Jeff Sessions

When We Worship Those, Who Incite Domestic Terrorism – Headlined on

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When majorities begin to experience the loss of power over the consumers, minorities and voters they’re accustomed to persuading, selling and jockeying, to harvest gain, the thrill of the kill becomes a desperate conquest to retain the myths of history skewed to accommodate misconceptions of legitimacy, mis-perceptions of nationalism and misinterpretations of patriotism.

We have always rendered temporary our patches of fear, stress and strain, during the war and peace of political and cultural turmoil:  our Civil War, Pearl Harbor, 1960’s assassinations, Vietnam, 9/11, and 2017 Charlottesville hate crimes.

Anxiety and sleeplessness, however, are produced by our primal gut responses to perceived worldly impositions thrust upon us by an out of control evolution – the constant conflict between, truth hurting and freeing us – diversifying faster than some care to assimilate.

It is not only our physical and mental health-care that needs to be affordable – preserved, protected and defended from enraged autocratic commanders-in-chief, but our historical, cultural and self-examination that needs saving from individual complicity in the duplicity of radicalized Conservatism, avarice Corporatism and gerrymandered Party members – who’ve deserted promised statesmanship for a nationalistic provocateur.

Our greatest danger to trade, alliances and a United We Stand America is politicians fooling themselves into thinking, in the 21st century, we are still hypnotized by their convenient flip-flops to win elections – instead of keeping our ever-watchful eyes on what they do at rallies, state houses, Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court.

Americans do not live on alternative facts about border safety, homeland security and presidential dishonesty alone – but those who do, are embittered.

In 2018 Mid-Term elections, how we vote can recapture the essence of our American, I Have a Dream character and Statue of Liberty promise.  However, it will only be a, brief shining moment band-aid on a festering preexisting character-flaw, if we think our hour of seemingly diminishing power is just about Donald Trump.

#TimesUp on lying to ourselves regarding our past being our prologue, particularly if we continue to costume our racial prejudices, sexual bias and political acrimony in Halloween, Blackface.

Although true that our current GOP leaders are more akin to base purveyors of Jim Crow than malice toward none, the Trump family M.O. favors profiteering rather than originating.

Be assured, however, not all Republicans are among the willingly herded and corralled by the mendacity of Ted Cruz, Kevin Cramer, Josh Hawley, Dean Heller, Martha McSally, Dana Rohrabacher, Rick Scott and Scott Walker.  Therefore, we must be helpful to those tricked into voting for the only globalism from which Americans need to recoil:  an American Trump/Pence/Putin/Saudi/Bolton/Sessions regime.

America, and by, buried heads in the sand extension Americans, has nurtured our preexisting condition of propping up foreign despots, supporting domestic strongmen and now voting for rented career maniacal politicians – all while silently bidding for the establishment of imperial military bases, black sites and encampments for refugee children.

Whether armed assault on a fictional pizza basement pedophile ring or sending six wannabe intimidation pipe-bombs, everyone is responsible for their actions.

Nonetheless to hear a consistent hate and fear mongering racist and misogynist try to compose an harmonious tone, expecting we’ll forget his violence inciting monologues, insulting the humanity and intelligence of empathetic, mature Americans – especially now that we’re trumped into mimicking a wannabe super reunion of KGB puppeteers, mocking what they can hack, but never bury, unless with presidential cooperation – is insufferable.

Violence results when mob rule infects civil debate with the belief that while all are created equal, none are as equal as the crude and rude trouncing peaceful assembly with obnoxious rhetoric grasping for extension over extinction.

Forsaking, agreeing to disagree civility in favor of servicing treachery, fueling the minions of madmen profaning biblical guidance, defiling fellow human beings and downgrading our Land of the Free, to a Russian footstool – is massive dereliction of duty, treason.

Nevertheless, regardless of personal political preferences, instead of becoming what has become the lowest ever bottom of America’s Home of the Brave, we must elect to be and do unto others as we would have them be and do unto us – for most Americans remain above, an eye for an eye.

The Company Trump Keeps – Headlined on

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One guilty verdict down and one to go for Paul Manafort!

Michael Cohen implicates Donald Trump in Campaign finance violations!!

If hush money was paid by either Trump Campaign or Trump’s company – then infamous June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower for dirt, is just the tip of the iceberg for a titanic Trump family!!!

What if from Nixon’s GOP to Omarosa, following the money reveals the truth about a U. S. President stashing Rubles, Wall Street Corporatism raping American family finances – and, our 2016 presidential election was a fraud of, by and for Trump’s team of at least seven deadly sinners?

Can we handle such truth?

Perpetuating a reality of truly Fake News, people like conspiracist Alex Jones, RNC spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Steve Bannon and Donald Trump are dismantling the very infrastructure of founding American principles:  Separation of Church and State, Checks and Balances and the privilege to vote – if not Gone with the Wind – blinded by the chemotherapy of Conservatism.

Truth is, regardless of what we believe, how we think of ourselves or what we’re willing to do unto others, 95% of Americans are on GOP enemies list.

Snatching the American Dream from, I Have a Dream, trumped men and women have resurrected a chaotic babbling tower inhabiting, The Peter Principal, financed by foreign wealth – while destroying refugee families, and disappearing innocent children.

The current nightmarish truth:  America is being programed to be an also ran, by elected hacks fortifying pressure, engrossing us with normalizing tyranny, that releases as indiscriminate street violence, spousal murders, children dying alone in over-heated cars – arguably, all the radioactive waste of a government of the greedy envious of Obama, by the wrath of power lust – all for the pride in gluttony.

Truth is, what’s rotting America’s state of mind, is implementing a mayhem façade to coverup Trump’s raison d’être.

Nonetheless, misinformation destroys in all directions – and truth is both its primary and ultimate target.  Our diverse character is most courageous and enlightening when, we hold these truths to be self-evident:  all are created equal, is the only truth that makes America a, Home of the Brave.

When we discontinue the lies we tell ourselves, we’ll see the value of focusing our energy on exposing the impeachable offenses of the Trump/Pence Administration – because, democracy is an endangered species when a POTUS encourages rigging, foreign and domestic.

In truth, there are no guarantees that Trump won’t pardon Manafort, that priests are the only pedophiles in America abusing all of God’s children or even for a miraculous, Blue Wave.

Reason, however, recognizes Trump’s malice aforethought and divisive mastery of derailing news cycles with extreme diversions from truth.  Nonetheless, we can’t make Mueller America’s comeback without journalism engaging in a balanced approach that doesn’t entrench every life in our distressed nation with relentless Trump projectiles.

America’s truth is in the answers of our leaders and ourselves:

  • Isn’t there reasonable doubt regarding the wisdom, indeed danger of the Trump/Pence agenda for America?
  • With so much gun violence targeting mental illness instead of Russian liaison NRA, is it not prudent to amend our 25th regarding a president’s mental health?
  • Did America’s truth, like the frog in a simmering pot of water, have its heat increased for boiling on January 20, 2017?
  • Aren’t bullies, like our president, just cowards craving recognition?

My Grandmama always said, the best apology is to never repeat the offense.  So rather than labeling Trump voters stupid, legally condemn the Trump/Pence gathering of lawbreakers, and make our 2018 mid-term elections a resounding Nessun Dorma vowing never to give our power to, me first men like Sessions, Gowdy, Nunes and Trump again.

Let’s vote, embracing this truth:  America’s current distress is imposed from within from those who deny that truth is real, discernable and absolute beyond, rude perjury traps.

Truth is, despite growing pains, America is changing and Trump’s Kavanaugh can’t stop us from answering The Call with a reinvigorating Left turn.