Month: October 2012

October Surprise: Super SANDY Politics

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Perhaps Super SANDY is face slap for minds wired shut by money too dirty to be laundered glazing over our hearts and votes with false promises of fast solutions from fake patriots.

Ready or not, sometimes God steps in to settle it: there is no settling for lesser of two evils, when there are no two equals…

+ One faces depressed time of wars to help navigate altered lives, sue for peace and like Abraham, saves the union

+ One keeps secrets with the real voter frauds who use God’s name to dupe a nation, increasing their international wealth on the backs of education cuts, Big Bird, dead-lined ERA & Equal Pay, making a liar out of renovated Lady Liberty and under 55 Medicare promises.

Perhaps gods inhale our lost hope and exhale renewed wind beneath our wings, with rain force washing away short term memory loss from our mind’s eye – a Divine blow back for reason?  Or truth about good, bad and ugly we made in our own image…

+ Humpty Dumpty primed to take the fall

+ Vain capital victims now without power over flip flopping paper endorsements and mitts banefully finger flipping us down the road of government haters

+ Bested by those cresting public levees to limit private levies

The Wind Blows, the Sea flows but only the gods know what we have wrought upon ourselves as we abandon hope and welcome fairy tales from ‘true the vote’ wolves keeping some at bay from voting booth say.

For those who listen more than less, wisdom is in the wind…

+ less about what we think we know; more about what we choose to ignore

+ less about speech makers, media pundits and sound bites; more about audience supporters

+ less about the puppeteers in the shadows; more about those kept in the darkness of disinformation, misinformation and selective information

+ less about group think in back rooms producing etch-a-sketch flexibility; more about falling for last debate centering

+ less about the empty promises of opportunists palpitating for the thrill of the title, over actually governing; more about audience motivation for cheers, applause and fears

Absurd debating booing a gay soldier risking life on the field of battle, as one of the one percent who go to war to fight and die for the one ‘percenters’ with “other priorities,” courageous enough to demonstrate in favor of war, and cowardly enough not to put themselves or five sons in harm’s way.

Perhaps civility and cooperation are the lessons to learn in the before and after calm of Super SANDY, rediscovering, if only out of necessity, ‘love thy neighbor as thyself’ as ‘it is more blessed to give.’

Timing is Divine: wonder if Super SANDY comes to purge, cleanse and purify our shores of billionaire hypocrites of wars.  Abraham, are there ten non-Koch heads not steeped in secrets, lies, bias and inability to understand the horror that is rape, or are we left with……

+ Those Akin to Sununu who chicken run from truth of their mutual ad allegiance with what God wills for women

+ Those who front for money rumps who seek domination of nation

+ Those who tea stain a woman’s ultimate right:  the choice of not being sexually assaulted by unwanted probes from either individual penises or Conservative pricks

The real ‘Frankenstorm’ threatening USA is the rising tide of acceptance of obvious shifts in position to manipulate, maneuvering us to vote against what’s best for all. Careful we don’t allow rational thought to drift out with the low tide.

Please be safe this Super SANDY week, and next week keep all of us safe, by recognizing those trying to sell us the very outhouse in which they foreclosed on us, by casting your vote for those who believe this about America…..

+ There is no love for God and Country without love for all God’s creations – earth and all that live upon it.

+ What is legitimate is not rape, but this:  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

“God Wills It!”

Plague of Divisiion Corrupts Ability to connect dots between National Inception and Romnesia Infection

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If you don’t know why Constitutional 12th Amendment was added to protect infant Republic from mob rule mentality, you might be a “Put the white back in the White House” Romnesiac

If you believe we’re worse off than when Cheney’s burning Bush scorched our economy, you might be a cinder simmering in Romnesia

But, if you know the difference between Socialism and Communism, you might be a high school graduate


If you blame the President for high gas prices, but “remain silent” when they drop, you might be a Romnesiac

If you Rush to mislead and target opponents with gun sight cross-hairs, you might be a shooter, mentally ill with Romnesia

However, if unlike Virginia’s 30,000 machine gun owners you leave the ‘Ol West’ in movies, and hang up your 9-mm semi automatics, you might be the enlightened one


If you give insurance companies a pass on pre-existing conditions and youthful coverage until 26, you might be a Romnesiac

If you think the U. N. is an abstract adjunct moocher of America  like Mitt’s ‘47%,’ you might be ‘in your cups’ or an intellectually challenged S. E. Cup of Romnesia

But, if you believe in informed thinking before you speak, you might realize the U. N. personifies international thought


If you are all clammy to limit a president to one term by obstructing legislation to help Americans out of ‘The Great Recession,’ you might be a Mitch Romnesiac

If you poo-pooed “The Grand Bargain,” dumping on Social Security and Medicare, while sparing extremely wealthy taxation, you might be a Ryan, lyin’ about Romnesia

However, if you can discern between cable opinionated pretend news and corporate owned networks, you might be an undecided voter


If you used the debt ceiling politically, sacrificing compromise and civility, you might be a Young Guns Romnesiac

If you are a billionaire pied piper marching Congress to polarize our nation, you might be both host and carrier of Romnesia

But, if you are an American who believes being American means treating all Americans equally and humanely, you might be a hero


If you believe secret PAC political ads, you might have had unsafe sex with an infected Romnesiac

If you blocked legislation recognizing the right of ALL to marry their loved ones, you might be a Mormon Church disciple of Romnesia

However, if you see big picture and listen to views of others, you might be a descendent of our Founding Fathers


If you believe Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Jon Steward and Stephen Colbert are Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, then “good night & good luck,” cuz you might be a joke’s on you Romnesiac

If “you people” still believe “I love you women,” you might be a victim of Ledbetter Law Romnesia

But if you are a man who supports a woman’s full and equal citizenship, you might be an Equal Rights Amendment savoir


If you practice ‘my way or the highway,’ you might be a Conservative Governor Romnesiac

If you fail to see the need for a President, except for his ‘digits,’ you might be a Grover Norquist puppet inoculated with Romnesia

However, if you believe we are a ‘Republic if you can keep it,’ you might be a force against ‘flip flopping’ & Filibustering pretend patriots


If you’re frank about twisting words to spin people into voting against themselves, you might be a ‘Tricky Dick’ Luntz Romnesiac

If you pay to keep the fake fact checkers unchecked, you might be a Koch brother spreading Romnesia

But if you want America to be ‘all for one and one for all,’ you might be a real patriot


If you can’t recognize similarities between new voter ID laws and 1959 Virginia Governor closing public schools rather than integrate them, you might be a Romnesiac

If you vote for those who shout “liar” during State-of-the Union and praise “legitimate rape,” you might be a nightmare of Romnesia

However, if you refuse to donate to any Congressional candidate who obstructs bi-partisanship, you might be a Coffee Dreamer


If you choose to bet on America’s past rather than its future, you might be an Adelson Romnesiac

If you’ve forgotten how Bush/Cheney ‘Left Behind’ all of us, you might be in deep Romnesia

But, if you think being born in Detroit to a car company owning father sounds like, “I can see Russia from my house” foreign policy, you might be ready for the voting booth


If you think reminding a presidential candidate of American military updates is a “cheap shot,” you might be a “bomb, bomb Iran” McCain Romnesiac

If you think third debate was between a desperate Obama and a “man with the kind of temperament and demeanor that makes for a great president” you might be a Ryan & Milbank double dipping in Romnesia

However, if you think “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it,” you might be an informed voter, voting for campaign reform, saving America from American Crossroads double cross


If you believe mutual respect for all Americans is ‘The tie that binds’ the Declaration, Constitution, Gettysburg and “Old Glory” to our moving ‘Forward,’ you might be our true blue fair and balanced future.

‘Money Changers’ can’t steal your power to think, unless you give them the power of your vote.