Month: May 2013

What We Choose to Honor Matters

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In early 2012, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, war was declared on American women by men like Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson, Mark Obenshain, Bob McDonnell, Rob Bell and members of Virginia’s General Assembly.  How and when we follow in the footsteps of those to whom Memorial Day is dedicated and, like them, defend the Constitution of the United States, matters.

This is not a war for the violence of guns and pepper spray, but rather of visits, calls, and letters that educate Congress:  until all of us are equal in the Constitution, all matter less.

Honoring our Stature of Liberty welcoming promise to our immigrant ancestors; honoring Moms, Dads, Teachers, First Responders to disaster and tragedy and calling out a Paul Tudor Jones traitor to equality, honoring female traders who trade, mother and repel the bondage of inequality imposed by men who’ve forgotten what matters; honoring both sexes who fought to defend “Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,” we honor Memorial Day every day, and it matters.

Who do you remember and what do you think about on Memorial Day?  I remember Mom and how much she mattered at church and home, and how much she mattered to my Veteran of two wars, Dad.

I remember Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, John Kennedy’s New Frontier, Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, Bill Clinton’s “arithmetic” government surplus, Obamacare and 2009 Lilly Ledbetter Act – and I remember Wall Street rewarded for attempted economic murder of Main Street.

Memories of what matters are reset every Memorial Day, like letters from home to Philadelphia reminded Founding Fathers, the road to freedom passes through sacrifice and justice to get to equality.

I remember, despite Declaration of Independence exceptions, our mold for who matters was cast, ‘for better or worse,’ and the road to equality, though less travelled, was paved with the ‘blood, sweat and tears’ of all those left out, until next installment of who matters, on New Year’s Day 1863.

I remember teachers to whom education mattered, making me feel I mattered — Teachers like those in Moore Oklahoma and Sandy Hook who threw themselves between wrath of God and madness of man to protect and serve.

I remember 9/11 and those who, by land and East River, raced to help those in need, disregarding colors, political parties and sexual preferences.  I remember learning at mass, ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.’

Honoring Commanders-in-Chief, I remember all the women standing in line, just behind, kept below, and salute Sergeant Molly Hayes, Anna Maria Lane, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Emma Lazarus, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Marian Anderson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Henrietta Lacks, Rosa Parks, Hillary Clinton, one hundred women buried at Normandy Beach, more than a thousand volunteer Air Force Service Pilots (WASP aviators), who flew in much needed wartime supplies to those in battle, including delivering bombers and many other types of aircraft, and I’m haunted by those maimed or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan especially those raped by our own.

Truth is, America can’t be exceptional until without exception, penis or not, every American is constitutionally equal.  This is the very fiber in which we are woven together with Eden, Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor and Memorial Day, and if we don’t want this ‘infra-structure’ of society to fail from neglect like our bridges, we need to insist Congress and State Houses acknowledge, ‘Women Matter.’

The failure to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment or even eliminate the deadline to do so, with H.J.Res.43 andS.J.Res.15 matters – Yes, Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, this legislation matters.

Scandals or Solutions: It’s Our Choice

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Pick a scandal, any scandal, whichever GOP “look over there” distraction you prefer, but know, we are the central intelligence for solutions: first step – stop electing pretend patriots.

If your head is spinning from media hyperbole, you might be a misinformed patriot, but when you use the power of distractions from building a Walmart to save a JC Penny from pounds of Bangladesh flesh, trapped in GAP of collapsed Target fashions, you might be a corporate patriot.

If you think putting men in charge of preventing rape in the Military is best, you might be a triple threat candidate for Fort Hood Army sergeant first class, or Fort Campbell sexual assault prevention program manager, or AF head for sexual abuse prevention program, dug in five-sided symbol of male power.

‘When there’s a 35% increase in unreported sexual assault incidents over two years, totaling 26,000 up from 19,300 in 2010,’ And The Hill & Media are pushing fake Benghazi scandal, while ignoring fashion statement of 1,100 dead (up from 146 dead in 1911 NYC Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire – mostly women 16—23 years old ) and forgetting if Obama was micro-managing our tax returns, he would have found those MIAs belonging to Mitt Romney, you might be a selective patriot.

BUT, we do have real scandals and we need real patriots to address them, like Jim Graves (MN),  Ed Markey (MA) andEd Marksberry (KY), not to mention Terry McCauliffe saving Virginian women from the “War on Women” warrior Ken Cuccinelli who doesn’t know his running mate “well enough.”

  • 1st Scandal:  the immensely complicated constant search for balance between protecting American civilians & military both here and abroad, without delivering us into the evil of surveillance cameras overkill and diminished freedom of the Press to investigate and inform.  Drones & Gitmo vs. Acts of Terror – Foreign & Domestic, compete to diminish our freedom to Marathon, Parade and Gather Together without fear.

Of course, when Media chooses to report unverified, repetitious, if it bleeds it leads, opinionated garbage in garbage out, over-simplified soundbite drivel, then “The Fourth Branch of Government” has committed ‘Mediacide’ and with pre-emptive strike, traded in its First Amendment Freedoms, for “Citizens United” abuses.

  • 2nd Scandal;  if “We the People,” continue re-electing, to The House of Representatives, Governors’ Mansions and the U. S. Senate, self-serving, power hungry, cracker bribed parrots, expecting soaring eagles, and, that alone, a President can dictate to all three to deliver change we can believe in, we might be  ‘Ostrichsized’ patriots, but if we are the inept or immoral ‘play within the play’ caricatures playing Americans for fools, we might be a Bachman or Mitch patriot.

If we continue to believe the myths of distraction are truthful, our national truth becomes a myth.

America’s heritage comes from immigrants, and was not intended as whitewash cover for Heritage Foundation scandal promotion.  Working middle class Americans weary of corporate & government “bull-hockey,” just might be common sense patriots, asking “What About Us?” But if you love the Cantor banter of a House divided gone Hollywood with on camera grandstanding, then you just might be a scandal monger patriot.

If you use “Deficit Ceiling” to camouflage budget cuts to education, after school programs and elder care, you might be a European austerity patriot.

Yes, IRS zealots, like Hoover’s FBI, have abused Mission since 1959, so instead of fighting Affordable Health Care for all, or a possible first female president, why aren’t we demanding fewer game show hosts in Congress and more jobs voting patriots?

If you dismiss minority H. S.dropouts, ignore University grad’s $200,000 student loan debt and Banks “Dual Tracking” homeowners into foreclosure, you might be a ‘me, me, me’ patriot, but if you truly believe ‘there but for the Golden Rule,’ you are a real American patriot, who is not fooled by GOP obstructions….