Human Kindness

No Tests, No Cases? Gatherings’ Numbers Shifting! Oblivious POTUS!?! – Headline

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Yes, Beware the ides of March, but don’t choose to barhop as sacrificial lambs for green beer, when your being socially distant could spare all you hold dear.

We need get past the me first tribalism grip of pretend patriots believing only what someone we believe, in our tribe, believes.

So, to successfully reach and hopefully inspire all to wash our hands of the Coronavirus, please consider the following human stimulus, and unite:

Newt GingrichTed CruzTom Hanks

Absent any rancor, let us recalibrate our knowing what to believe, who to trust, when to turn off TV/Radio news coverage – while welcoming back the Fourth Estate by supporting media televising answers from medical and scientific professionals, to our pressing questions.

Being such public stewards of truth, timely information and educational updates transformed talking heads into keepers of the flame – most unlike leaders in the midst of abject failure, sending their supporters autographed charts showing fleeting stock market gains, after finally pendulum swinging from, the new hoax to, declaring the Coronavirus a National Emergency.

Results, however, bloom neither from trumped denial nor believing the president is the root of all our current evils.  Solutions are found in the middle of reason, at the center of clear thinking, from the core of wisdom – for Covid-19  is but preamble to what a declining planet has yet to teach us.

Donald Trump did not cause the Coronavirus, but his Trade Wars, disregard for his oath of office, and apathy for the wellbeing of others, has divided and, at least for The Right, conquered our effective response to a life-threatening pandemic.

Nevertheless, neither past sins nor present social distancing are the only or best defense against a virus imposed new world order, sans access to movie theaters – for no matter what hue, gender or sexual persuasion, now the only politics of survival is, United We Stand.

Additionally, devices formerly contributing to our human disconnect, are now, aided and abetted by the Arts, the best assurance that we rise above closing America’s borders to humankind, while opening our doors to the monsters within – not only at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but worse, minds closed to rational thought, the intelligence of science and the loving potential of an elbow bump.

With social distancing from Covid-19 saturation of mind, body and spirit and those too big to fail in commerce, finance and federal government, succeed at failing us, trust cooler health care R&D heads, and offer thanksgiving for their being our front line.

While recently some have failed to, beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves, let us concede, every generation has its collective face-to-face with what seems an insurmountable nemesis, and every person, a turning point in life.

So, let us remember, heed and stand atop our triumphant truths snatched from the jaws of defeat:  Pearl Harbor, sixties’ assassinations, Vietnam War, HIV/Aids, 9/11, bankers’ induced Great Recession, Pharma induced Opioid addictions – for with resurrected courage, we will survive, indeed thrive after the trials of Trump/Pence/McConnell and tribulations of Covid-19, if rising recommitted to victory over our prejudices, fears and hate.

Of course, at some point we must acknowledge, there was a White House pandemic office, until Trump/Bolton closed it.  For those who believed this was best for America’s national security, I beg of you to ask yourself, without recrimination:  what about now.

Travel bans were always more self-deceiving than even believing America can victoriously sail the ocean blue anchored to a divided Democratic Party.  Before American soil was invaded by Covid-19, we were a house divided, adrift and vulnerable to Wall Street pirates,  Needing to disentangle from a trumped Ship of State, let’s dissolve all viral bewilderment.

We must now be America’s checks and balances, because the powers that a National Emergency give a president, must never be bestowed on one who, unlike, the buck stops here Truman, vows, I don’t take responsibility at all.

So, let’s commit to helping each other.  Even if not able to lift every voice and sing, at least whistle a happy tune, knowing each individual melody, may be the perfect chord for those composing the harmony of hope.

What Coronavirus offers through our computers, cells and iPods, is the best way to fulfill our need for true unity of purpose, eye-contact communication and admitting the reality of each other.

Nevertheless, not even Global pandemic can be allowed to consume our thoughts, dreams and lives:  there will be a tomorrow, if we replace banning others with banding together.

Covid-19 will challenge both personal and national balance of power, but social distancing and self-discipline will jumpstart our health care readiness and catapult our character on the wings of reason, courage and human-kindness.



When Ignorance Leads by Example – Headlined on Mon 4/18/16

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Craig Climate Dogs & CatsThankfully we have the example of Peter — A man called Pope Francis I, leading by following the saintly example of love for all life upon earth, reminiscent of a universe as great as clean flowing rivers and as small as the pollinators of our dwindling food chain.

When peaceful protest is met with violence, is not our American rainbow stained tea brown with a confederacy of hypocrisy, ending not with gold but, thirty pieces of silver?

How can an under informed mob led by myopic example deliver us from the wide gate and broad road to self-destruction — when, like herded sheep, we’re hell bent on reincarnating the dust to ashes of 1431 flame throwers consuming a listening saint for winning.

Must we continually follow examples that embed McCarthyism in our DNA?

Leading by an example of denial, feigning the parting of our GOP Red Sea, don’t we risk staining our true blue American desire for all-inclusive exceptional opportunity, by phasing out Lincoln’s preserved nation with KKK Pride, Bailout Envy, Oil Wrath, Pharmaceutical Gluttony, evangelical Christian House Speaker Lust, Koch Governors’ Sloth and Wall Street Banker Greed.

When nature is last up at bat, will earth be struck out, or hit away into the bowels of the great Red dragon of a Feudal Grand Old Party?

When ignorance leads by example, are not mob-rule, fear and hate its clarion in hot pursuit of an enslaved past as prologue for abuse of reasonable thought?

Perhaps if we could but touch the hem of His garment, Revelation would be humanity’s Enlightenment.  Shouldn’t wisdom transform our knowledge into a balance of the trinity of national security, individual happiness and global sustainability?

Each dawn inspires expectation, promising, with human cooperation, fulfillment through a harmonious earthy ensemble.

At the end of our days, if having lived as a Good Samaritan example, we will have earned the right of passage to the ultimate freedom:  the peace that transcends our hearts and minds with mutual acceptance.

Although nothing is guaranteed, especially when those claiming to be Right, think it’s good to deny different POVs the freedom of making choices, like speech not money talks, how to die, non-repetitive media gossip, voting in elections, Ten from Moses or Ten from Madison or both or neither, giving birth or not, peaceful (as in non-violence against protestors) assembly – dare we dream income parity, sexual preferences allowed, gender self-identification, equal economic opportunity, and the freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances concerning any of the above.

So what leads are we following for peace on earth and a piece of earth surviving Corporatism, Global Warming and human over consumerism?

We have more choices than the extremes of CIA Bay of Pigs and Tibetan Shangri-La, but not as much time to make them, as climate injustices march ever closer to abrupt loss of clean and plentiful water, food and air, with the immediacy of vanishing species.

This planet is the last remnant of a kingdom entrusted to our stewardship. So is life to be both metaphor and reality of global potential at war with individuals missing the point of our existence?

By what example shall we lead:  disasters at nuclear plants, Russian planes buzzing American Ships, TV peddling talking Koch heads, mass appeal for media hype of papal handshake, new nukes for new cold war or, even if unable to avoid or reverse — leading by multiple examples of human kindness.

Let us choose to lead not by ignoring and denial, but by being the solid rock, on which all living on earth can build a life of liberty in the pursuit of happiness.

Humankind is not alone, but if we continue acting like we are, we soon will be.