Month: March 2012


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A gentle rain at sunrise rejuvenates like a midnight turkey sandwich on Thanksgiving, each calmly lulling us into savoring moments of annual rewrites to embolden our Happy New Year resolutions.

When I was growing up my cousins headed off to Grandma’s house for a two week slice of summer vacation “in the country,” but my parents wouldn’t let me “be a burden” to her, until all the cousins, aunts and uncles assailed The Holidays, “over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go,” at Christmas.

From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day it seemed every Italian we knew from Miami to NYC descended upon “the big house,” to enforce “tis the season to be jolly.”  When I crossed over the border into double digits, my life was absorbed into a maze of dos and don’ts strung in a red, white and blue reflection from a round black and white TV screen, telling “stories” to old people about young people.

To a pre-teen, the only thing people over 50 talked about was how far they had to walk to school in the cold wintry months of snow and ice and how hard they had to work so that I wouldn’t have to.  As for me, Mom had told me, at four, on my very first ever school day, I insisted on walking alone, so what was the big deal?

As teenager I pretended to listen to the same stories, my 50 plus elders repeated after holiday stuffing, until my fourteenth Thanksgiving, when Mom added a new epilogue to the story of my first school day solo hike.  She confessed to following me the four city blocks, unseen on the opposite side of the street.  Moms!  Just when you think you can do it without them.

In 1962, people over 50 went to church to talk to God about Communism, Cuban missiles and UN shoe banging.  A year later their tears flowed openly over Dallas bullets, giving birth to 24/7 news and ending my family holidays.  Post Nixon preamble to America’s 200th birthday, there was only talk of Watergate and Florida solutions from the half century crowd.

Final separation came with eighties realization that “government was the problem,” but the weirdest change, people over 50 started looking more like me, echoing the wisdom of my last Thanksgiving with my Grandmamma.  After 1978, it seemed smarter to pay attention to those with crow’s feet.

At the dawning of the age of 21st century baby boomers resisting silver heads and golden years with exercise killing knees, elbows and lower backs, I skirted around their edges with the plan to drop dead working at what I loved, telling teens, “People with gray hair rule the world and when you get some, maybe you can join the club.”

Now, at 54, body parts seem not to recharge as quickly as before, I’ve discovered we are the sum total of our intake and experiences, so I try ignoring mirror reflections limited to proving “the child is father to the man.”

Grandchildren insist I use a stylus with my new Christmas iPod, but I fail to understand why I should find a tiny screen preferable to something I can see.  Still, looking within but not behind, I relive the Zorro I was and Quixote I might have been.

So with swords unseen for years, shield off retirement paradise lost talk, and answer the call to slay bullying Banksta dragons of Corporatism – protecting our young, as people over 50 have always done.



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I’m sorry for all the many, many good Republicans and America’s loss of their Republican Party of Lincoln, Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney and Ronald Reagan, who today, like our Founding Fathers, would be politically progressive.

I’m sorry that descent Americans who just happen to be Republicans must endure the manipulation of their religious beliefs and either avoid voting or give into the ramblings of a man so voter disconnected, he praises the similar height of trees, for votes.

I’m sorry in an America of smart phones, iPods, iPads and Podcast radio, anti-Occupy DC Darrel Issa and his committee of good old boys actually needed Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to point out, “where are the women.” I’m sorry few others have questioned this manufactured religious freedom war on the freedom of women to choose between well placed aspirin and the ERA.

I’m sorry that the same zealots, who protected children molesting priests, now couch a woman’s right to have medical choices insured, as a cultural war against religious freedom.

I am sorry that good Republicans are being drowned by those willing to sell their souls to the highest bidder to push down children & elderly, poor & middle classes, foster & Medicare, Social Security & Services and Education as far as the “Right” can go wrong.

I’m sorry Jefferson’s Virginia Assembly has aborted any semblance of equality, by trying to require ultrasound for women before abortion, while paying for their Viagra. Sorrier still that media descended on Charlottesville to sensationalize gruesome murder trial, but ignores connect with Richmond state of mind that encourages mankind’s casting womankind in second class citizen role to be dominated, subjugated and even murdered in their rooms.

I’m sorry our communications technological advancements have so muted our courage to assail beyond headline clichés. I’m sorry that knowing we can start a revolution with 140 characters weakened our vision to see that more character is needed to sustain change.

I’m sorry if Santorum wave provides incoming tide for Jeb’s ship of fools to sail upon some Jersey shore to conquer reasonable equality of expression.

I’m sorry Syrian and Iranian bully Governments rain terror over their people while America and Israel must take the high road of restraint, sanctions and negotiation with headquartered aircraft carries in the Persian Gulf.

I’m sorry we couldn’t save three from avalanche, Whitney Houston, JFK, MLK, Bobby or America from “World View’ of Cheney and Santorum.

I’m sorry that ‘New Media’ is now morphing into the same regurgitated redundancy of corporate owned old media. I’m sorry form, format and style are used as excuses to sacrifice researched substantive content, adjectives & adverbs, and the poetic prose of our English language, to the god of conformity’s sameness, forcing amnesia of, “to thy own self be true.”

I’m sorry for all who’ve lost the art of reading to provoke their questioning of authority. I’m sorry when all women, aspirin notwithstanding are recast as 1950’s ‘colored girls,’ into a 2012 where the rainbow isn’t even acknowledged by their penis powered counterparts elevated by Peter Principle.