
It’s Not About Trump – It’s About USa!

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Despite Trump’s disdainful U-Turn toward 1860, since 1960, albeit with the inconsistency of a pendulum lost to the possibility of being centered – we’ve crawled wounded by assassinations, then walked on the moon, now encoring our, one brief shining moment, we support more progressive Americans in doing our best to be our brightest in replacing malice toward anyone in The Land of the Free, with charity, justice and equality for all.

Our Statue of Liberty torch is once again passed to a new generation of Americans, reborn out of a Great Recession induced by the enablers of, Donald Trump and family.

However, it’s much too soon to be drowned, surfing 2018 expectations of Blue Waves.  Thanks to the creators of Trump, not trusting corporate owned media polls predicting landslide victories and taking voters for granted is a 2016 lesson learned – remembering, Nixon’s landslide re-election during the 1972 Watergate investigation.

With Trump support, splintered grassroot energy is blossoming into the wisdom of our feminine side, but non-voters beware, elections are no more a spectator’s sport, than keeping our Democratic Republic from slipping through Twitter thumbs and Youtube videos.

Surprised faces, on Trump and Pence, at the end of hacked campaign days, Tuesday 8 November 2016, shocked our overdue gender equality into rippling muscular brain power, ready, willing and able to weigh the anchored weight of Conservatism’s self-serving philosophic quagmire of old males like, Orrin Hatch, Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell.  Our Mission?  Expedite exit of such as these, into the shadow of a fool’s gold parachute.

Invigorated by trumped men, we reinvest ourselves to a higher path.  Having reacquired our spirit of 1776 giants, we now emerge ever closer to filling the shoes of all-inclusive icons — progressive geniuses with the courage, even in the face of hanging together, to launch a new birth of freedom:  American Exceptionalism.

Because of Trump, we shall overcome hackers manipulating our elections, the dangers to democracy from our paperless electoral system, the bargain between the good, bad & ugly of life-time judicial appointments, an Electoral College no longer immune to mob-rule – and, the K.I.S.S. of shaking things up.

With a trumped administration, threatening not only the undoing of an Obama legacy, but the heritage of our American Experiment, We the People, though descendants of shameless Thanksgiving thieves, stealing from America’s original native culture — like any unvarnished work-in-progress, rarely lunging forward – we now progress arbitrating with the few who prefer to anchor us in, What is Past is Prologue.

With the rise of immoral leadership trolling us into an all-time low for our nation of immigrant descendants, forgotten truth looms reincarnated, inviting our reaffirmation:

  • The Emancipation Proclamation
  • 19th Amendment awaiting ratification of our Equal Rights Amendment
  • I have a Dream
  • The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die

embracing anew this fact of faith in ourselves:  almost 2.9 million more voters chose a female Democrat in our last presidential election.

A waring Trump is best defeated with positive acclamation:  Those, who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.  Changing minds, like the long arm of the law, catch up with nuclear button size bravado, saving us from men needing to compensate.

It’s not a money-grabbing president’s crude personality nor smug mental dullness of a UN Ambassador.  It’s the fire and fury motivation of seventeen last minute appointments of state prosecutors, that is potentially an obstruction of justice.

It’s a golfer-in-Chief, emulating the authoritarian governments of Egypt, Libya, Poland, Hungary, Thailand, Somalia, China and Turkey (whose bodyguards attacked peaceful American protesters on American soil) that demands we vote to reset America’s democratic course.

It’s about, bought and paid for Czars of treason, eroding America with quiet domestic terrorism, and a White House abdicating America to, seizing the moment Xi Jinping and Drain the Swamp originator, Putin.

It’s about embracing our flaws so closely, they suffocate, because changing our minds and ourselves is America’s DNA.

We Resist, Persist and are Indivisible, not so we can ban the trumped, but in harmony, be the hope in Casablanca’s battling National Anthems that subdues the war with our fears.


The Winter of our Discontent: Climate Change Jokes, On Us

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You must remember this:  We pay more for a lack of knowledge than we do for university, church, firing range or street smarts.TPP vs. Environment

Not being immune to Japanese Tsunami, terrorists’ bombings, or corporate corrupted politicians, we must remember to follow the breadcrumbs discarded by the greedy, to find the sources that profit most by destroying our resources as easily as, adding chemicals to West Virginia water.

To pick up the trickle down trail of cold Pennsylvania coal mining executive Cliff Forrest, bankrupting people’s health before attempting to bankrupt his way out of town, we must learn to want to connect the dots….

…..between international corporate greed and Jersey bridge bullying; Three Mile Island’s 1979 Nuclear accident and 2011 Fukushima Japan’s nuclear disaster; Nazi concentration camps and Roaring Twenties plantation housing for black cotton pickers…..

You must remember this:  knowledge is Democracy’s greatest ally.

We are not immune to Chinese smog, Sarah Palin deck of race cards or fast food addiction.  Connecting the dots, reveals link between our incorporated environment, our corrupted EPA and our increasing vulnerability to diseases, including cancer.

You must remember this:  the smooth talking salesman of Ayn Rand, joined by Mom for visual credibility, cheered in 2011 by the over 70 crowd at The Villages in Florida, for a Medicare grab that would not inflict cuts until their 50 year old children and 30 year old grandchildren needed affordable healthcare.  Connecting the dots, we will remember not only to think outside the boxed in Fort Lee, but beyond the immediate needs of just you and me.

You must remember this:  bullies are cowards with power, like Governors on the nutritional or Rockefeller take.  Still re-electing the imperfect, somewhat corporately compromised Barack Obama to a second term, We the People proved Koch head bullies, despite donating billions to detonate American democratic will, the power of the crowd to wake up and take notice, is still our David against Goliaths.

You must remember this, however:  re-electing a man under pressures from corporate globalization to Fast Track Trade Partnerships, just because he takes less corporate money than the really bad guys, and wants to change America by building Non-Christie Bridges of consensus, with those who have already sold out Main Street for Wall Street futures, is not enough.

You must remember this:  If we keep lying to ourselves about the lies of power seeking more power on the backs of each of us less powerful, we have a lot more to lose than we have lost already.

So please connect the dots….

Obesity & smoking…..addictive additives in fast food and cigarettes…..Corporate controls;

Cheney’s secret meetings with Wall Street CEO’s…..2008 Recession;

Income disparity, poverty…..Bush Administrated Too Big to Fail Bank economic takeover;

The Rich get rich, the poor get poorer…..47% We built it Romney…..class warfare…..discrimination…..schools to prison pipeline without restoration of rights…..Private Corporate Prisons;

Blue, White & Red collars…..underemployed…..disappearing benefits, diminished salaries…..corporate slavery;

NYC star envy shopping spree…..Star Scientific…..supplementing Governors

Secret FISA court…..using 9/11…..freely sweeping data mining NSA…..Obama;

Government branding whistle blowers traitors, spies… plots of lone hero fighting against corporate controlled government’s world domination;

Obama’s secret meetings with Energy Resources’ CEOs…..Fast Tracking TPP… corporate globalization, American in name only.

Power & wealth duping less informed Right & Left…..Fast forward Congressional six figures… quadrupled Wall Street incomes;

TV numbing to gun violence…..NRA profits from fear…..Corporate owned Media message;

Old illegal Marijuana… legal marijuana…..alcohol…..profit corporations;

Cancer  is the cause of one out of five deaths in America, and you can connect the dots to Corporate poisoning of our environment…..

You must remember this:  an EPA kiss is just a kiss off.

Connect the dots.