Koch Brothers

Boldly Marching from Trump, Putin & NRA Darkness into The Light: OpEdNews.com Headlined

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Saturday 24 March 2018 is the day #BlackLivesMatter, #WomensMarch and the #NeverAgain #MarchForOurLives, united in common cause for the greater good of all Americans — not only to advance the change President Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Senator Robert F. Kennedy and President Barack Obama championed, but to reignite American Exceptionalism:  government of, by and for all of, We the People!

Unfortunately, after the Greatest Generation saved the world from those wishing to be our masters, too many Conservative Baby Boomers forgot why my father’s generation fought WWII.  Time and complacency whitewashed our 1950s with a perfect preamble for financial puppeteers to twist the Marshall Plan into their journey to undo President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Economic Bill of Rights and New Deal for all Americans – into the creation of an American master race.

Is it now more overhead camera shots, through snowy East Coast weather and foggy thinking — a West Coast police helicopter flyover targeting a lite up fence jumper in a hoodie — or is Trump’s White House diminishing our vision, international stature, to void empathy?

Nonetheless, snatching civic duty from the jaws of 60’s Dallas, Memphis and Los Angeles gun violence, our children have risen to the task of raising America out of the darkness of Cheney torture, NRA owned GOP and our 2016 elections.  Knocking at the door of change in Washington, DC, NYC, Miami, Boston, St Paul, Atlanta and Detroit, our pathway to unity, civility and reason is again shimmering with promise.

Reined in by special elections and American judicial system, some golf, scapegoating Pentagon with military Transgender discrimination.  Others elected to serve, elect to desert their responsibilities, before truth heard round the world, came to town from around the country.

With all due respect to all grieving parents of children lost to guns too easily accessible for violence — the change we need, comes from Millennials saving Generation Z by registering Millennials to vote – not in arming teachers, and certainly not in increasing school resource officers who handcuff and slam students to classroom floors.

If it weren’t so tragic, the unmitigated gall of anyone running for president to salvage his morally bankrupt Brand, claiming GOP and his ICE pick care about DACA would bring laughter and tears closer together than ever before.

So, after chasing Congress off The Hill, Trump out of Washington and Wayne LaPierre and Dana Loesch off camera, what’s next?

Do we demand greater transparent integrity from Facebook and all Social Media?

Do we increase the number of NRA members and GOP donors courageous enough to listen to those who inherit what Conservatives bequeath?

Do we reject religious hypocrisy, uniformed bigotry and political inaction spawned by ALEC & Koch Gerrymandering and Karl Rove GOP Red Mapping and roar, No More?!?

Will the golden silence of Emma Gonzalez seal our path forward – to save America’s life, in voting booths Tuesday 6 November 2018?

While the whole world watched, state and federal government, like NRA avarice, cowered off camera – believing, like the past, passion would evaporate before the 18th hole.

It won’t, but know this, while we cheer the speeches of students thrust by violence into #VoteThemOut, for the safety of an all-inclusive society — the demons of death for profit are not limited to the NRA, Red State Governors, Congress or the Trump Administration.

This destructive culture resides in corporate offices of American Financial Institutions and Boardrooms beyond Wall Street’s International Corporatism.  It thrives on city streets, in suburban neighborhoods and the rust belt.  It’s Putin poisons embedded in our electoral process aided and abetted by Right Wing corrupted election computers – feeding off the desperate for anything.

I’m a Baby Boomer and Veteran, who has for decades, longed for a resurrection of our 1960s spirit.  Finally, The Torch has been passed to a New Generation – again!

So, will we continue to allow those who allow arms extended by an AR-15 to silence youthful dreams, generational potential and senior fulfillment?

Or, will America if we can keep it challenge, and a Child Shall Lead Them protest marches transport us to higher voter turnout?

Because, that’s What Democracy Looks Like! 

Q&A:  Can we Keep Our Republic despite Trump Administration – Headlined on OpEdNews.com

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May we consider:  Life is not a movie, America not a reality show and the FBI neither tainted nor in tatters.  The GOP, however, is, off the rails – because we, aided and abetted by media redundancy, are entering our third year of being mesmerized by a court jester whose greatest lifetime achievement reward has been using other people’s money to gut possibilities, rape potential and escape prison.

Can’t we admit:  There are more immigrants like Father Edward J. Flanagan than patriotism in, Make America Great Again; more Americans like Pope Francis I, than the moral decay of gun violence, Roy Moore and Cardinal Bernard Law.

Is it possible:  There are more Transgender Americans in the line of fire, saving lives on American streets and foreign soil — asking not what their country can do for them — than there are phony holy-rollers molesting our children, political opportunists creating more turbulence than policy, and WWII enemy caricatures trying to claim our Gone with the Wind ante-bellum heritage as weapon against those, to whom less has been given, but more sacrifice expected?

Isn’t it probable:  Our expectations are too low when invested in the cable TV obsessed and world-view of an ambassador’s failing in basic conceptual understanding of both Mission and reality of the U. N.  FYI:  via the General Assembly, The United Nations is more than a triad of buildings on, but not of, American soil — it is the global union of sovereign states – arguably the greatest modern peace initiative of humankind.

Don’t we know:  Allowing the ill-chosen to prove America is a recurring nightmare of duality locked in animated battles between right and wrong, with good and bad angels robocalling our brain regarding resurrecting our dividing wall, to enable a renewed rise in struggles for supremacy, obscuring this universal truth – all humans are dreamers, dreaming about, what’s next.  However, when nurtured on what is trustworthy, we fulfil the dream of an America which, having chosen the road less travelled by, courageously lives out its creed – albeit, an unknown tug of war venture between sharp reactionary swings, left and right.

So, what are The Right Questions:  Why aren’t Congressional Republicans flinching at Flynn poopooing the Logan Act of 1799?  Is it because they are too pre-occupied with robbing the poor to give to the rich, or guaranteeing their post congressional employment after embedding rising Pharmaceutical wealth from Opioid epidemic, as a family value?  Has government of, by and for We the People become a nasty Norquist ring around the toilet bowl?

In 2017, American voters of every color, reaffirmed the Biblical reality of putting ourselves first — the first shall be last and the last first — to insure Justice for all.  Now, as the new homeland for Meghan Markle questions the wisdom of sharing classified information with Trump’s America, tis the season to question ourselves – can we recapture our national character and renew our international credibility:  Can we Keep it?

Truth and Consequences:  Koch brothers, members of Congress, nor any president need high polling data, media exposure or millions of Americans to diminish our U. S. Constitution and our Democratic Republic – yet even Wall Street CEOs, surprisingly more honest than Gary Cohn, sat on their hands regarding any Trickle-Down promises.

Can we do the math:  In America, there are more good Republicans, Democrats, Independents; more honorable Muslims, Jews, Christians; more loving LGBTQ citizens than there are members of Congress living off the silver pieces of Rove’s Red Mapping, ALEC corroded government or Koch Census motivated Gerrymandering preventing nonpartisan Redistricting for a truly representative America.

Has our Oasis been a mirage:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all, of every hue and persuasion are created equal in opportunity and promise – unless fear of losing when others gain, swamps our Star Spangled Banner in the Slop of The Republican Bond.

So, what’s next:  Ultimate victory over foreign hacks, generals and domestic quacks requires the union of courageous thinking, evaporating the inevitable self-inflicted terror spawned by our falling for false prophets promising simplicity over substance.

How can we keep our Democratic Republic:  fire those trying to dismantle it!