Newt Gingrich

No Tests, No Cases? Gatherings’ Numbers Shifting! Oblivious POTUS!?! – Headline

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Yes, Beware the ides of March, but don’t choose to barhop as sacrificial lambs for green beer, when your being socially distant could spare all you hold dear.

We need get past the me first tribalism grip of pretend patriots believing only what someone we believe, in our tribe, believes.

So, to successfully reach and hopefully inspire all to wash our hands of the Coronavirus, please consider the following human stimulus, and unite:

Newt GingrichTed CruzTom Hanks

Absent any rancor, let us recalibrate our knowing what to believe, who to trust, when to turn off TV/Radio news coverage – while welcoming back the Fourth Estate by supporting media televising answers from medical and scientific professionals, to our pressing questions.

Being such public stewards of truth, timely information and educational updates transformed talking heads into keepers of the flame – most unlike leaders in the midst of abject failure, sending their supporters autographed charts showing fleeting stock market gains, after finally pendulum swinging from, the new hoax to, declaring the Coronavirus a National Emergency.

Results, however, bloom neither from trumped denial nor believing the president is the root of all our current evils.  Solutions are found in the middle of reason, at the center of clear thinking, from the core of wisdom – for Covid-19  is but preamble to what a declining planet has yet to teach us.

Donald Trump did not cause the Coronavirus, but his Trade Wars, disregard for his oath of office, and apathy for the wellbeing of others, has divided and, at least for The Right, conquered our effective response to a life-threatening pandemic.

Nevertheless, neither past sins nor present social distancing are the only or best defense against a virus imposed new world order, sans access to movie theaters – for no matter what hue, gender or sexual persuasion, now the only politics of survival is, United We Stand.

Additionally, devices formerly contributing to our human disconnect, are now, aided and abetted by the Arts, the best assurance that we rise above closing America’s borders to humankind, while opening our doors to the monsters within – not only at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but worse, minds closed to rational thought, the intelligence of science and the loving potential of an elbow bump.

With social distancing from Covid-19 saturation of mind, body and spirit and those too big to fail in commerce, finance and federal government, succeed at failing us, trust cooler health care R&D heads, and offer thanksgiving for their being our front line.

While recently some have failed to, beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves, let us concede, every generation has its collective face-to-face with what seems an insurmountable nemesis, and every person, a turning point in life.

So, let us remember, heed and stand atop our triumphant truths snatched from the jaws of defeat:  Pearl Harbor, sixties’ assassinations, Vietnam War, HIV/Aids, 9/11, bankers’ induced Great Recession, Pharma induced Opioid addictions – for with resurrected courage, we will survive, indeed thrive after the trials of Trump/Pence/McConnell and tribulations of Covid-19, if rising recommitted to victory over our prejudices, fears and hate.

Of course, at some point we must acknowledge, there was a White House pandemic office, until Trump/Bolton closed it.  For those who believed this was best for America’s national security, I beg of you to ask yourself, without recrimination:  what about now.

Travel bans were always more self-deceiving than even believing America can victoriously sail the ocean blue anchored to a divided Democratic Party.  Before American soil was invaded by Covid-19, we were a house divided, adrift and vulnerable to Wall Street pirates,  Needing to disentangle from a trumped Ship of State, let’s dissolve all viral bewilderment.

We must now be America’s checks and balances, because the powers that a National Emergency give a president, must never be bestowed on one who, unlike, the buck stops here Truman, vows, I don’t take responsibility at all.

So, let’s commit to helping each other.  Even if not able to lift every voice and sing, at least whistle a happy tune, knowing each individual melody, may be the perfect chord for those composing the harmony of hope.

What Coronavirus offers through our computers, cells and iPods, is the best way to fulfill our need for true unity of purpose, eye-contact communication and admitting the reality of each other.

Nevertheless, not even Global pandemic can be allowed to consume our thoughts, dreams and lives:  there will be a tomorrow, if we replace banning others with banding together.

Covid-19 will challenge both personal and national balance of power, but social distancing and self-discipline will jumpstart our health care readiness and catapult our character on the wings of reason, courage and human-kindness.



Gifts:  from Little Boy to ISIS – Headlined on Thur 12/24/15

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TRV Human BeingArguably the greatest gifts we can give are, faith in ourselves, hope for our children’s future, love for all, and a knowledge of our past which makes us wise enough not to repeat it.

Both Old and New Testaments begin with boring lists of who begat whom, without lascivious details or revealing selfies.  So in this season of seemingly less Joy to the World, may I borrow holy template to offer some conceptual mapping from Over There left overs to O. K. Corral do over?

Denying the possibility that we were not invincible after all, an overwhelmed President Hoover and defeated Happy Warrior couldn’t spare us October 29, 1929, nor its offspring:  The Great Depression.

We needed a half-full glass mind-set, a broad smile and cigarette tipped heavenward for Happy Days Are Here Again.

For twelve years, Franklin Delano Roosevelt resuscitated America with alphabet agencies defying fear, even as the Greatest Generation went down to the sea in ships on a date which will live in infamy.

Left behind to finish, Missouri’s Harry Truman harvested Einstein’s Atomic Age and The Korean Conflict – bequeathing the police action to WWII Supreme Commander Ike, to divide to conquer, as Commander-in-Chief, Dwight D. Eisenhower

Heart attacks behind him, Eisenhower hoisted Cold War and Nikita Khrushchev on younger shoulders:  PT-Boat 109 Kennedy.

Gunned down after a thousand days, JFK’s legacy:  The Peace Corps, an isolated Cuba in a world saved from nuclear destruction — and a Texan named Lyndon.

Creating Gulf of Tonkin fantasy, LBJ left behind a wall of Vietnam dead, a wounded America and John Kennedy’s Civil Rights Act for Nixon’s last stand.

More than the first, gate, Nixon left behind an unintentionally united Vietnam and intentional eighteen-minute gap in history — but for the careening Ford — an institutionalized neoconservative closed group of radical zealots.

Neither VP nor POTUS elected, Gerald Ford, left behind Nixon pardoned, and the link of Dulles brothers to Fritz Kraemer and Bush/Cheney.

Inheriting the malaise of elitists John Foster & brother Allen, the Nixon hit list and a stumbling Ex-Warren Commission member too cowardly to speak assassination truth to CIA power until death did us part — Write It When I’m GoneJimmy Carter, nonetheless left behind Camp David Middle East Peace Accords between Menachem Begin and Anwar El Sadat – and in the sands of time, a failed attempt to rescue American hostages from Iran.

On January 20, 1981, “Ronnie” acquired Iran’s 444 days of Americans held hostage.  Tricking American voters, he cast himself as the hero riding in to save the day, just moments after ascending to 40th president.

Echoing the morals of a Nixon, Reagan left behind most Americans.

Advancing precedent setting Grenada, for pre-emptive nation invasions, President Reagan, after Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall, grandstanding on the back of a pope, left behind our 99% waiting for something to Trickledown – meanwhile, mistakes were made.

CIA tainted by the blood of Dallas, read my lips George H. W. Bush presuming a twice elected Reagan rerun, checked his watch once too often and retired to jumping out of planes, leaving behind a stabilized Iraq in the hands of Saddam Husain villainy, until relative neo-con punched his ticket.

William Jefferson Clinton was a shock and awe interruption for those determined to loop an everlasting Cold War winning refrain of, The Forty Years War.

Aided and abetted by the hypocrisy of House Speaker Newt Gingrich, zealot Ken Starr, Speaker to Felon Dennis Hastert, a dash of opportunism Henry Hyde and finger wagging oral in the Oval, Bill Clinton managed to leave behind the possibility of finally ending WWI imperial ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo, but no Glass-Steagall.

Like JFK before him, wild Bill left America with a thriving economic surplus solidly in the black – which fatefully deposited us into the agenda of Ralph Nader and Mission Accomplished burning bush.

George W. Bush, did his best at leaving all of us his worst:  the Mushroom Cloud Gang, including in no particular order, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Gonzales, Yoo etc; perpetual war, death & destruction, ISIS, and, released from the shadows, America’s pre-Trump Dark Side:  Neo-Conservatism.

No matter what holiday we celebrate, for our Happy New Year:  understanding that there are always connecting dots that dissolve the greatest lies we tell ourselves. — truth sets us free from denial, so knowledge can flourish, and with knowledge, wisdom is empowered to evaporate hateful discrimination.

Not pageantry nor flag waving, but reason and love parent World Peace as does admitting and correcting our past mistakes.Presidents