Bank of America

Why I’m Thankful for Trump: He Throws Our Myths in Our Two Faces ( Headline; Best of TREMR)

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Undeterred by intrusive elbows, fingered ribs and crushed toes, grinding diverse human complexities, mesmerized by the myth that the brass ringmaster’s rigged rejuvenated racism will be our OPM brass ring, millions ignore almost 266,000 deaths and risked the lives of family and friends, to delete historical truth best served up as, Native American Day.

Even without a global pandemic limiting our ability to ravenously push, shove and kick our way through human trafficking determined to outdo each other in an uncivil struggle to maintain the art of the deal myth of greatness, Black Friday persevered.

Why insist Trump clan, exit stage Right in thanksgiving?  The wisdom of hindsight. 

Looking beyond Fox, Facebook and CNN CliffNotes to our humanity pandemic core, allowing any president or administration to ignore our sick & dying, frontline medical responders, teachers and children, in collaboration with an apathetic Senate deserting, Checks and Balances, demands we pay close attention to those for whom, law and order, support our troops, “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans – thankful the trumped remind us of our neglect of patriotism’s call for renewed Stewardship of Earth, Environmental Climate and love thy neighbor as thyself.  So, please say, thank you.

The best holiday gift is the bitter pill of realization:  nothing about Trump is original.  He, and all of his tangled web are weaved from the crooked presidential lineage of Nixon’s Watergate, Reagan’s government is the problem andBush/Cheney/Wolfowitz forever oil wars.

Yes, it was misguided to be guided by those whose take-away from Friday 11/22—Monday 11/25/63 news coverage, gave birth to a nation of 24/7 media talking heads, who unable to fill the time, simply shuffled, stirred and repeated more akin to gossip over the backyard fence.

Truly, we can thank the people of Fox News, CNN and Facebook for aiding and abetting Trump’s success at playing both sides against all living between our Mid-Atlantic and Silicon Valley, increasingly disappeared by those who profit more from divide and conquer, than United We Stand.

The Good, Bad and Ugly American in us all is, no man is an island.  Long before pandemic lockdowns, we put our faith in the quantity of garnered toys, our hope in buying the next bar-hopping round(s) believing it, love

Donald Trump isn’t the only one deserving our thanks for this.

In an America divided into three tribes; those united in a Mafia, Gestapo, Cartel styled union of member clones resembling institutions like Wells Fargo, the many banks of Bank of America, Sinclair Broadcast Group, Goldman Sachs and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation which succeeded by financing political puppets who willing assist in their cultivating adversarial and mutually antagonistic distrust, indeed hate between the other two: 

  1. Extreme reactionaries indoctrinated by the misinformation of organizations like the NRA, the now infamous Charles Koch feigning political conscience and QAnon
  2. Self-proclaimed Liberals, Progressives, Black Lives Matter and all Americans who have been de facto second-class citizens since 1776

We can thank Trump enablers Giuliani, Pence, Bill Barr, and Mitch McConnell for our revelation that America’s Constitution is but poetic hyperbole on yellowed parchment, until We The People elect to will it into the achievable Exceptionalism of, one person, one vote.

In thanksgiving, hold these truths to be self-evident: 

  • Trumpism isn’t dead, it merely sleeps within us, some deeply, but in others as tormenting nightmares of having lost the myth of supremacy  
  • It is for us, the electoral winning half, to abandon gloating, ridicule and holier-than-thou smirks, for the moral distinction between us is as thin as the Gettysburg Address was succinct
  • Those deemed, too big to jail, in the shadows attempting to reinstall governments beholden to the special interests of the mega puppeteers of ill-gotten gain

So, let’s cease and desist fighting with each other over what we’re against, and instead, elect what’s best about America for all life on earth:  bridging the abyss that was created to fool, program and subjugate us.

When 2020’s American life severs the tie that binds us to the best within us, remember in thanksgiving, since 2008 we elected an African American president, survived the Great Recession, Birthers, Ebola and Tea Party Movement, endured presidential pandemic neglect, discovered the mettle of essential workers we never thanked, healthcare professionals we’ll never forget and scientists who can conquer global pandemics but not a closed mind, while managing to elect an Indian/Asian/Jamaican American daughter of immigrants Vice-President, and so grateful for a man born with a stutter, we elected him President of the United States. 

So, what is it exactly we think we cannot do when running together?

And a Child Shall Lead Them, Unless the NRA Kills Them First – Headlined on

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Let us embrace in patriotic thanksgiving, all corporations and NRA members who now see the bloody truth of mass murder products and now clinch the cure:  boycotts and ballots vs. domestic terrorism and the repetitive pools of blood it inflicts.

Parkland police proved Trump wrong and grieving father, Andrew Pollack, mistaken, for there is no school safety without sensible reforms that cap the merger between guns’ profiteers and gun violence.

It’s not a suicidal AR-15 carrying shooter who is afraid to enter the fray of gun violence in a public school.  It’s LaPierre’s, good man with a gun.  It’s not just conservatives as ignorant as Betsy DeVos or as arrogant as her appointer, our 45th.

It’s not just Rick Scott and Marco Rubio trying to dodge political bullets.  It’s fifteen Democrats voting with forty-five Republicans against proposed ban on assault weapons in the aftermath of a gun assassin killing twenty Sandy Hook Elementary School six & seven-year-olds and six adults, with his Bushmaster XM-15 – a line of AR-15 semi-automatic.

It’s not about political parties, but politicized policies.

Twenty-years after Columbine, during which gun laws have been increasingly weakened, Congressional Republicans in 2018 feel no sense of urgency to do anything to protect Americans from being gun downed, anywhere, at any time.  It’s about that.

It’s not about repealing the 2nd Amendment, but about domestic abuse of it; not about taking away handguns or hunting rifles from law-abiding citizens, but about saving civilian lives from civilians needing to inflict pain on us.

Our current divide is an OK Corral shootout between rage and passion, with Wayne LaPierre and Dana Loesch inspiring rage against reason, while Home of the Brave high school students, like David Hogg, ignite anew our national passion for the balance that comes with rational thought and the natural desire to protect our children.

It is for us to support all damaged by violent addiction to solving problems with bottom line-oriented gun violence – for neither a high priced exotic gun whore, nor Lon Chaney Sr Phantom look-alike gives a damn about our children’s lives, our Bill of Rights or our life expectancy — except as shields protecting gun manufacturing income.

Since our 21st century Valentine’s Day Massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, I’ve realized, even before Columbine mass murder, far too many Americans have been addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, murdering our stewardship of earth with over consumerism – and now, opioids and gun violence as salve attempt to deaden awareness of an unlikable life.

But we must save ourselves from rapid fire talking points deflecting in a rage against answering America’s children.  Dana Loesch, is as mad as the man who ran down Heather Heyer 12 August 2017, because her verbal bullets mortally wound American sanity, as Jim Crow Lynching and Russian hacking wounded our Exceptionalism.

An all too easily acquired military weapon in the hands of even the most rational civilian, including veterans, can potentially be an all too easy destroyer of life in the heat of an argument, jealous rage, drunk or drug induced disillusionment, depression, loss of self and sense of worth – feeling hopeless and helpless.  So, let’s stop scapegoating mental illness, as if it’s the only fugitive.

It’s about knowing how politicians of all political parties, Great Recession creating financial institutions including, but not limited to, probable cause of alleged fraudulent behavior by Pharmaceutical Opioid pushers, Bank of America and Wells Fargo.  It’s about our federal government making billions off keeping Marijuana illegal.

It’s about our having the humane patriotic will power to overcome the addiction of self-serving politicians, domestic violence and foreign hackers.

It’s about who we want to be v. who we are.  It’s about the lies we tell ourselves about ourselves and the corporate puppeteers who pull our addiction strings.

It’s about helping activists with attorneys, to legally save all of us from our elected State and Federal employees protecting gun addicts.

It’s about a president who doesn’t know he’s the vicious snake and those who voted for him, the unsuspecting woman.

It’s about that – about fearing national maturing – because, it’s about us.