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HATE, FASCISM and RACISM Resurrected, Not Created by #45 – Best of TREMR, Headline

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“The world got along without race for the overwhelming majority of its history. The U.S. has never been without it.” – David R. Roediger

* What’s wrong with our Electoral College vs. voters’ direct choices: 

Americans, by acclamation, are mutually molded in the image of the Presidents, Members of Congress and Governors, we elect.

When a third of Americans choose the mold of Andrew Jackson(7th) reincarnated in Donald Trump(45th) – inciting violence camouflaged by faux-religious patriotism, aid and abet the decline of American democracy.

Even with interventions by Congress and Supreme Court, Native Americans were routed from their homes and lands, because President Jackson believed:  white men should rule over non-white people – including servitude of indigenous people and Africans kidnapped to be Slaves for Southern American plantations.

The potential discovery of gold prompted Georgia in particular to demand Indians move west of the Mississippi. 

* What’s wrong with America’s Trail of Tears and Slavery: 

Race is the child of racism, not the father – Ta-Nehisi Coates

Theodore Roosevelt(26th): white race exists to rule over all other races, in the defense of the American Empire, including, the Pacific.

Racial expansion of Monroe DoctrineThe Great White Fleet sailed to Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, flaunting a global Tsunami of the White Man’s power.

Howard Taft as Governor-General of the Philippines before becoming POTUS (27th), labeled Filipinos: our Little Brown Brothers. 

* What’s wrong with Voting People: 

Those who fail to vote, and those who vote for leaders failing to work five-day weeks, opting for government shutdown in favor of Joe Biden (46th) Impeachment without evidence. 

There are no perfect American leaders – certainly not among those boasting, Home of the Brave, while separating parents from children seeking safety, risking drowning death by Governor Abbotts’ imposing Rio Grande divide.

If we see no evil in #45’s hateful extremists (collaring German reaction to Versailles with American Appomattox), accepting dictator-like inciting, hearts and minds – nor hear no evil in post mass shootings’ thoughts and prayers – 2024 may cause desertion from, speak no evil by voting to allow American defamation of faith, hope and love thy neighbor as thyself. 

* What went wrong with American Caucasian people after WWII: 

Too many Fascists before Pearl Harbor; too many neo-Nazis after Atomic Bomb: in powerful positions, with USA corporate greed transforming post-war exhilaration into over consumerism’s acceleration.

American corporate profiteers profiteering off, The Marshall Plan.

Victorious General becomes 34th President, appointing two Dulles Nazi sympathizers: John Foster Secretary of State and Allen CIA Director.

Disappearing neighborhoods of color for interstate highways, fueling cashflow to fossil fuels’ warmongers

Too many politicians rented by too many corporations: as prelude to SCOTUS two most shameful shadows: Citizen’s United and Roe v Wade reversal.

Too many Veterans returning to America’s low places, still unequal to those who lynch to maintain perceived superiority.

Eisenhower Residue on Camelot: Military Industrial Complex and Cold War 

* What’s wrong with Pentagon/Wall Street people: 

Americans’ short attention span on international economic puppeteers: Deutsche Bank, Bank(s) of America Corp, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

Poisoning earth’s atmosphere, water and environment.

Bush/Cheney engineered, Great Recession

Opioid foxes addicting cackling in the chicken House of USA Representatives committee on oversight and reform, managing America’s manhandled mandatory makeover by MAGA mob mobster’s maggots menacing mutiny mating ‘Merica more Mussolini migration than dawn’s early light democracy.

* What’s wrong with Jewish people: 

Anti–Semites:  Henry Ford ,  The Lindbergs and  America’s Town Meeting of the Air,  claim: Everything!

* What’s wrong with Orange Jesus people: 

Willing pawns, neither Christian nor Patriots, addicted to Gotcha rhetoric: worshiping the sued enablers of loudest K.I.S.S. recalibrated by corporate-owned foxy Media from 1930s Germany.

Rewriting history to justify inequality, as proxy warriors fighting for the rich at the expense of the poor.

* What’s wrong with Black American people: 

The same possessions haunting thoughts piercing our collective hearts: diminished hope, fear of violence, living in a nation full of promise for the privileged few, children dying before parents, never being fully free – haunted by memories of ancestors, whipping posts, lynchings and Mount Rushmore’s Big White Lie .

In Contrast: 

* All welcome to American Dream pretense through Ellis Island

* Opposing tribes with similar challenges, standing together, unlike elevated indentured servants deserting their former partners in slave rebellion

* Acknowledge: Climate Change is blind to gender, age and skin color 

* Lifesaving realization: there is only one common denominator at every mass shooting: guns . 

* We the People embrace civil rights for all, through unity with all.

* Remembering the only victors in domestic tribal violence, are Pharaohs bending our backs with their trumped-up chaos for profit.

* For those who didn’t get to the promised promise land, we owe our present and future the courage to hold others and ourselves accountable, and commit to a cure .

* Replace violent revenge by following the lead of children. 

    Collar some Slaves were forced to wear by Southern Plantation Owners

    Presidential Bookends John F. Kennedy and Joe Biden Crying Out:  Wake Up! Best of TREMR, Headlined

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    I write to all Americans under fifty-years-old, pleading on behalf of all Americans under thirty-years-old who don’t know the trouble we, and they will see, if we fail to unite, to actually embody the truths we’ve claimed to be since Lincoln’s emancipating Gettysburg Address.

    Current Financial Truths:

    • Inflation at lowest point in 2 1/2 years
    • Unemployment rate below 4% for longest time since 1960s
    • American economy defies Recession predictions

    Yet, with our post-Watergate loss of faith in government, most Americans are in voter accountability denial regarding the Governors, members of Congress and Presidents we elect.

    We 2023 Americans need to recapture the best within us to alleviate both our inner turmoil, for reality check on our individual responsibility for it. 

    Perhaps President Kennedy’s physical, intellectual and political courage might inspire us:  to thy own Constitution, be true.

    • August 1943 – saving his crew after PT-109 was sunk by enemy destroyer.
    • April 1961 – endured CIA betrayal   
    • October 1962 saving world from Cuban nuclear Missile Crisis despite General Curtis LeMay & others disobeying his orders

    Joe Biden isn’t as youthful, witty or charismatic as our thirty-fifth, forty-six-year-old president, but despite being born with a stutter, the death of his first wife and daughter and the loss of his forty-six-year-old son Beau to Brain Cancer, our 46th president remains an intellectually savvy, emotionally calm and politicly steady negotiator with a respectful embrace of both Constitutional law and his Roman Catholic faith – in the face of America’s enemies within, and the foreign demagogues they choose to imitate.  And, like Presidents Carter and Clinton, President Biden remains committed to a two-state solution in the Middle East.

    In the 1860s, Lincoln was challenged to save America.  In the 1960s, Kennedy was challenged to save the entire world – and both made the ultimate sacrifice to fulfill their oath to do so. 

    These presidents earned our respect, gratitude and Hail to the Chief.

    In stark contrast, the 6 January 2021 domestic terrorism by gullible MAGA insurrectionists programmed to destroy American democracy, stains our American Dream with Right-Wing religious hypocrisy in a faux patriotic cesspool too akin to that of Ordinary Men who were willing to shoot German Jews, to camouflage their cowardice.

    It is for honest, reasonable voting patriots to alleviate our inner turmoil by exorcising from our nation’s bowels any violent pretense of American patriotism.

    Like President Kennedy, it could be said that America is in danger of receiving, the last rites, again– not because of the age of President Joe Biden, who clearly recognizes the humanitarian pragmatism of the world’s two most powerful economies and militaries needing to communicate, if not for world peace, at least for global co-existence

    Nonetheless, as Pennsylvania’s John Dickinson said, most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor

    In other words:  when easy access to guns is our default choice against real or imagined economic fear driven anger, America reaps the futility of divorcing, ask what you can do for your country, to wed itself to leaders who rant that we can gain the entire world without losing our national soul to self-destruction.

    2023 third party candidates and non-voters are shoving American democracy under the boot of an Ol’ Time Religion demonically twisted by Corporatism’s bottom line and the corrupted political egos it rents.

    On 11 October 1963, forty-two days before President Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas Texas, he wrote a National Security Action Memoranda number 263 (NSAM 263) titled, “South Vietnam” – stating his intention for a complete withdrawal of America’s 17,000 Advisors in South Vietnam.

    Had LBJ not ignored it, there would have been no

    • American Vietnam War
    • 58,220 military deaths
    • POW John McCain
    • Kent State
    • Divided America:  young vs. experienced

    Time is running out for American voters to keep an essential promise:  unedited Education, unburned books and unlimited intellectual curiosity for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Imagine, the oldest democracy in the world failing to rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, because the youngest voters among us betrayed the future of Americans younger than they.

    Until Americans of every race, color, creed and age vote, there can be no thank God Almighty, we are free at last, Home of the Brave!

    Until all Americans vote to preserve, protect and defend all of our history, healthcare needs and books, there will be no, Land of the Free.

    Until legal voters, eighteen and older, actually vote, America’s next moment is not guaranteed.

    There are many things in life we cannot change, but nothing we cannot change, if first, we reengage peace through civility and mutual respect.