Good Samaritan

Is All We Want for Christmas, a Soap Opera White House? – Best of TREMR & Headline

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Who, ever expected we could white out Black Tuesday with a, Black Friday trajectory blasting off between Thanksgiving dinner and traditional over-stuffing on late night turkey sandwiches?  But, defying food coma, and reason, are we allowing the corporate takeover of government and holidays, to teeter America at The Edge of Night?  Or is it just, As the World Turns?

What hurled, all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth into head smashing by the last in line, crashing the first in line against the only transparency since 2017 inaugural:  Mall glass doors’ dividing lines between, lumps of coal Passions and Love of Life?

When is a Bucket List a, To Do List – when, blinded by ambition, we’ve missed the, Days of Our Lives potential for, Justice for All?

Where do we turn when finding ourselves at the crossroads of Loving and Shame?  Do we Search for Tomorrow, in Holiday wishes for the foresight of the Gettysburg Address, unity of The New Deal and audacity to, Ask what we can do for our country? 

Why are 40% of Americans willing to leave America adrift in, Dark Shadows, unanchored in The Secret Storm, beyond the lies we tell ourselves, to something so grotesquely grandiose, it Third Reichs Paul Ryan’s Hope into a White House of alternative facts and Senate supreme mutations, determined to blot out America’s, Guiding Light?

How can 75% of Republicans still believe Donald Trump, the heretic of reality is the birth foretold to create, Another World? 

Are his Blitzkrieg salvos of disinformation tweets saving America?  Is his lack of even a modicum of understanding for governance, our National Security?

Is it his utter disregard for Constitutional law; his business acumen for bankruptcy; his medieval wall of shame; his Trade Wars persecuting farmers; or is it his betrayal of our finest hours that makes him the Conservatives’ choice for, One Life to Live?

Is it his, vengeance is mine saith the Lord approach to the presidency that mesmerizes Republicans into believing he who is more Putin disciple than savoir of Christmas – a better president than Lincoln?

Then, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joyWe the People needn’t relive our mid-19th century division, 1920’s rise of KKK racism, violence of 1950s-1960s school segregation, church bombings, Jim Crow and iconic assassinations, that will forever stain our souls – for what we think about we talk about, what we talk about we do, and what we do long enough, we become.

Remembering, our military is programmed to follow Commander-in-Chief orders, unless unlawful, it is for us, the ultimate civilian authority over the military, to determine through our elected members of Congress, who and what is lawful.

For every belligerent armed Tiki Torch assailant inciting domestic violence, millions more define America by peacefully tipping the scales of humanity away from unrelenting fear fueled hate, toward our Good Samaritan within.  Resistance to torture, private prisons for profit, caged refugees, is paramount, to strengthen our ballots for America’s self-preservation until it defeats the supremacy of anti-diversity bullies.

For America to survive post IED Trump/Giuliani/McConnell, piercing the foggy bottom of smokescreens Pence/Nunes/Jordan, we must dust off the ideals of our Founders and bestow them to those we’ve bequeathed the best denial of the worst of Climatic times, with less than adequate intentions for, All My Children.

Although we have always been a nation divided, every man like General James Wilkinson is outnumbered by Americans more akin to Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Rosa Parks.

Isn’t what we really want for the Holidays more than a Do Over on our journey to Meet Joe Black without death and taxes?  Better a Dasher navigate us through soaring dreams come true, and if not a Dancer, at least a Joy to the World, Prancer for peace.

We deserve more than midnight cheeseburgers and Vixen peep shows defusing the Camelot Comet of our youth, for still our torch for all, yearning to breathe free, promises humankind, we’re Cupid.

Holidays could make every day less about pushing and shoving for deal makers’ deals, and more welcoming to the wisdom of opportunity seeking our future oriented courage as Stewards of all life on earth.

After Donner, however, defining intentional deceptions from campaigning candidates, and even elected officials, as High Crimes and Misdemeanors might be our dearest reining in of past sins.

Unplugging a red-nosed Rudolph Giuliani, we rediscover, without moral leadership, no infrastructure, grid or science can guarantee we prevail.

Soaring with Blixem above pettiness and greed, however, reveals our national purpose depends on the company we keep, and our individual destiny, the midnight star we follow distributing the precious gift of communication:  listening.

America’s Mission Possible:  Standing Together Post Trump/Pence – Headline

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We can all accept that rising to a Lincoln standard every day, though a worthy Smith Goes to Washington goal, may be a hurdle too high for most, but how did America’s GOP, after the lessons of Nixon’s Watergate and the 1974 Midterm elections, go from George Herbert Walker Bush to a trumped Federal Government – in search of a State TV Network?

How is it, that 86% of Republicans still support Donald Trump enough to vote to inflict his residue on their children’s future?  What is it that keeps so many hard-working Americans resisting the evolution that is upon us, still expecting a trumped up six-figure income from a Coal industry that has largely abandoned them?

Why don’t Liberals understand rural families need hunting rifles to protect them from carnivores – and Conservatives acknowledge owning protective handguns doesn’t justify packing AR-15 type rifles?

As Michael Cohen confesses, Trump’s team pleads guilty and Matt Whittaker joins Mike Pence in, Duck and Cover – how do Believers justify worshiping a man whose entire life is the evil twin of Holy Scripture?

Is there a marriage of convenience between an America fixated on a President fixated on a Moscow Tower and the Americans getting current events’ updates from Social Media platforms and late-night stand-up comics?

Would that not beget children who grow up to imprison children?

People have been deceived before by false prophets claiming, they are the only one who can remedy all problems.  Remembering McCarthy Era, why can’t we see enemies vilified by such men are created to distract disciples, while they amass secret foreign profits?

Foreign and domestic, Empire Building isn’t new.  Its history conjures brother against brother to manipulate a proletariat feeling ignored, into investing faith in apathetic emperor wannabes.

Can we still miss the point that anyone who told, We the People, via our Media, the same lies Michael Cohen told Congress are as complicit as Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who chose visions of grandeur and on-camera grandstanding, over FBI vetting, Constitution and common sense?

In the New Year, may we emulate POTUS 35 & 41, choosing history making collaborative accomplishments, over juvenile victory laps?

We may never touch the hearts or reach the minds of those who long for a whitewashed time of white hoods, white supremacy resurrecting a south rising to the depths of James Fields Jr., Brian Kemp and Cindi Hyde-Smith – but we can understand that most who believed in the mastery of a Pied-Piper-in-Chief, voted – seeking to be heard, not herded through the debris of oil wars and Great Recession.

Although a river of greed, bigotry and apathy runs through it, the Trump Administration, Organization and Family are merely the visible pathology atop our history of self-deception, from

  • Tule Lake’s Japanese-Americans to South-American refugee children interned in Tornillo Texas tents
  • Emancipation Proclamation to The Solid Democratic South
  • JFK/LBJ to The Solid Republican South
  • Jim Crow to Dixiecrats
  • 1966 UT Tower shooting to Sandy Hook, Pulse, Parkland and Las Vegas
  • Nixon’s Southern Strategy to Watergate and Treason
  • Reagan’s, Mistakes were made to Bush/Cheney/Wolfowitz’s Iran
  • Dishonesty of both political parties to K Street rental of too many politicians
  • Putin’s crowning a double-dealing pathological prince in his own image, to an American plague of ruthless anti-American human chicanery: Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Kellyanne Conway, Kirstjen Nielsen, Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Steven Mnuchin, Mike Pompeo, Paul Manafort, Rudy Giuliani, Devin Nunez and the enabler of pedophile pimps, Alex Acosta

Despite Trump deal:  $50m Moscow Penthouse for ultimate in world power – it’s not just their lust for moneyed power, it’s their believing we’re dumb enough to fall for it.

Regardless of political party, holding ourselves and those we elect, accountable for everyone, is best definition of Justice for All.

However, being addicted to Media obsession with Donald Trump, we aid and abet his desired, Government-run TV Network, – because, the Russia Project was real and Brett Kavanaugh’s House Judiciary Republicans supremely tucked it.

Beware:  no people believing ignorance of their nation’s history, secrecy and laws can avoid losing their freedom.

However, committing to what we’re for, who we elect reflects us, but to define us, we must continually deliver on the Mission of America’s promise.