Staff Pick

For trumped Upper Financial Echelon: We the People, are Expendable – Tremr Staff Pick & Headline

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Exposure of a non-secured Kushner-Trump-Pence regime sorely lacking necessary acumen for national security and empathetic humanity (Roger Stone that) is not the only teachable moment, amidst a contrived American hostage situation.

Momentarily discharged from latest extreme Right-Wing schooling, and still understandably stunned by a hallucinatory president, can we please affirm, the last thing America needs is another billionaire with no government experience, claiming he’s the cream in our coffee.

The gold standard silver lining of Trump’s shutdown of reason is, we now know, almost a million young and senior genders, of every race, color, heritage and political and sexual persuasions, were joined together in food-lines, depending on the kindness of strangers – and, provided we cure our short-term memory loss, once the cash flow returns, we just might start talking, and doing something about America’s caste system.

For starters, let’s re-gift this cold water in our face, to myopic news media, with a resounding reunification proclamation:  deliver factual news awareness that razes to the ground all walls inciting self-fulfilling prophesies.  Thus, armed with information, not hyped conjectured opinion, we can progress beyond trumped up malicious manifested malignancy.

We, the expendable, matured now by the knowledge that the American Dream is not limited to the nightmare of a self-serving Trump organization but remains the invitation to our future to undo the horrors of our past:  a nation lacking any semblance of income parity between male and female, nurses & doctors, teachers & sports players – is no, Land of the Free.

Democrats, if we’re different from Republicans, admit America’s walls existed long before Donald Trump accidentally fell into the lap of concrete underbelly thinking, and advance our global, glacial, climate and mental health economic thinking to actionable awareness.

United Democrats can best help all Americans see beyond the Trump/Pence era, to not only stop drinking leftover Trickle-Down Kool-Aid, but to educate all, that Americans living paycheck to paycheck know more about budgets, income, taxes and economic recovery than those responsible for the Bush/Cheney Recession and Trump/Pence/Mnuchin deficits.

The ultimate lesson at the heart of our longest government shutdown is:  too much wealth collected in State Houses and Congress by Wall Street rentals, has blinded power seekers to the fact that, we are neither chattel nor pawns – when not easily distracted by the glitz of the greedy protecting their need for our over consumerism.

We are more than the soulless who crave a craven White House, and those genuflecting to a pro-Putin president.  We are what survives and thrives after the last hurrah of rogue regimes.

It’s less about MAGA capped kids and more about how we’re still abandoning our original Americans to poverty.  It’s about demeaning cabinet positions, and a Commerce Secretary who hasn’t a clue about America’s daily bread.

Nonetheless, because of Trump’s shutdown, we now must face that to America’s peril, hundreds of thousands of over-worked Americans with too little savings and too few benefits, are only two paychecks away from potential homelessness.

We’ve all made mistakes when jumping to simplistic conclusions over superficial first impressions but falling for a candidate allied with a foreign power indulges in the worst lie of all:  the lie we tell ourselves about being superior to any life-form on earth.

Yes, our Founding Fathers, expected Exceptionalism would free people of their land-owning class, gender and race to self-govern, with the proviso of an Electoral College to prevent mob rule – but America’s Founding Fathers couldn’t have imagined a Russian hack in the White House.

However, in 2019-2020, national maturity suggests we cease and desist ceding permission for any screen size to spy on, or shape our opinions and self-perceptions around, our least common denominator.

156 years after our Declaration of Independence evolved into Lincoln’s, more perfect union, we’re beckoned to, passionately live a life of excellence focusing our energetic endeavors on what’s next and new, because indeed, we are better than our current GOP debacle.

Even during holiday celebrations, when my Grandmamma spoke, raucous yielded the room to the wisdom found in listening silently.  I’ve often seen her in the inner glow and intense stare of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Speaker Nancy Pelosi – but media hyperbole is wrong!  There are no winners, and no victory for America until we stop allowing arrogance to suck our sustenance and humanity off the exceptional rainbow lite path, forward.

Our recent past, and possible encore of a Trump induced national endurance test, chasing phantom southern border threats has gifted us this knowledge:  it is not the first time we’ve been designated, expendable by the moneyed powerful – but now we know, America’s greatness, like patriotism, is an honest overture constantly welcoming different points-of-view, while heroically walking in the skin of diversity’s justice for all.