Bill of Rights

Presidential Bookends John F. Kennedy and Joe Biden Crying Out:  Wake Up! Best of TREMR, Headlined

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I write to all Americans under fifty-years-old, pleading on behalf of all Americans under thirty-years-old who don’t know the trouble we, and they will see, if we fail to unite, to actually embody the truths we’ve claimed to be since Lincoln’s emancipating Gettysburg Address.

Current Financial Truths:

  • Inflation at lowest point in 2 1/2 years
  • Unemployment rate below 4% for longest time since 1960s
  • American economy defies Recession predictions

Yet, with our post-Watergate loss of faith in government, most Americans are in voter accountability denial regarding the Governors, members of Congress and Presidents we elect.

We 2023 Americans need to recapture the best within us to alleviate both our inner turmoil, for reality check on our individual responsibility for it. 

Perhaps President Kennedy’s physical, intellectual and political courage might inspire us:  to thy own Constitution, be true.

  • August 1943 – saving his crew after PT-109 was sunk by enemy destroyer.
  • April 1961 – endured CIA betrayal   
  • October 1962 saving world from Cuban nuclear Missile Crisis despite General Curtis LeMay & others disobeying his orders

Joe Biden isn’t as youthful, witty or charismatic as our thirty-fifth, forty-six-year-old president, but despite being born with a stutter, the death of his first wife and daughter and the loss of his forty-six-year-old son Beau to Brain Cancer, our 46th president remains an intellectually savvy, emotionally calm and politicly steady negotiator with a respectful embrace of both Constitutional law and his Roman Catholic faith – in the face of America’s enemies within, and the foreign demagogues they choose to imitate.  And, like Presidents Carter and Clinton, President Biden remains committed to a two-state solution in the Middle East.

In the 1860s, Lincoln was challenged to save America.  In the 1960s, Kennedy was challenged to save the entire world – and both made the ultimate sacrifice to fulfill their oath to do so. 

These presidents earned our respect, gratitude and Hail to the Chief.

In stark contrast, the 6 January 2021 domestic terrorism by gullible MAGA insurrectionists programmed to destroy American democracy, stains our American Dream with Right-Wing religious hypocrisy in a faux patriotic cesspool too akin to that of Ordinary Men who were willing to shoot German Jews, to camouflage their cowardice.

It is for honest, reasonable voting patriots to alleviate our inner turmoil by exorcising from our nation’s bowels any violent pretense of American patriotism.

Like President Kennedy, it could be said that America is in danger of receiving, the last rites, again– not because of the age of President Joe Biden, who clearly recognizes the humanitarian pragmatism of the world’s two most powerful economies and militaries needing to communicate, if not for world peace, at least for global co-existence

Nonetheless, as Pennsylvania’s John Dickinson said, most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor

In other words:  when easy access to guns is our default choice against real or imagined economic fear driven anger, America reaps the futility of divorcing, ask what you can do for your country, to wed itself to leaders who rant that we can gain the entire world without losing our national soul to self-destruction.

2023 third party candidates and non-voters are shoving American democracy under the boot of an Ol’ Time Religion demonically twisted by Corporatism’s bottom line and the corrupted political egos it rents.

On 11 October 1963, forty-two days before President Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas Texas, he wrote a National Security Action Memoranda number 263 (NSAM 263) titled, “South Vietnam” – stating his intention for a complete withdrawal of America’s 17,000 Advisors in South Vietnam.

Had LBJ not ignored it, there would have been no

  • American Vietnam War
  • 58,220 military deaths
  • POW John McCain
  • Kent State
  • Divided America:  young vs. experienced

Time is running out for American voters to keep an essential promise:  unedited Education, unburned books and unlimited intellectual curiosity for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Imagine, the oldest democracy in the world failing to rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, because the youngest voters among us betrayed the future of Americans younger than they.

Until Americans of every race, color, creed and age vote, there can be no thank God Almighty, we are free at last, Home of the Brave!

Until all Americans vote to preserve, protect and defend all of our history, healthcare needs and books, there will be no, Land of the Free.

Until legal voters, eighteen and older, actually vote, America’s next moment is not guaranteed.

There are many things in life we cannot change, but nothing we cannot change, if first, we reengage peace through civility and mutual respect. 


America: The Field of Dreams, Occasionally – Headlined, Featured Writer

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We are no longer what we thought we were. The good/bad/ugly truth is:  it didn’t begin with Donald Trump. 

However, like a Booth decapitation, Don the Con played Koch-heads by bolstering, the South Shall Rise Again, reawakening faux patriotism whitewashing seething hate for our Justice for All, Field of Dreams.

Increasingly, our age-group, categorical culture, or political comfort zone, is proliferating our weaknesses into a new all-inclusive enslavement:  reverberating January 6, 2021.

Whether Right, Left or fence wobblers, we’ve allowed ourselves to be brought by lazy repetitive corporate media, Wall Street warlord peddlers  and Flag-waving Constitutionally illiterate Conservatives, into a collective self-deceiving trifecta – which, if American democracy is to survive, we’ve got some serious soul searching scaffolds to strengthen sooner, or lose any forward mobility away from the 21st century corporate board room occupants who’ve mangled our American Dream potential into their bowed Bill of Rights

Violently clinging to manipulated memories of the good ol’ days of Southern poll taxes, Northern Molasses to Rum to Slaves, to national Book burning, MAGA Republicans have spawned a new nation offering up domestic gun violence invigorating the worst among our hypocrisy ridden politicians, and a heartland turning Evangelicalism, heartless.

First, they elected Tricky Dick twice, and then an administration of war criminals spinning our massive 9/11 tragedies into absolution of their complicity in the death and maiming of thousands of American and foreign lives – while washing their hands in JD Rockefeller’s black gold residue.

Unscrupulously marketed, post-WWII Americans were brainwashed into believing we are superior to all life on earth:  better than anyone, at anything, anywhere!  We weren’t, however, and still aren’t – not even North of the Mason–Dixon line.  

Truly, it is okay not to be perfect, but it is perhaps the most sinful self-deception to think, and worse, proclaim, ourselves morally superior to all.

Current, Too Big to Jail, Robber Barons are Americans contributing, for profit, to our polluted water, food inequity and nebulous air quality on an earth being devoured from the inside out.

Whether negligently forgetting or simply anticipating a planetary relocation (for those who pay) – economic elitists are ignoring our human responsibility to be Stewards (not rapists) of the earth. 

What will MAGA Americans, shadowing Ohio’s Pied Piper, Jim Jordan, profit if he gains the whole world by forfeiting American souls?

Yet, for some, truth struggles to reveal itself:  historically most of America’s troubles have been caused when blindly following the lust for power of grumpy old Caucasian men.

Nonetheless, not all old white men are anti-democracy and anti-humanity trumped.  So, discarding a stuttering kid who became President of the United States for a big liar’s Big Lie, is suicidal.

The American Experiment isn’t so much failing as it is being failed.  Parents with little education in education demanding teachers, teach students what their parents were taught:  memorized dates, times tables and half-truths until we too become dittos, for leaders of institutionalized religion, hateful Governors and stockpiles of Wall Street’s Countinghouses:  Financial institutions sliming the American Dream.

We have been programmed to look away from the true villains:  oil company Boards and owners of private prisons, inciting homeland in-fighting over lies they tell us.

In any attempt to disappear the power of a nation’s electorate, the perpetrators’ public faces disguise the devils who take from all deemed easily taken:  numbers like figures on a block – becoming figures on a ledger!

 The CEO to average worker pay ratio:  1965:  20 to 1;  1989:  44 to 1;  Today: 400 to 1.

Enabling future generations to make better choices than we, we need replace book burning with character development through objective evaluation, to prevent supreme Koch puppeteers from keeping us in our place. 

Parroting, mistakes were made, we spoke and understood as children in a Reagan fantasy where Welfare Queens were branded unworthy.

Like children, we thought political profiteers Bob Menendez and Jared Kushner wouldn’t repeat Joe McCarthy and Agnew’s deceits.

But, aging out of childhood, we must put away childish things like a president who compromises our national security more than Tommy Tuberville.

We must master rational thought, adult civility and the discernment to recognize the manipulation of patriotism by craven corporatism filling our stomachs, by sacrificing our international food sources, increasing denials from health insurers and Climate Change blitz.

Whether we believe in a little sand from the dust of earth’s surface, a touch of life-giving ocean saltwater – stirred, by the unshakable, with something borrowed, a rib perhaps, in a garden paradise breaming with flowers, shrubs, garnished with life and wisdom bestowing trees, or millions of years evolving from the sea, through artistic caves, to Grand Central Station – generations of powerfully ensconced money-changers will continue to profit from our raging against each other, fighting their war against our freedom to dream.