Month: January 2016

To What are Americans Entitled? OpEdNews Headlined Sun 1/31/15

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Akemi Pipelines SmallNot a Day Goes By, that I don’t remember how Watergate had So Many People shocked to discover American presidents, like Communist dictators, maintained hit lists – and still we’re shocked that cutting costs, at the expense of the health of children, can result in their city water supply being poisoned by its state government.

Can we all join Mona Hanna-Attisha, Rachel Maddow, Hillary Clinton and Andrea Miller in, Not While I’m Around?

Not a Day Goes By, that I don’t wonder how conservatives insist patriotism is emancipation from the federal government, while drowning America in too many Food Deserts, too few school nurses and too little awareness of how many lead water pipes exist, undisclosed, from sea to shining sea.

Denial is a terrible disease for a nation, or people, because Children Will Listen.

Take Me to the World, where assuming earth’s resources are limitless, and overconsuming our constitutional right, and I’ll show you a Good Thing Going, going, gone.  Anyone Can whistle, My Country tis of Thee while occupying Oregon, Congress or even Governors’ mansions, but must 47% of us vote like Sooner or Later never comes?

Not a Day Goes By with peace on earth if in our past, we have already left behind our children’s future.  On Main Street or behind the wall of The Street, No One is Alone in failing to be responsible adults accountable for our greatest infrastructure:  children.

Maybe not Everybody Ought to have a Maid, but imagine We Built That CEOs taking the road less traveled by.

Not a Day Goes By, without my pondering why America has transformed from Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley to, over the top Steve Kornacki, condescending Luke Russert and know-it-all Chuck Todd – but Send in the Clowns:  Glenn Beck, Matt Lauer and Bill O’Reilly, and the laughs are on us.

Why is it, Not a Day Goes By, without emerging Koch head Governors corrupting our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with substandard handling practices and Emergency Manager Laws?

There Won’t Be Trumpets November 8, 2016 for those who take the elderly Into the Woods, abandoning them to Alzheimer’s, and calling it Family Values.  We are defined by how we lift up our fellow human beings, for that is the Love I Hear missing through feet of snow, flooding cities, and racial slurs.

Is not Ol’ Red, White and Blue Glory, only as exceptional as Flint, Ferguson, Cleveland, Detroit, Harris County Texas, South Florida and the Supreme Court of Wall Street?

From declared independence to slavery, to congressionally inspired Draft Riots, saving the ‘Affluenza’ Teen Ethan Couch types from being bloodied by war – not a single day, is American harmony limited to one Francis Scott Key.

From the Harlem Renaissance to 9/11, America is those who first respond by voting; those standing up for equality in the face of a Nixon used and Trump abused silent majority chanting for an imperfect work in progress to recapture its greatness in reruns of Father Knows Best about Gunsmoke

Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful for people like, immediate past Chair of Albemarle County Virginia Board of Supervisors, Jane Dittmar, who campaigns for Congress to Get Connected to We the People, rather than descend to depths of Buckingham County supervisors’ choice to entangle its constituency in the octopus of Methane Gas pipelines.

America is as complex as our Native, African, Latin, Asian, European immigrant Her & History, and as potentially tragic as West Side Story.  So now is never the time to right step our way into a Sweeny Todd nation, cutting out All Things Bright and Beautiful.

America, You Could Drive a Person Crazy, but whether Sunday in the Park with George or Poor Thing, we must remain Together wherever we go!

Too Many Secrets

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Not knowing about the politically imprisoned former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman or the private rich and powerful men’s Bohemian Don Segelman SmallGrove Club or what happened to the Electric Car and why, is not the problem.  Not being interested enough to investigate, however, is a national life and death choice.

Knowledge is our only power, so let’s not waste it by continuing to look for the root of our free society demise in ISIL, China’s economy or Putin’s Russia.

The secrets we seek are seamlessly interwoven in our national fabric, by the overseers:  Robber Barons’ attempted coup — Truman NSA/CIA marriage — Dulles brothers’ Military Industrial Complex – #41 empire Dallas hit on #35 dynasty — Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney new war order — trumped voters succumbing to Cruz hypocrisy — corporate pretend news media — climate injustice — environmental buffoonery.

Without questioning is it enough to acknowledge the existence of political hacks, PACs and the Bilderberg Group?  What about Prescott/FDR, George H. W./CIA, GWB/Social Security and Karl Rove/televised tearful White House farewell?

Aren’t we just a little bit curious about how our Pentagon lost track of 8.5 Trillion Dollars?  Could it be the Foggy Bottom of war?  How much of our tax dollars are spent on Government Covert activities like, domestic spying offering up our personal and private information for Corporate bottom-lines?

If one President can transform an imprisoned island into a private prison, why can’t another, most powerful man in the world, close Guantanamo?  And whatever happened to our elders’ $1.37 Trillion #43 Bush borrowed from Social Security to finance Iraq war while granting tax cuts to those who don’t need Trickle-Down subsidies?

Should we wonder as we wander in tunnel vision maze, about Wall Street’s secret haze?

Isn’t it beyond ironic that third in line slave owner, ultimately couldn’t protect our Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, without our declaring Democracy isn’t a spectator sport.  Was Jefferson’s warning about unchecked power of corporations and banks, time sensitive?  How about now?

How many know this open secret:  the FED neocons want shutdown is not run by the federal government they want to shut down?  From Silver Certificate to Federal Reserve Note, the U. S. Federal Reserve Bank is more private oil cartel than agency of, by and for the people.

Does understand how Black Gold, white supremacists and selective media coverage tea stain America’s rainbow?  If not, it certainly knows protesting Corporatism’s income centers does more to keep the Republic for which we stand, than camping, tent ensconced, in parks with laptops.

Why not focus our right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances…

  • in the lobbies and executive parking lots of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Citi-Bank
  • on Social Media of Exxon Knew, Philippines’ nemesis Chevron, under-the-table double dealing Shell, Gulf destroyer BP – and
  • in the hallways of Congress

While it still, actually matters, who the President is, do we really want to elect puppets of water supply poisoners, Methane Gas leakers, Coal Ash distributors, misanthropic climate deniers, bigots and those prone to incite violence against hyphenated Americans?

When I was a child, I always wanted to be Zorro and save damsels in distress, but when I became a man, I realized, not only is the pen mightier than the sword, it’s stronger than oligarchy, more rational than Open Carry and more honorable than GOP Debaters.

Whatever our politics, America will be the best it can be, to the degree all of We the People emulate Abraham Lincoln, Alice Paul, Emma Lazarus, The New Deal, John F. Kennedy, Rosa Parks, Bobby Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr – and if necessary, maybe even Manning and Snowden.

Questions?  Start asking, seeking and knocking – because there are too many secrets.

Kennedy Official Portrait