Opioid Addiction

Why So Many Hate Crimes Lately!?! OpEdNews.com Headline – Best of TREMR

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Global Pandemic No Excuse for Hate Crimes – Artist: Akemi Ohira

The question itself betrays a culture of convenience now, instant gratification tomorrow and denial forever!

Unless the very core of our collective human psyche is upended by the truth that sets us free from, The Big Lies humankind procreated even before 1607, we’ll continue to complicate needed solutions: 

  • Housing is what ends homelessness.
  • Taxing Billionaires helps working poor.
  • Common Ground:  Computerless Rural farms & disconnected Urbanites

However, until we reach such social platforms of faith of our mothers too, hope by and by in each other, and love for all of the people all of the time – this truth hurts:  Hate is but the tip of our human history iceberg imprisoned in the foundation of Cain and Abel – sweltering on the hellish quartet of self-destructive pillars:  Envy, Anger, Fear and a newly re-unmasked variant of Civil War.

Truly, there are only three comparatively new feeders of, Hate Crimes:  

  • American media has discovered it bleeds, so it leads.
  • We the People, are too easily contented by stopgap government measures, instead of single mindedly in union with each other and the leaders we elect at every level, upholding the intended exceptional belief, we hold these truths to be self-evident, all are created equal.
  • Too often our Military and police are increasingly magnets for extremists – because some of us cannot be trusted with guns and the power to use them with prejudice.

120 years after Honest Abe, The Right exchanged our 16th for Republicanism born of K & Wall Streets’ lust for Luntz’s Contract with America deserting, Reagan’s Welfare Queens for the trumped.

Hate, like Jim Crow after it, and slavery before literacy tests, has always been America’s foggy bottom, evolving ever watchful of who it embraces and who it excludes through mangled patriotism’s twisted interpretations, particularly of our Constitution’s first  fifteen  Amendments.

Although none of our presidents, nor our political parties, have been perfect, few colluded with Wall Street CEOs in the White House like Dick Cheney, in an attempt to amuse the Too Big to Jail’s greed for power, sacrificing our global economy on the altar of the Great Recession.  Intentionally drowning America in a Norquist’s bathtub of foreign oil wars – and domestically, Americans invested in the stock market, real estate or home mortgages found themselves victims of foreclosure, without life savings or employment – thus laid bare as the welcome mat for an inciter of violence.

The point is:  Our response to, The Great Recession, COVID-19 and the January 6th attackers on the Congress and Capitol building define us and by extension, both the military and civilian leaders we give power over us.

If we can’t differentiate between the truth and, The Big Lies, we continue to tell ourselves about the big lies those we elect tell us, then our democratic republic hangs by our fingernails.

If we believe businesses can’t find post Covid employees because of government stimulus, and not because of the low wages they offer, then we’ve been watching too much Corporate owned TV News, in addition to Fox.

If we can’t accept the real possibility that our ex-president is not only guilty of felonious behavior but has dangerously damaged our nation and society through his violent supporters, dark dirty money enablers and rented Republican Senators and Governors – then we have become the real time Sit-Com for which Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un have been waiting.

Recognizing our denial has less of a chance to stop Climate Change than Republicans have of stopping the January 6th Commission investigation, is a good first step toward surviving the mesmerized trumped minions. 

Admitting that over a half million people died here from Covid, may open our eyes to the lesson that, still among the living are people who happily value their Opioid income more than the lives of those addicted to them.

Facing the reality of America’s new civil war, we might see January 6th as our Ft Sumpter, for there are millions of Americans amassing weapons that can inflict mass human destruction, all over American – just waiting for the rhetoric follow through of, Stand Back and Stand By.

The wise will not see humor in 40% of Americans armed and ready to strike we the 60%, because post COVID has spawned a new level of fear in the likes of Charles Koch regurgitating money – and the written word – into the coffers of Koch Red Mapped Red State Legislatures furiously racing against racial history to radicalize the ruination of parity.

The sixty-two House members who voted against the bipartisan hate crimes bill are as much a lesson for us as Climate Change, COVID-19 and Colonial Pipeline’s panic buying gasoline lines. 

Teaching Civics, Civic Duty and Equal Means Equal to our children in Middle School, could be our democracy’s best hope.

“Here’s Where We Are” – U.S. District Judge George J. Hazel – OpEdNews.com Headline

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On America’s 243rd birthday, can all Americans prove, in unity, if not civility, that our individual character defines us, obeying our Constitution’s laws makes us exceptional and Justice for All equals National Security.

Our military, nation’s capital and sacred Lincoln Memorial were not transformed into a political event footnote, until our Trump led by the nose Media, aided and abetted by our undivided attention, cast it so.

We are the wind beneath Trump’s GOP wings, rocket-firing his flight of fantasy by fulfilling his most ardent individualized American Dream:  dominating every news cycle.

To save an America made in Trump’s own image, we need, by example, to help all to see the wisdom and self-preservation of, love thy neighbor as thyself – even those for whom, pursuit of happiness remains separating and caging asylum seeking families – and stop expecting someone to listen after we call them stupid.

When the last rockets’ red glare yields to darkness and the last ferociously expensive ego tank display has returned to its rational place, perhaps we will realize how thankful we should be to Donald Trump, his offspring, son-in-law Jared, bankers Deutsche & John Mercer and his comrades, Mitch McConnell and Vladimir Putin.  For without the special brand of patriotism of the trumped, we might still be living under the delusion that our U. S, Constitution, like the World Trade Towers, is an implacable, indestructible diamond rock of Gibraltar – insulated from all harm, foreign or domestic.

However, with Trump’s image replacing Lincoln’s as our national reflection, reason and character profaned by our 45th now reduces American institutions to footstools, vulnerable to our enemies within.

A people mesmerized from sea to shining sea, by torrential texts, towering tweets and insidious instant grams of nonsense worthy of talking heads, weakens our power to perceive the difference between truth and reality show pretense.

America’s education, communication and debating skills have been so debased that the vast majority of Americans unquestioningly believe every utterance of Corporatism’s ads for over consumerism, Mark Zuckerberg’s conjured Boost-it numbers con and thinking a narcissistic reality show host has any intention of letting go of the greatest gig he’s ever fallen into – certainly not after he’s ordered, received and rehearsed for a military show of force around the exterior of our 1600 Pennsylvania Ave property.

In our 243rd year, it’s about time, and how we deal with the timing of past due consequences:  some as old as sexism and racism, others evolving as immigration and Opioid addiction – and some threatening the very life of our planet, as Trump threatens our legal foundation, calling, time out on obeying a federal court order while displaying a not so veiled threat of how easy making America Marshall Law again, could be.

Our Constitutional crisis is that our Constitution is in crisis – and all it took, was, blind obedience to one apathetic ruthlessly unethical man – being the natural outcome of a GOP evolving from Lincoln’s greatness to grandfathering grotesque gerrymandering corruption to make America as unrecognizable as it was, 28 June 1969.

On America’s 243rd birthday, with a birther belching bogus battle stations, with buffoonery besieging Lincoln’s reflection with tanks, invigorating MAGA with, Viable and Possible Census discrimination, our next wish had best be for recapturing mental stability.

We owe our country the birthday present of a, cease and desist order for both arguing about and cheering for, the wrong things – for doing so, we are the wind beneath the wings determined to whitewash our power to be decent human beings:  a Military Industrial Complex mudslinging our Land of the Free, back to Betsy Ross’ Stars and Stripes – forever.

No matter who said what Sinclair Lewis thought, on 4 July 2019, Donald Trump and comrades celebrated, Fascism coming to America, wrapped in the flag.

How long simple ones will you love simplicity?  How long will mockers delight themselves in mockery – and fools hate knowledge?

Most are aware of Trump’s idolatry for Hotpicks:  anti-democratic strongmen, whose anti-humane treatment of scientists in the land of Putin prompted Americans to organize, during America’s 200th birthday year, as the Helsinki Watch, forty-three years before our USDA scientists would need its watchful eye, and a media to, snap out of it, and help preserve, protect and defend curiosity, empathy and knowledge from a president incapable of recognizing that his duty and our honor would be better served if he lavished as much brotherly love on our southern border as he does on Kim Jong Un’s.

Birthdays are a good time for self-reflection, particularly for those still willing to maintain Trump’s grip on America’s nuclear war power.

Proclaim this:  Impeachment isn’t enough – Trump/Pence and members of their Acting Administration, not being, Too Big to Fail – need to go to jail.