
A Nation that Cages Children in Abuse, Chaos and Denial – is Broken: Headline & Best of TREMR

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Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any prisoner…I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require…for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country – George Washington

With questionable military service commitment, or indeed involvement, men like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr and Donald Trump will never understand our first Commander-in-Chief’s indictment that our American Dream definition of American Exceptionalism, be ensconced in an embrace of moral and ethical treatment of prisoners, by extension, the less fortunate, and ultimately, children – for while such powerful men will die of old age dreaming of life on Mars, they willingly deny this opportunity to children alive on earth today – choosing instead to leave them behind to die of, Climate Change.

Who among James Madison’s Constitution creating patriots gave any Attorney General the right to deny police protection to cities that don’t show respect to police?

What should We the People do about Rudy Giuliani still in Ukraine profaning any democracy’s core value:  truth?

When did we choose to ignore and be ignored by non-voting citizens, thus acquiescing our Land of the Free aspiration and Home of the Brave acclamation to the lost world of reptilian mob mentality?

Where is there support for the government we elect to go beyond making wars and raising taxes to pay for them, to actually claim the right and embrace the responsibility to elevate the lives of all who live in America:  1863 Draft Riots, New Equality laws in 1857, FDR’s New Deal, perhaps?  Does denial of our past and future prove our presidential welcome mat can only tolerate the footprints of those armed with a penis?  Does the transparency of our trolling Russian tool trashing Transgender Americans come from Putin probe excrement, or does our current dick doth protest too much?

Why is Seoul so close to the North Korean border, asked America’s 45th president.  They have to move, insisted Donald Trump.  All U. S. civilians should be evacuated from South Korea, orders TrumpIgnoring military and civilian advisers, The Don commands, Go Do It!

How is it, we still follow men impaling America on wars, assassinations and domestic terrorism caused funerals?

Who is protecting our children in schools when some jurisdictions in the United States are choosing to not expend resources to enforce certain gun control measures perceived as a violation of their misinterpretation of America’s Second Amendment:  forgetting the importance of:

  • A well-regulated Militianot the increasing number of unregulated Right-Wing extremists akin to those who incited tragedy and deadly violence in Charlottesville in August 2017
  • being necessary to the security of a free State, – Since Congress and President Woodrow Wilson created America’s National Guard, 103 years ago, our free State has not needed the ominous portent of massively well-armed ultra-conservative vigilantes to keep Americans secure
  • the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed ignoring the all-important (,) comma before, the right – making the right to bear arms contingent upon the necessity of securing the national security of a former colony transforming into a free State

Our Bill of Rights, which includes the intentionally misinterpreted and maligned Second Amendment, thoroughly abused for Conservative Corporatism and NRA bottom line, became Constitutional law in December 1791 – 125 years before the establishment of our updated regulated militia:  America’s National Guard.

What is it that makes millions of Americans fantasize a Charlie Brown security blanket will save America from increasing violent threats from highly organized white supremacists militia warning us of their intentions when Trump is removed from office by Senate trial or 2020 election?

When will we recognize the swelling bog of our infamous national Swamp is caused by the willing self-immersion of Congressional Republicans, unconfirmed and Acting Cabinet Heads wading with murderous Turkey and Saudi dictators?

Where are our Statue of Liberty priorities, in Trump’s border wall or preventing another Ice-cold detention caged child’s death, whose only crime was, yearning to breathe free?

Why do we taunt a working young female actor, instead of using Social Media clout to decry, None of the Children at the School Are Safe.

How can we not actively emulate the good neighbor spirit of Waffle House customers , rather than White House treachery and elect to reward our Founders by awarding our children the Happy New Year gift of a Democratic president and U. S. Senate, who inspire us to unite in, passionately pursuing a life of excellence.

To fix what Dark Money Conservatives have broken, America must listen to children and attend to the future of Millennials.

Caregivers for America v. Trump’s Bully Pulpit Tough People Bluster Headline

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To survive Trump/Pence rout of American Constitutional laws, caregivers of reason need become America’s global healing force for global peace, earth’s revival and both rejuvenation and survival of honest elections for government of, by and for the people – because Donald Trump has irrevocably proven his world view; the real art of his deal:  tough people rising up against a peaceful transfer of presidential power.

Although founded in the midst of treasonous revolt turned miraculously blessed revolution, America was not built by rich and powerful property owners, but by farmers, small business owners and young adults who were the formative catalysts of our first, greatest generations.

The American Dream nightmare, however, remains confusing American one person one vote Exceptionalism, with superiority over all who don’t look like Benedict Arnold, think like Edward Rutledge or behave like John Adams.

America’s Ascension began its Descension when our founding reins of power, were usurped by conservative wealth, for whom power is the thrill of dominating the vulnerable – and the more colorful.

Since, with a sense of entitlement, Europeans in search of plunder, intruded on a massively beautiful, true land of the free, violently conquering and lasciviously infecting its indigenous natives – people who care for global life, have been increasingly ignored by invading bullies.

America’s half-told history is replete with violent, rougher behavior and oversimplified short-sighted responses to, the Golden Rule.  Now, self-destructive denial is wounding those who care enough to give, and those most in need of care.

Rooted in the love of money instead of caring for humanity and planet, psychological clones of Martin Shkreli, CEOs of Tabaco industry and Great Recession causing Wall Street banks, who knew what they were doing, and did it anyway – to Conservatives and Liberals alike – now gluttonously melt our children’s future, denying Climate Change while institutionalizing Climate Injustice – for profit.

Nonetheless, America’s caregivers come in all shapes, sizes and colors – both gay and straight, Democrat and Republican – all, having accepted hands on responsibility to the suffering of others, knowing, good people must do good things for other people – because greedy bigots won’t.

But are we, who are blessed with standing on the enviable side of Dementia, addiction and physical challenges, caring for human beings to whom Conservative Republicans, Billionaires and, after birth Evangelicals are increasingly, deaf and blind, being drowned out by public and private executives seeding hate?

Most Americans know our latest version of America, trumpeting Trump/Pence, is neither renewed greatness nor our finest hour – but more akin to Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act and the 2005 Republican 108th Congress protection for NRA bottom line and gun makers’ immunity.

There is a difference between remembrance of history and reverence for it, and until more of us become caregivers for earth and all life upon it, we risk being buried by those worshiping at the altar of extreme drought and flooding denial, Mistakes were Made and the Mission Accomplished lies we tell ourselves.

Wisdom is founded in listening – particularly to our first caregivers:  mothers, nurses and teachers who know the life-giving value of, always, listen to the children – instead of sentencing them to crippling student loan debt, income disparity and constitutionally ensconced gender inequality.

The mantle of, The Greatest Generation, tarnished by Baby-Boomers, has been passed to new generations, but Lady Liberty’s torch, a smoldering reminder of what can happen to, one brief shining moment, when left in the bloodstained clinched fists of the apathetic and self-indulgent.

Allowing America to be defined by conservative gray-haired men who have failed to conserve trust, hope or safe environment for those who stand in the shadow of their palatial envying monuments to a failed past – cannot be the America we bequeath our children’s children.

The digitally unsavvy v. device dominated; sixties’ spiritual reboot v. hypocritical religious zealots; balanced Biden experience v. charismatic Beto shooting-star – is now taking our measure.

Earth needs America’s continuity, but unless we define victory as more than toppling Trump towering immorality, freedom’s lessons are lost to panic inciting mob rule.

Deniers breed, division in the ranks.  Caregivers nurture the healing power found in the promise of older moderate Liberals united with the reflection of their hungry younger selves.

There is no more important caring gift than a bedside manner that saves all life on earth from our Trump/Pence death rattle.