts to damage Federal property.  Doing so, we become clones of our adversaries and enable our unqualified presidential nemesis.

The Right to legally protect Federal Property doesn’t legally protect Banana Republic tactics of kidnapping peaceful protesters off the street without due process.

The pursuit of happiness for all living in America is substantially greater when we elect a president who is not a cowardly bully, draft dodger, tax cheat, running more to stay out of jail than stay in office.

By far, most of our employment challenges, healthcare crises and damage to our national peace of mind is due to Conservative Republicans who still want government small enough to drown in a bathtub, surviving only for gerrymandering census, tax collecting and making forever war to benefit Corporatism – refusing to accept that government has ever been responsible for the lives and livelihoods of the people.

Truthfully, the greatest destabilizing threat to American life continues to be our uncivil, and often camouflaged, internal war from sea to shining sea.  It is the war between Caucasian Protestant males who, well before 1776,  believed they are inherently superior in every way to all females of every color, political party, gay or straight, all Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans, – with special disdain for all who do not comply with their public sexual behavior, but rather choose sexual preferences and lifestyles, that their oppressors hypocritically practice in secret, while voting against in public.

While such flagrant profaning of, love thy neighbor as thyself, guaranteeing inequitable education, fear of diversity, hate for status quo evolving, bigotry toward inclusivity, and insufferable sexual hypocrisy is what bred Donald Trump, those who continue to support him remain our Dorian Gray portrait of what photo bombs America’s selfie.

Perhaps it’s time for America to be on, The Left Side of History, or at least for protest signs and T-Shirts to be more emphatically inclusive:  White male lives don’t matter more than any Red, Black, Brown or Yellow life.

The truth we’re looking for to understand why some will always refuse to do what’s best for, the common good, is as close as America’s southern roots in slave economic dependency transplanted into the Federal Housing Administration segregation polices housed in both Democratic and Republican foundations.

People of Color were never afforded the opportunity to bridge the distance between educational and income disparity.

2020 is a clarion call from our past, offering us a way to change our future; for what we’re allowing to happen in Portland encourages evil men in unseen dark places to elevate immoral men to leadership positions.

Even after, U.S. District Court Judge Michael Mosman gave Trump’s “Federales” the freedom to advance to Go, passing to collect their pieces of silver, GOP TV talking heads defended Trump’s taking a bridge too far, for a get out of jail free reelection.

Contrasting Trump’s Southern Strategy, Moms, Dads and Veterans are linked-in constructing a legitimate American wall of patriotic humanitarian protection, standing tall between Trump’s private police force and Americans exercising our exceptional right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances – clearly inspired by him whose hope to see his Pilot face to face, having crossed the bar, has been fulfilled.

In the midst of inadequate leadership, we must learn to lead from within a seemingly unstoppable virus, and defeat our nature, not satisfied with battering our shores, our stability and our lives, but ravenously exposing our smug arrogant belief, in false profits.

It must seem impossible in the face of such extremes, to recapture our gratitude, but doing so, we can be grateful for the wisdom to join Moms, Dads and Veterans empowered by the courage of a life well lived, and heroically emulate those who like John Lewis have crossed the blood stained bridge, one last time.

America Can’t Breathe Without Justice and Equality for, All of God’s Children – Headline

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Our response to George Floyd’s death and Trump’s Insurrection Act threats can’t be predicated by where our grandparents sat on the bus.  In 2020, all of us are charged by Franklin’s gauntlet:  a Republic if you can keep it.

Seeing our Land of the Free through inflamed cities, lack of ICU beds, the mockery of Trickle Down economics, owner class gluttony, and a Republican Party and President consistently making America worse for those they’ve rarely seen or heard:  Native-Americans, women, LGBTQ and low-wage earners – until George Floyd’s murder.

Whether peaceful demonstrations or violent protestations, COVID-19’s 1,770,384 American cases and over 105,000 deaths cannot be deleted from our hearts and minds.  It can’t make us immune to an inept, too slow to act Executive Branch, nor blind us to, governmental support delayed is medical supplies denied – because Congressional NRA gun violence protection, Environmentalists only fining Methane Gas toxic emitting pipeline companies and Fraternity of Police clubbing with the blue, no matter what they do.

Conservative Republican disciples worshiping at the unpresidential altar of one who refused to serve in uniform, betrayed his country to a foreign power now attempting a rerun of Andrew Jackson on steroids, caging asylum seekers, flirting with John Adams’ Sedition Act, and believing states under his personal authority, declaring governors weak for not being made in his on egregious image.

Safely behind Secret Service protective arsenal, insisting state governments arrest, track and threaten Americans, the Commander-in-Chief of fatigue-wearing extremists, distributes disinformation to rehearse for Election Day.

So, the choice is ours:  respond like Eleanor Roosevelt and Marion Anderson, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr for, all of God’s Children and Senator Robert F. Kennedy with America’s Farm Labor Movement or, be gangbangers hanging Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear in effigy.

We can settle for governors, senators and a president to whom we are invisible, or we can vote them out, even if by mail.

Whether radical Left or Right, without a multi-color center secured by, United We Stand, extremes and extremists will evaporate the us in USA.

We must test, trace and treat not only COVID-19, but the conveniently warped interpretation of, the poor you will always have with you, and the root of evil that presses its knee on the neck of those left behind when our nation was born with a preexisting condition:  slavery.

We can assume African Americans will return home, and accept our complacency until the next, I can’t breathe, or we can accept the opportunity to stand together for what we’re for, instead of continually fighting amongst ourselves over what we’re against.

COVID-19 and violence against each other automatically seize upon the path of least resistance, just as white-collar criminals – whether at the seat of government or power puppeteers in private enterprise – attack what’s most vulnerable:  our right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The most resistant to COVID-19 truth are those who choose to ignore the common sense of scientific fact – endangering themselves and all with whom they have direct or indirect contact.  The most vulnerable are wage earners who cannot afford to stay safe at home, nor desert those of us for whom working at home is an easy choice.

What are we doing to the least among us, those most ignored by our government, banking Corporatism and ourselves: the unemployed, underemployed, uninsured, underinsured, veterans, the elderly and our children – we, the empowered by, Free Will, to either be a Trump/McConnell pawn or a thinking decent human being to all?

We can yield to Conservative Republican Fascism, or be Good Stewards, Good Samaritans and good neighbors.

2020 is our wakeup call:  Vengeful leaders and phony patriots incite our violence against each other to distract from an indiscriminate COVID-19, to maintain control of the pigmentation battlefield.

Like COVID-19, the response to the murder of George Floyd recognizes no city limits, nor state borders and in the wake of George Floyd’s death, protestors have taken our grievances to the very gates of a hellish administration cowering behind violence inciting Tweets, in its occupation of our 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

I Can’t Breathe is ringing in the ears, lives and streets all over America.  It, like COVID-19 and Climate Change, is a supreme warning, which if we allow Trump to use his lack of religion to intimidate voters with a Second Amendment preamble to, Marshall Law, we do so at America’s peril.

We can break windows and set fires or use our 2020 Elections to clean up the carnage left by Trump Administration looters and lawbreakers.

We can stop calling ourselves, The Home of the Brave, or confess Lafayette Square is now our Tiananmen Square, and give America our Last Full Measure.