The Great Recession

Why So Many Hate Crimes Lately!?! Headline – Best of TREMR

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Global Pandemic No Excuse for Hate Crimes – Artist: Akemi Ohira

The question itself betrays a culture of convenience now, instant gratification tomorrow and denial forever!

Unless the very core of our collective human psyche is upended by the truth that sets us free from, The Big Lies humankind procreated even before 1607, we’ll continue to complicate needed solutions: 

  • Housing is what ends homelessness.
  • Taxing Billionaires helps working poor.
  • Common Ground:  Computerless Rural farms & disconnected Urbanites

However, until we reach such social platforms of faith of our mothers too, hope by and by in each other, and love for all of the people all of the time – this truth hurts:  Hate is but the tip of our human history iceberg imprisoned in the foundation of Cain and Abel – sweltering on the hellish quartet of self-destructive pillars:  Envy, Anger, Fear and a newly re-unmasked variant of Civil War.

Truly, there are only three comparatively new feeders of, Hate Crimes:  

  • American media has discovered it bleeds, so it leads.
  • We the People, are too easily contented by stopgap government measures, instead of single mindedly in union with each other and the leaders we elect at every level, upholding the intended exceptional belief, we hold these truths to be self-evident, all are created equal.
  • Too often our Military and police are increasingly magnets for extremists – because some of us cannot be trusted with guns and the power to use them with prejudice.

120 years after Honest Abe, The Right exchanged our 16th for Republicanism born of K & Wall Streets’ lust for Luntz’s Contract with America deserting, Reagan’s Welfare Queens for the trumped.

Hate, like Jim Crow after it, and slavery before literacy tests, has always been America’s foggy bottom, evolving ever watchful of who it embraces and who it excludes through mangled patriotism’s twisted interpretations, particularly of our Constitution’s first  fifteen  Amendments.

Although none of our presidents, nor our political parties, have been perfect, few colluded with Wall Street CEOs in the White House like Dick Cheney, in an attempt to amuse the Too Big to Jail’s greed for power, sacrificing our global economy on the altar of the Great Recession.  Intentionally drowning America in a Norquist’s bathtub of foreign oil wars – and domestically, Americans invested in the stock market, real estate or home mortgages found themselves victims of foreclosure, without life savings or employment – thus laid bare as the welcome mat for an inciter of violence.

The point is:  Our response to, The Great Recession, COVID-19 and the January 6th attackers on the Congress and Capitol building define us and by extension, both the military and civilian leaders we give power over us.

If we can’t differentiate between the truth and, The Big Lies, we continue to tell ourselves about the big lies those we elect tell us, then our democratic republic hangs by our fingernails.

If we believe businesses can’t find post Covid employees because of government stimulus, and not because of the low wages they offer, then we’ve been watching too much Corporate owned TV News, in addition to Fox.

If we can’t accept the real possibility that our ex-president is not only guilty of felonious behavior but has dangerously damaged our nation and society through his violent supporters, dark dirty money enablers and rented Republican Senators and Governors – then we have become the real time Sit-Com for which Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un have been waiting.

Recognizing our denial has less of a chance to stop Climate Change than Republicans have of stopping the January 6th Commission investigation, is a good first step toward surviving the mesmerized trumped minions. 

Admitting that over a half million people died here from Covid, may open our eyes to the lesson that, still among the living are people who happily value their Opioid income more than the lives of those addicted to them.

Facing the reality of America’s new civil war, we might see January 6th as our Ft Sumpter, for there are millions of Americans amassing weapons that can inflict mass human destruction, all over American – just waiting for the rhetoric follow through of, Stand Back and Stand By.

The wise will not see humor in 40% of Americans armed and ready to strike we the 60%, because post COVID has spawned a new level of fear in the likes of Charles Koch regurgitating money – and the written word – into the coffers of Koch Red Mapped Red State Legislatures furiously racing against racial history to radicalize the ruination of parity.

The sixty-two House members who voted against the bipartisan hate crimes bill are as much a lesson for us as Climate Change, COVID-19 and Colonial Pipeline’s panic buying gasoline lines. 

Teaching Civics, Civic Duty and Equal Means Equal to our children in Middle School, could be our democracy’s best hope.

What Do We Do Now? A Rhetorical Question Deserving a Supreme Answer – Headline – Best of TREMR

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We must defend ourselves from ourselves from three interconnected fronts:

  • Systemic racism has met its global match, because of a wolf in sheep’s clothing murderously took a knee
  • As with Hoover to FDR, Reagan to Clinton and GW Bush to Obama, America again needs a Democratic president to rescue our economy from Republican ashes
  • America is in first place in global pandemic cases – whose medical response has largely been ignored by a president drowning in his ineptitude and apathy

Nonetheless our 45th vows to pressure Governors to reopen schools; Pence adding, we don’t want CDC guidance to be the reason schools don’t open. 

Trump’s envy of North Korea, China, Brazil and Russian despots begs the question:  what’s Trump’s end plan for America, if not the end of America?

What is the logical conclusion from, good people on both sides, caging brown children and condoning Blue on Black murder while condemning a Constitutionally guaranteed free press, scientific expertise and the removal of the very symbols that inspire such inhumanity – all while Conservatives in the Senate and in America’s global economy remain silent for anything they say can be used against them in a court of law.

How does Trump get away with such blatant anti-American behavior?  Answer:  it’s not just Trump resenting and resisting the exceptional potential of an American democracy.  So, who has the most to gain from puppeteering an uncouth heathen profaning thought like a fifth-grade gutter mouth, for notoriety?

What does Trump’s shocking rise to the American presidency remind us of:  aging old money aristocrats trying to survive post Kaiser Wilhelm II, by controlling an ambitious wannabe?

So, if not in 2020, when will we, put away childish things:  Co-puppets Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell, Robber Barons Sheldon Adelson, Charles Koch and Robert Mercer, Money Changers at Deutsche Bank financing debauchery of Jeffrey Epstein and friends – he, believed tearfully retired to the underbelly of oblivion: Citizens United Karl Rove – now offering Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, twenty million dollars?

What if the increase in Trump’s outrageous projecting, it’s not fair Tweets, prove both phycological collapse and spoon fed pablum from Conservative media, anti-Land of the Free rallies and dirty money emissaries like Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon – thinking us too stupid to, follow the money.

Remember when all we had to fear were lies denying our children and grandchildren would die from a mortally wounded planet, murdered by human induced Global Warming, increasingly changing our climate into a mauled entangled clump of dust-laden toxic air, choking on the slothful arsonists’ campfire and cigarette burning debris, left behind without enough polluted water with which to drown our gluttony for self-destructive idolatry:  worshiping a pied piper thinking himself, the Lone Ranger?

Does it make us miss, The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?

Then fear this:  being tricked into believing the plagues of 2020 will, just disappear, like a puff of smoke from a peace pipe negotiation signaling the end of Red Cloud’s war, magically evaporating our historic desecration of original Americans and raiding current tax dollars – to prove prowess of mask free males like Daniel Snyder, Trump and the DAPL Energy Transfer Partners, whose disregard of what’s sacred reveals internalized masks hiding villainous missions of the real puppeteers.

No matter the history or Futures’ past projections, politics or beachcombing, gender or benders, banquets or food deserts. race or racists, bar hoppers or governors – all living within The Republican Bond in Slop: The Wild Boar Nation are dwelling in a medically, economically and politically New Normal – vulnerable to Conservative Caucasian male Republicans more dangerous than Trump’s collaborator, Vladimir Putin.

America’s leadership is riddled with traitors to, Duty, Honor, Country – Conservatives plotting to subjugate voters, elections, willingly sacrificing unprotected by mandate constituents to COVID-19.

One-by-one, every day, separated and alone, thousands continue to fall because of Corporatism’s human greed, Republican political expediency and a desperate White House misfit.

Still wounded by our sixties’ assassinations, we’ve remained increasingly vulnerable to attacks, especially since 20 January 2001 – but only 9/11 and Russian hackers have been foreign invasions.

Our dishonest, morally bankrupt president bullying Whistleblowers, intimidating school districts, attempting to demoralize the very foundations of American democracy and the unrestrained extremes of COVID-19 magnifying our strengths and weaknesses, are domestic threats, aided and abetted by our, elected.

Clearly, the creators of The Great Recession, forever oil wars and Trump’s bigots have created an America divided against itself:  one, a violent tribe fearful of real democracy, an emancipated diverse America vs. a camp of seers peering through the rainbow’s prism.

True patriotism is sharing, faith of our fathers, hope by and by and love for all the people, knowing no president is immune to Justice for All.