Question How We Bring Home What’s Been Lost? – TREMR Staff Pick – Headline

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Who taught us to focus more on rude, crude posturing, instead of distinguishing ourselves as everyday heroes sans headlines?

What will it take to shift from problem fascination to solution focusing?

When will we divorce bewildering bellowing, marry wisdom that permeates time out, and rebirth the family value of peaceful assembly?

Where, in a, land of the free, does being a patriot award the freedom to belittle with abject name calling or the liberty to assign angry adjectives to nouns of diversity?

Why do we increasingly flock like sheep to baa at behest of blah blah of over consumerism, over-zealous zealots and over-aged politicians, pimping redundancy of wolves in sheep’s clothing as, the new world order for, the natural order of things:  keeping women in their place, children seen but not heard, LGBTQ, Muslims and Mexicans banned from real citizenship – and, the South shall rise again, for real?

How can we turn a blind eye to the consequential discrepancy between an NRA Mea Culpa projecting the fault of its internal morality hemorrhage, as victim of North aggression?

Who can overlook the hourly pretension of media hyperbole accelerating Fourth Estate demise partnering with the pomposity of a pretender-in-Chief tweeting unsubstantiated, slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?

What about, Democratic Socialists so irritates conservatives’ anti-inclusive short-sighted militia itch, and exposes anti-American, lock and load threat to Trump’s damaging horde and damaged objectives alike – both struggling for very different Americas in a racist presidential swamp – deposited in an inequitable economic bog?

Where is Trump/Pence sting, when those who so love the world, love it enough to save all life upon it?  Hate, as a Right Wing required acquired taste, is only a digestible family value in hearts manipulated into harboring it.

Why it is that the two thirds of these United States for whom, the natural order of things, has evolved – from Civil War mutating into Jim Crow Laws which emboldened Ku Klux Klan and, ultimately, a reality show invasion of all levels of American government – still settles for rerun of maniacal McCarthyism scare tactics?

How can we not now vote, no matter how tattered our elections and political parties, to resurrect from Trump ashes a Good Samaritan patriotism that is honor bound to elect champions inspired by a duty-bound electorate demanding an all-inclusive American Dream?

While banning Muslims, spreading presidential manure on less fortunate countries, restricting marriage licenses, gunning down each other in schools, workplaces and places of worship – we fail our Definite Major Purpose:  to, as stewards, preserve, protect and defend earth and all life upon it.

How then, do we Emerge from Slave Bible, Green Book and Faith Movies through FDR, JFK, MLK – to AOC, a ratified ERA and incorruptible DOJ?

Stand tall and deliver on the promises we’ve preached:  colorblind justice, individual eradication of sexual harassment, gender bias, racial bigotry and the religious hypocrisy of insulting Biblical lessons like, love thy neighbor as thyself, with the asterisk:  as long as my neighbor looks and thinks as I do.

Who remembers what America can do when we look for miracles in each other?

What contributions can’t rainbows mingling with LGBTQ, people of color and descendants of immigrants make to the American Dream?

When will we stop demanding Change, but voting for those who can’t yet fathom, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in a Conservative Republican’s philosophy?

Where is home for a third of Americans who reject the abundant potential of an in-depth foundation of democratic miracles?

Why do we forget we didn’t have a cure for Tuberculosis, Smallpox, Polio, Mumps, Measles, Chickenpox and the Flu – until we did:  so, what’s next, Climate Injustice.

How can America find its way home through the aftermath of Trump confirming, What is Past is Prologue:  allowing our Gettysburg Address to define each of us to all of us.

To the degree, as country and individual, we discover, and digest the direct line of America’s ascending homegrown tyranny in our nation’s trajectory through Nixon’s Watergate, Reagan’s Trickle Down, Bush/Cheney’s Great Recession, we will understand how we were bathed in the racism, sexism, religious hypocrisy and white supremacist prep for Trump/Pence.

When, if not Tuesday 3 November 2020, will we progress from our sea to shining sea troubles, and by opposing Barr/Stephen Moore/Mnuchin/McConnell/Pence/Trump vainglory mirage, end their reigning weight on our backs?

The freeing truth that hurts most is, ignorance is not bliss, denial is the Opioid of cowards and change is terrifying – but progressing forward anyway, is the courage of unsung heroes – for without the valiant, humanity and its planetary home are doomed.

So now, let us invite the wisdom that comes from investigation, making We the People, affirmation, to never again tolerate what we ourselves have wrought.


Trump Nuclear Bluster a Lose-Lose – Headlined on

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Colluding with the 16th anniversary of America’s turn at Afghanistan, we are engaged in a great civil war to endure as a nation, through racial prejudice, sexual bigotry and Domestic Terrorism – gun violence targeting women and children now intensified by military-styled automatic weapons raining down wholesale massacre and serial mass murder on a Homefront with short-term memory.

Regardless of race, creed, heritage, age, sexual preference or political persuasion, more Americans were shot to death, in Las Vegas Sunday October 1, 2017 than have been killed in America, by radical Islamic terrorists in the last ten years.

Growing up, holidays were loud:  packing uncles and aunts, drinking, smoking, shouting rifle and shotgun owners – all skilled, if not avid, hunters – insuring I mastered both M-14 & 16 in Basic Training.  Uncle Gino, however, had already taught me to respect guns, because once weapon and shooter were united, each were equally responsible for the union’s conclusion.

Since 1967, more Americans have been killed by guns, than in all the wars in which America was involved since our Revolutionary War, and still…

  • Conservatives: Now is not the time to discuss it
  • NRA: more good men with guns
  • Responsible gun owners: some background checks
  • Schools: Armed police handcuffing & arresting children
  • Fed-up Americans: Repeal the Second Amendment
  • Media & Pollsters: Is America headed in the right direction

Arguably, beyond the illusion of handgun induced home security and the adrenaline rush accompanying killing a defenseless animal — stonewalling and ignoring the body-count in American killing fields:  concerts, nightclubs, movie theaters, parking lots, churches, schools – petitions us to be The People’s Storm, beckoning the wise to expose GOP/NRA as accessories after the fact.

While Trump and guns are inexorable parts of America’s global definition, they are not the measure of heroism or liberty, but rather enablers of violent death – yet, direction of any nation is determined by the moral fiber of its citizens.

Yes, America is moving in The Right Direction:

  • Uniformed shooting of unarmed men of color
  • Institutionalized bigotry of DOJ against LGBTQ Americans
  • Domestic and Foreign Gerrymandering of our Electoral System

The issue of controlling gun violence, is more about the 2008 Supreme Court misinterpretation of the Second Amendment and less about honoring our Bill of Rights; Less about individual liberty and more about the exhilaration some feel when armed for intimidation.

In 1775, Lexington and Concord fired up a new nation, but by 2016, far too many had forgotten the end goal of Valley Forge was, a United States of America – sans standing army.

Now, We the People need stop wringing our hands, acting like we don’t know the difference between principal and Pence patriotic pretense, and declare ourselves the calm eye centering the Storm — firing 18th century caste system thinking, because we are more than the symbols, we are constitutionally guaranteed the right, to venerate or not.

Because in desperate times, desperation cajoles common sense into nonsensical choices regarding who gets to possess, America’s Nuclear Football, we fool-hearted expected solutions from rhetorical barker, and endangered ourselves, lying to ourselves, about lairs.

Guns are not an extension of freedom, honor, nor human hands.  They’re just the end of life waiting to happen.

The fault lies not in our NFL stars, but in constituents who traded Lincoln for Nixon, McConnell, Paul Ryan and government is the problem – allowing fake patriots to transform, America the Beautiful into the land of the trumped.

According to Bob Hope, NYC Mayor Jimmy Walker famously said, the voters always get what they deserve.  I wasn’t the only chump in this city.  It took a lot of you to elect me.

We honor, Ol’ Glory, by preserving reason, protecting human life and defending ourselves against Koch heads Red Mapping our voting machines.

Confederate Statues, Breitbart, Representative Tim Murphy, AG Jeff Sessions, Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump are our reality check:  controlling gun violence is not just about sales, recreation or politics.

Like Opioid addiction, gender equality and Trump Puerto Rico and North Korea responses – gun violence is an American value that has become a moral blood stain.  The thing about guns and people is, people discriminate, but guns will kill anybody.

Now, Rise.