Month: April 2023

There’s More to Artificial Intelligence than Beards, Beer Bellies and AR-15s – TREMR Featured Writer & Headlined on

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Mother Earth Weary of Her Treatment by Human Beings – Artist: Akemi Ohira

When twice impeached 45’s poll numbers and campaign contributions rise after he’s indicted, bespeaks sprouts of artificial intelligence planted by puppeteers of insurrectionists, irrigated by Trumpism secretions and nourished in the excrement of Billionaire blowback benefits by bought, boosted, betrayers bereft of Biblical behavior, birthing brothel of ratings craving media as accomplices after illusions of investigative reporting.

Further, Fox news stock drops after divorcing Tucker Carlson, but Team Trump/Carlson reassured by bully pulpit offers from RT and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, aligned with Americans still womb to tomb for mythical whites only dilutions of grandeur by America First retread.

Beware:  this all-too-common malady spreads like Covid Deniers pleading from their hospital beds to save us from their misplaced loyalty to The Big Lie before dying from putting their faith in the artificial intelligence of a clutched Bible Photo Op.

Believing the solution to, the sum of all fears:  financial problems, health issues, racial and cultural conflict is, an AR-15, is artificial intelligence.

Assuming we’re all alone, outnumbered in an unending fight for survival against people unlike us, who want to take what we have from us, is artificial intelligence spoon fed to us by people higher up the corporate economic food chain, via media mouthpieces for the super wealthy fearing we want something for nothing from them. 

Addiction to artificial intelligence breeds superiority over others fallacy, like a toxic petri dish.

The constant artificial intel programming, keeping Americans fighting each other instead of rejuvenating, United We Stand, encourages ever more violence:

  • Teens can’t make a parking lot or driveway mistake without being shot
  • Parents and childing playing in the yard can’t retrieve a straying basketball without neighborly gun violence
  • Children of all ages can’t attend school with any blessed assurance that when the final bell rings, it means the end of a school day, not another bloody result of profitable NRA marketing clichés preferring their bottom line over the agony of parents burying their children

Real intelligence is knowing the difference between right and wrong and through peaceful assembly and voting privileges, sharing that wisdom on behalf of Right, Left and Center.

Given how much artificial intelligence we elect to Congress and Gerrymandered Legislatures indoctrinated by corporate hustles against common decency – media’s constantly repeating what is no longer, Breaking News, stokes the fires of racial prejudice, Anti-Semitism and Right-Wing nocturnal emissions for re-inaugurating another January 6th precursor:  1933’s Too Big to Fail bankers’ attempt to overthrow America’s democracy.

Historically, we are both benefactors and beneficiaries of religious hypocrisy, political dishonesty and, What is Past is Prologue – and the only thing that can disengage our Hamster Wheel existence since the 1970s is to stop believing America’s problems popped up when Trump popped down on a 2015 escalator with a loathing for truth in his wake.

Since one man can make a difference, let’s cease and desist dredging up men too akin to Hitler, Kanji Ishiwara, Mussolini, Kim Jong Un, Putin and Xi Jinping.

However, it’s not Icons, but the unnamed/unknown multitudes who have always realized, determined and delivered America’s future, IF, like Jane Goodall’s hope and Rodney King’s, Can’t We All Get Along, empathy becomes our chosen default:

  • Vote to train police to shoot practice (and human) targets below the waist, AND verify addresses on site before knocking
  • Divorce all forms of hate speech
  • Remind Liberal Media that constantly repeating news of violence incited by Conservative media, perpetuates more copycat hate filled domestic terrorism
  • Elect Congressional candidates who impeach Supreme Court Justices who’ve forgotten, they, like politicians on corporate payrolls, should be legally required to, show and tell

Learn from our Past:

  • Gloating, ridiculing, or calling someone stupid does not an ally make

Now, above all, reason and plan solutions for an America dietetically connected to challenges created beyond, Fly Me to the Moon billionaires, Exxon and all Fossil Fuel Companies knew, and eating steaks, hamburgers, and almonds.

Ignoring scientific intelligence:  Americans overly consuming our inflexible cuisine choices, eating ourselves to death, permitting wealthier nations to ravage the land of poorer nations, now a major source of our food, thinking we can survive after destroying the world’s food chain:  the land in non-developed countries, embraces artificial intelligence and portends the destiny we bequeath our children’s future.

America’s future cannot survive our current head-in-the-sand artificial intelligence as we blithely continue disappearing the existence of habitable Terra Firma – for when the land is gone, human life will perish.

It Takes All Kinds to Make the World Go Round – Headline and Best of TREMR Featured Writer

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 Arguably, our Revolutionary & 1812 wars – and both WWI (to end all wars) and WWII ending with anti-life on earth proof that the Land of the Free, was free to use atomic bombs to end both the war and any future attempt to attack or invade, the Beacon of Hope for the World.

And yet, in 2001 the most powerful military building on earth was successfully attacked and both NYC World Trade Towers were destroyed with a loss of 3,000 lives – allowing the kind of Americans longing to shock one kind of American and awe a different kind of American into two of the longest wars in American history.

For more than 90% of our 247 years as, The United States of America, we have been a war kind of nation. 

Continuing to believe our 21st Century political circus acts (and actors), particularly Kevin McCarthy’s House Majority members, Tennessee State Republican Legislators and America’s 45th (Der Führer), we will forever be treated like clowns.

I never was a fan of Richard Nixon, or canonizing Ronald Reagan, but through the lens of our past half century – including my directing Russel Lee’s, Nixon and Kissinger for American Playwright Lanford Wilson at his Circle Rep Theater and Bush/Cheney sanctioning torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo War Crimes – I discovered more than one crook has been elected president.

However, the alarming number of politicians we’ve elected to Congress and Governor mansions since 2001, and the Red Mapping of America by Koch-heads and the kind of people akin to Karl Rove:  clearly Reagan’s often repeated, a city upon a hill, is in the beholding eye of the kind of immigrants still yearning to breathe free.

Ever-increasingly, the kind of Americans in the majority have allowed the AK-15 kind of American minority, with violent intent (albeit, sans white hoods) to destroy our, American Dream from within – particularly when inspired by the sensationalism of Corporate owned Media talking heads sitting on The Right knee of Corporatism’s strangle hold on Congressional politicians, Governors, Red State Legislatures and Foxy liars, rising from the ambers of June 2019 escalator decent into our self-imposed infamy:  ignoring American History…

  • Each different nationality/race became the new hyphenated American culture de Jour, violently resisted by previous new Americans who preceded their arrival – seemingly assuming that assimilating meant treating each new immigrant culture with the same malice aforethought they themselves had endured when at the end of the Sweet Land of Liberty Ellis Island line
  • Enslaved Africans weren’t offered the choice of assimilation, being welcomed only for their free labor so critical to Antebellum economic survival
  • Our 1865—1968 assassinations bared our collective default to separate and unequal, from the Republican 50-year-plan through real-time manipulation by powerfully moneyed house-hold company names addicting us to being sold on over consumerism for instant gratification.

Even K.I.S.S. has been adopted to motivate, program and brand us with rented front men, until we lose all temptation to investigate, question authority and seek the truth that sets us free from the brainwashers. 

Injecting tribalism into the fabric of America’s soul is far more devastating, because we ourselves have become the laceration in the hands of mind-bending, and the dehumanizing line-item creators, we grant the freedom to limit our memories and numb our response to insurrection, political liars united in big lies like:  gun violence against children is all part of growing, or not growing up.   

Nonetheless, it’s not only the daily corporate media indoctrination, nor those weaponizing the Jan 6th poles of Old Glory, but rather the mesmerized by propaganda acceleration eagerly following the  Pied Piper kind.

Most Americans boast, America remains, Everything Everywhere All at Once, while ignoring the reasons for avoidable annual American Deaths:

Cigarettes 480,000+, Alcohol 140,000+, Opioids 80,000+, Fentanyl laced drugs 70,000+ and guns:  in 2018, 70,040 people defended themselves with guns – while 484,800 died from gun violence.

We need to elect leaders who care more about the lives of our children than their income from Americans who consistently pay smaller percentages in taxes than their employees.

Like the world, it takes all kinds to make America, America: and now is the time for every American to decide what kind of American they are:

  • Police beating unarmed suspects to death, or community leaders
  • 2023 bigots believing lynching is their racial birthright or defending Justice for All
  • A SCOTUS Jurist relishing in luxurious gifts from Mega GOP Donor or Equal Justice Under Law

What kind of America we’ll be, depends upon the kind of Americans we are.