Month: May 2017

“I Can Only Speak for Myself — and the Russians!” — Headlined on

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I am the son of a Korean War Veteran and nephew of four WWII Veterans who risked their lives, praised those supremely sacrificed, felt inferior to those who returned never quite whole again, and endeared themselves to families left to endure the residue of war – never once thinking of themselves as America’s Greatest Generation.

I am a Veteran raised by veterans of wars, who in peace, were anonymous guardian angels, caregivers embracing those in need – bearing witness that bearing arms against foreign enemies is not our only necessary defense.

I am a Veteran who knows Veterans fighting the good fight by example, insisting, support our troops, include timely medical assistance and affordable housing.

True heroes defend us equally, from domestic violence and foreign cyber invasion – from ISIS inspired lone wolves and Alt-Reich Open Carry – from school bullies and pushy bully pulpit intimidation of world leaders.

We the People are the reflection pool of those we venerate every day, when the lives we live, honor their sacrifices, beyond flowers and flag waving.

Whether descendants of Native born, European immigrants, enslaved Africans, raped Hispanic farm labor, indentured white share croppers or Asians requisitioned to life in the mines or on the rails – diversity and unity are America’s Exceptionalism.

Bible read, denied or convenient prop — whether Ol’ Glory true blue or Party Politics belittling, demeaning and labeling others for self-defense – we face another, Gate, through which we see our hollowed-out sense of security – the dark side of, Follow the Money.

America is a Veteran of revolutionary birth, paradise lost, Depression, Wall Street induced tidal waves increasing gaps in income parity and, Bankers Remorse – all while enduring the ruthlessness of wars, responsibilities of peace and truth that, any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.

Commemorate this:  every crumbling infrastructure is Standing Rock; every grisly glossed over DeVos is Brown v. Board of Education; every Sessions fake recusal obstruction, Constitutional assassination — and every recompense, insufficient compensation for Mike Pence hypocrisy.

The arrogance and avarice of those who serve only themselves, disgraces all we honor on Memorial Day.  Within the stark differences between civic statesmanship and Corporatism is the Veteran’s query:  for what do we live, defend and die?

As Veterans of 2016, can we not reconsider what we honor, and perhaps in honor of all First Responders, refrain from calling each other, stupid, for all listening stops after that.

Nonetheless, there’s no difference between the violence seen at Trump campaign rallies, Gianforte’s body slamming a reporter and Turkish Body Guards brutally attacking peaceful American protesters on American soil – failing to recognize that, what excuse can we offer those we honor on Memorial Day, for sacrificing their lives or mental and physical health?

We are not here to judge, nor diminish the well-being of fellow Americans, for that can only dishonor the United States of America.

Life’s breath is not our gift to choke hold clean air and quality education for all.  None have been called to undercut nutritious food for children, lead-free water for cities, nor to defund creativity or allow the wealthy to slash the intellectual development of the poor.

During the transition period before Donald Trump’s Inauguration, son-in-law, Jared Kushner allegedly told Russians he wanted to set up a secret communication channel with the Kremlin to avoid scrutiny by America’s National Security structure.

For our uniformed heroes, military, fire-fighters, police, nurses, doctors and Hidden Figures, who protect and defend all Americans, let us share a Buddy Bench, in every neighborhood.

Whether a friend struggling with addiction – a family member in need of medical assistance – a nation consumed by foreign wars – or a stranger on an Oregon train, greater love has no one than this:  to lay down his life for another.

America was not given great power to serve America first, but to serve Americans who honorably serve the equality and sanctity of humankind.

We are the Memory Keepers, who carry on.  Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

Questioning Underlying Conduct and, The Unnecessary Lie:  Tapes – Headlined on

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With all due respect to Tom Brokaw, saying Trump’s firing an FBI Director heading an investigation into the possibility of both election and administration corruption, is nothing like Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre — is like saying 1950’s Korea was nothing like WWII because Truman designated it a Police Action.

Are we Isolationists or Globalists, because Trump can’t seem to get past:  the specifics are quite sensitive, to serve the American people with some degree of honesty.

So, shall we applaud agency decapitation, sacrificing truth and justice on a presidential chopping block or be examples of Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage?

In May 1934, a major dust storm swept across where the buffalo roam, to engulf our Eastern states.  In May 2017, a Twitter storm heavy-laden with manure for Base consumption – blindsided American Intelligence to wall in American character.

So, who is rotting the state, and why?

K or Main Street?  Red State Governors v. Democratic Legislatures or the outfoxed vs. Big Picture?  Is it the President’s home or the marionettes occupying it?

Are we insightful stewards or blind tourists?

Can what makes us feel safe, be safe:  knowing our self-governing experiment still fires up a sense of unifying homeland security, or being victimized by Russian hacking distracting us from an inside job of white washed money blacklisting power speaking truth? 

Are we pawns monopolized by the Checkers speech, feigning chess mastery or just cherry picking news cycles from a media vulnerable to its own myopic redundancy?

Who exemplifies, Strong and decisive action and, Safety & security of the American people — a ten-year-old girl stuffing the nostrils of an eight foot nine-inch alligator to survive, or a messianic Mike Pence?

Who restored the trust and confidence of the American people, Sally Yates or Sarah Huckabee Sanders?

Is it the liars who lie for, a very active President, or whiz-bang flip-flopping masquerading activity, making it impossible for Trump surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy?

Is America First and Middle East trip camouflage for uniting church and state, or resurrection of the old empty wheel barrel cliché?

Are more troops, more wars, more open carry, more racial, street and domestic violence inspiring both lone and loan wolves?

Have we, not so much sold out, as allowed ourselves to be rented, by leaders who auction futures for The Big Short?  Is the science of climate change all we deny, or do we too often turn up the noise to veil patriotic frauds?

From the ashes of Trumpism, can we reaffirm what is exceptional and perhaps embrace what is visionary:  the ideal that there is more to life than a paycheck, more to family than those who live and look like us, more to faith than parroting white supremacy – but little more patriotic and heroic than the millions marching in demonstration for Justice for All.

Now, with American healthcare, racial, religious, gender and generational battle lines defining, The Home of the Brave, let us courageously embrace what it means to be descendants of European immigrants in a nation increasingly evolving into the land of free to be non-European looking descendants.

Andrew Sullivan theorizes, Americans voted for Donald Trump because, ‘immigrants make them desperate for a reconfirmation of their national identity.’  I pledge allegiance to the fact that America’s awesome diversity is the magnetic proof of its greatness – and with two steps forward and one back, we are becoming the polar-opposites of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump.

Now, as truth sets us free from the core rot of Breitbart Good Ol’ Boys, we’ll see, the greatest threat to America’s greatness is, a colluding GOP.

Just as in 1938 some feared America had been overrun by Martian Aliens, in 2016, states of panic over aliens voted believing a bankruptcy king would save America from immigrants.

The only invaders we need fear are those who use our fear to divide us.

Lincoln didn’t just say, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well, he led America through its first era of, a house divided.

Now, it is for us to, add or detract!