Joe Manchin

The Crucifixion of America – Headline – TREMR Featured Writer

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All we like sheep have gone astray confesses:  our crucifixion from within. 

While neither global nor American first, domestic monsters seek to agitate the still tyrant voice within each of us. 

MAGA Republicans are increasing dissembling havoc, supporting a get out of jail free card for Trump lifetime criminal achievement award. 

Using mesmerized minions craving to be the welcome mat for a self-proclaimed shooter of someone on Fifth Avenue while still guaranteeing his craven needs with, malice aforethought to chisel American Exceptionalism into his own image.

While America has never been perfectly aligned with its legacy from what we’ve put on parchment, proclaiming, and claiming, justice for all, since 6 January 2021, however, our House Divided has become a rallying cry for fund raising, mind-bending and vote getting (& losing) for one of our two major political parties.

As the climate we’ve changed, raises our weather temperatures, so too, we’re raising our anger, hate, gnashing of teeth and clinched fists, allowing Corporatism’s wolves to claw out America’s Heartland, and infiltrate the Bible Belt with their hoopla of la merde, spread lavishly throughout all of America, doping up the desperately frustrated into national suicide.

Thus, have we stepped into the danger zone of too close to recall, both America’s Promised Land of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and our planet’s livable earth, water and air, now also, fired up to self-destruct.

Still, he who claims he is the chosen one strides dangerously close to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave (aided and abetted by superficially good people (Joe Manchin & RFK Jr), and bad people (Kevin McCarthy & Ron DeSantis) on both sides, reflecting each other’s contest in, stupid is as stupid does.

Yet, only The Right side decries by example, that their very survival depends on America’s failure to deliver on the promises of our Constitution’s Bill of Rights, emancipating Gettysburg Address and arguably, most importantly our 14th Amendment.

Further, arguably:  since August 1945, when American political/military/industrial complex harbingers killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people (most of whom were civilians) and then, in April 2004,  monkey see money due from black gold:  our Bush/Cheney Administration having invaded an Iraq, innocent only of 9/11 attacks on America,– illustrating made-in-the-USA resolve to use global campaign against terrorists impeding powerful American terrorists from gutting oil profits gluttony, (the true raison d’etre for, Axis of Evil snake oil) – repeatedly bombed Falluja causing…

  • Countless Iraqi civilian deaths for profit
  • Increase in Al Jazeer’s hate for all Americans
  • Reincarnation of The Ugly American through American War Criminals, GW & Tricky Dick 2
  • In the name of We the American People, the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, still operating as a remnant of the war on terror euphemism
  • America’s Branding as practitioners of Waterboarding and, akin to WWII Axis Powers: torturing prisoners of war

Too often, America’s historical M. O. stigmatizes our current events, including the anti-wisdom choice to abandon, discard and replace experienced Americans with the latest fade, device or A.I. bull hockey from spewing bankrolled mouthpieces.

The ever-increasing weight of the Reactionary Conservative third of Americans is antithetical to our national evolution and individual progression because, refusing any accountability for the rape we’ve allowed, filthy rich politicians and their filthy rich corporate puppeteers to reap from our country and planet – transforms us into a momentarily mum McConnell and foul, feted fuming former figurehead Führer, instead of paralleling, Maya Angelou and Tom Hanks.  

Although, centuries younger than most of the world, we are old enough to remember:  a nation ignorant of its history is doomed to repeat the folly of placing individual faith in our youthful assumed invincibility.

When defined by those calculating quality time in Instagram followers, Facebook likes, or worse, how the neighborhood has changed, it’s wise to ponder, through the art of comedy, tragedy of loss, even the melodrama of traversing the comings and goings of inevitable emotional tides diminishing some relationships – until, ultimately through the tears and laughter of satire, we glean the wisdom of learning from farcical aging. 

Then, living ever forward, we may outrun Father Time, for a pace.

In this our age of climate consequences, we need expect to be called upon individually, to emulate, Irena Sendler who was Warsaw’s Schindler for infants and children – and remember, James Waterman Wise, Jr:  when “fascism comes, it will not be identified with any shirt, movement, nor with an insignia, but it will probably be wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution.” 

An, Ah Ha Moment?…

A big liar, racially similar to those historically vulnerable to big lies infringing upon our commonality, perceived superiority:  an American traitor, preying on our economic inequity, Affirmative Action jealousy, and cultural fears of being replaced by diversity.

Our Ballot, our choice.

Supreme Polling:  America 8 – Trump 1 – Biden 42.3% – Best of TREMR and Headlined on

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Trumpism is America’s Dorian Gray selfie, exposing why/how Trump so easily erupted from the deep throat of America’s Right Wing:

  • Avoiding taxes, hiding colossal sums in offshore accounts  
  • Wall Streeters self-cast as global finance gods, folding Conservative Governors, members of Congress and News Media talking heads into their balance sheets as CDB line items
  • Red State politicians eviscerating what’s left of our one person one vote Exceptionalism dream – keeping us addicted, overweight and stupefied to cripple public education.    

In this top-down mutilation of the American Dream’s Golden Rule, our economy, patriotism, and pursuit of happiness are upended by Corporatism’s twisted, for profit, Supply and Demand – fueled by constant opinion polling, less for determining the informed pulse of the people, than programming it with the manipulation to distract with, K.I.S.S. – dividing Americans, as Walter Lee Younger put it, between the takers and the taken.

Is the country heading in the right direction – a question that is both so extremely subjective and speculative, not to mention relying solely on a response from a pandemic crazed, school or not, mask &/or vaccination head-spinning reaction to ten second headlines sandwiched between twenty seconds of pressurized corporate indoctrination and, Hi Davids, while understandably exhausted if not petrified into believing that, maybe those violently committed to a lunatic grafter, devoid of any moral fiber, might be better to realign our ship of state on a course of mutual civility, unity and respect, than our currently elected elder stateman who inherited the minefield of merde dumped on our Constitutional Democracy by our Ex.

For self-preservation, we need to stop dancing on the graves of the native culture which preceded us and break our self-imposed chains to persecuting every different culture that has, in succession, chosen to relocate in a nation that professes for all:  life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Now forced to face the truth of our culpability in enabling the conjurer whose big lie continues to legitimize hateful variants in plain sight, to breathe freely, a house divided cannot stand, how do we poll ourselves on the substance of only united can we stand?  Can any people on earth replace tyrants like Stalin, Hitler, Putin and Trump, with an, one person one vote electoral system of government, wherein the governed govern through free, and unencumbered voting privileges?

When nurtured in the loins of racial superiority, inevitably entitlement launches 1619 New World human enslavement defining America as thoroughly as our 1776 declaration of independence, 1861-65 Civil War’s presidential assassination – 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre; overlapping Jim Crow and Segregation eras 1877-1950 and 1900-1939 respectively- all welcome-matting Strom Thurmond’s 1948, Dixiecrats, 1960’s Assassinations, Nixon’s Watergate, Reagan’s Welfare Queen:  how can the aftermath of a 6 January 2021 GOP embracing Trumpism for, electability be a surprise?

Accepting truth sets us free:

  • In 1804, during Jefferson’s administration, and sixteen years after our Constitution was ratified in 1788, the Electoral College was created, in part because our Founding Fathers didn’t trust that non-whites, non-landowners nor the less educated public would vote wisely.
  • In 2019, 32.1% of Americans had earned a bachelor’s degree – which is far less an accurate and dependable measure of intelligence than, how many Americans bother to vote or even pay attention to issues beyond their immediate individual commerce, making how many vulnerable to corporate sponsored POV journalism’s misleading political ads  
  • America is behind all other G7 nations in maintaining infrastructure, including power grids
  • The willpower of our elected officials to respond to the daily bread needs of Americans depends on who Americans elect
  • In 2020, Joe Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3% of the votes cast, making him the first American presidential candidate to win more than 80 million votes.
  • Trump won 74,222,958 votes, proving 46.8% of America is moving in The Right direction for those designing, a House Divided Against Itself
  • Unlike the popularity acceptance of our lowest standard of gotcha news reporting, to me, Biden’s Minor Incursion (like JFK refusing Generals’ war desires over one U2 fatality) Biden’s punishment will fit Putin’s crime

Can we not yet see through the lens of peace, poetry and wisdom, rather than electing traitors planning and supporting intimidators of election officials and violent insurrectionists?

Instead, When people show you who they are, believe them the first time:

Let’s Self-Poll: Is America better off with Republicans who are for nothing but being against any and everything President Biden hoped to accomplish for, all of the people all of the time?