Orrin Hatch

It’s Not About Trump – It’s About USa!

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Despite Trump’s disdainful U-Turn toward 1860, since 1960, albeit with the inconsistency of a pendulum lost to the possibility of being centered – we’ve crawled wounded by assassinations, then walked on the moon, now encoring our, one brief shining moment, we support more progressive Americans in doing our best to be our brightest in replacing malice toward anyone in The Land of the Free, with charity, justice and equality for all.

Our Statue of Liberty torch is once again passed to a new generation of Americans, reborn out of a Great Recession induced by the enablers of, Donald Trump and family.

However, it’s much too soon to be drowned, surfing 2018 expectations of Blue Waves.  Thanks to the creators of Trump, not trusting corporate owned media polls predicting landslide victories and taking voters for granted is a 2016 lesson learned – remembering, Nixon’s landslide re-election during the 1972 Watergate investigation.

With Trump support, splintered grassroot energy is blossoming into the wisdom of our feminine side, but non-voters beware, elections are no more a spectator’s sport, than keeping our Democratic Republic from slipping through Twitter thumbs and Youtube videos.

Surprised faces, on Trump and Pence, at the end of hacked campaign days, Tuesday 8 November 2016, shocked our overdue gender equality into rippling muscular brain power, ready, willing and able to weigh the anchored weight of Conservatism’s self-serving philosophic quagmire of old males like, Orrin Hatch, Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell.  Our Mission?  Expedite exit of such as these, into the shadow of a fool’s gold parachute.

Invigorated by trumped men, we reinvest ourselves to a higher path.  Having reacquired our spirit of 1776 giants, we now emerge ever closer to filling the shoes of all-inclusive icons — progressive geniuses with the courage, even in the face of hanging together, to launch a new birth of freedom:  American Exceptionalism.

Because of Trump, we shall overcome hackers manipulating our elections, the dangers to democracy from our paperless electoral system, the bargain between the good, bad & ugly of life-time judicial appointments, an Electoral College no longer immune to mob-rule – and, the K.I.S.S. of shaking things up.

With a trumped administration, threatening not only the undoing of an Obama legacy, but the heritage of our American Experiment, We the People, though descendants of shameless Thanksgiving thieves, stealing from America’s original native culture — like any unvarnished work-in-progress, rarely lunging forward – we now progress arbitrating with the few who prefer to anchor us in, What is Past is Prologue.

With the rise of immoral leadership trolling us into an all-time low for our nation of immigrant descendants, forgotten truth looms reincarnated, inviting our reaffirmation:

  • The Emancipation Proclamation
  • 19th Amendment awaiting ratification of our Equal Rights Amendment
  • I have a Dream
  • The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die

embracing anew this fact of faith in ourselves:  almost 2.9 million more voters chose a female Democrat in our last presidential election.

A waring Trump is best defeated with positive acclamation:  Those, who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.  Changing minds, like the long arm of the law, catch up with nuclear button size bravado, saving us from men needing to compensate.

It’s not a money-grabbing president’s crude personality nor smug mental dullness of a UN Ambassador.  It’s the fire and fury motivation of seventeen last minute appointments of state prosecutors, that is potentially an obstruction of justice.

It’s a golfer-in-Chief, emulating the authoritarian governments of Egypt, Libya, Poland, Hungary, Thailand, Somalia, China and Turkey (whose bodyguards attacked peaceful American protesters on American soil) that demands we vote to reset America’s democratic course.

It’s about, bought and paid for Czars of treason, eroding America with quiet domestic terrorism, and a White House abdicating America to, seizing the moment Xi Jinping and Drain the Swamp originator, Putin.

It’s about embracing our flaws so closely, they suffocate, because changing our minds and ourselves is America’s DNA.

We Resist, Persist and are Indivisible, not so we can ban the trumped, but in harmony, be the hope in Casablanca’s battling National Anthems that subdues the war with our fears.


When The Trump does it … It is Not Illegal? — Headlined on OpEdNews.com

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Blindly we borrow, seeking climax in the afterglow of a fantasized future. Thus discriminating, we shell game a cashless culture, averting our eyes from a self-gratifying Norquist nodule ringing cash-flow from cash only Americans — increasingly addicted to the erection of what’s in our wallet, instead of carding political hacks to determine whether hero or Opioid dealers.

Echoing the intimidation of invading European immigrants, we rough-ride wave wielding paleface artifice — preserving the right to squander what Teddy and Barack reserved — diminishing Utah monumental heritage by a Corporatism addict compensating for his inadequacies, abusing the good laid bare before him, while endorsing, for minors, sexual assault to garner votes for GOP tax plan raping We the People.

Lacking the desire to define from within, we forfeit our 1776 investment, risking moral bankruptcy, by choosing self-righteous hypocrites, over Good Samaritans, enabling off-shore deposits, post drilling, instead of wedding us vs. them into The Common Good.

Failing to heed history’s lessons of the rise and fall of empires, we invite national suicide.  Forgetting over-taxing technology does not embellish our enlightenment, nor connect us to our Indivisible potential, we ignore, Rome was not build in a day, omits its better half:  America will not fall to foreign invasion, but from the Neros we elect as sea to shining sea gatekeepers.

After ingesting Trump’s Britain First Video retweet and dining on an over-abundance of angry, fear mongering sloppy seconds from phony patriots projecting Fake News, as prophylactic against catching the increasingly unbiased evolution of our U. S. Constitution – are male Supremes blowing in The Right wind?

Have redundant talking points from corporate puppets mesmerized us with streaming oblivion?  Have we become too acclimated to the loss of truth, being taken for a ride on, A Streetcar Named Desire, conducted by a groper-in-Chief cuckolded by his own inspirations:  the South Shall Rise Again aspirants?

Rushing to acquit miniscule tax brackets of Holy Grail donations from super wealthy, are Chuck Grassley, Lindsay Graham, Orrin Hatch, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan’s House of ill repute, gambling that all Americans are like 71% of Alabama Republicans?

Let’s not excuse Trump’s angry, compulsive and seemingly irrational behavior with an escape jail insanity clause.  Self-delusion, lack of empathy and a superiority complex, are insufferable but neither illegal nor impeachable.

Trump may indeed be infected with self-serving delusions of saintly grandeur, but he is still a self-possessed, self-promoted and self-confessed sexual predator, and those who support his reign over truth, propagate one party rule that anchors Checks and Balances, to the greater of two evils.

Indeed, there is tyranny, as much within as without our borders:  traitors wearing stars with red ties to blue suits giving a wink and a nod to Tiki-torch bearers, committing assault and battery, wreaking havoc and vehicular murder.

However, we set the trap which most endangers our Democratic Republic, by abandoning pro-action and increasingly indulging in political reaction – like a schizophrenic pendulum swinging uncontrollably, between holier than thou hypocrisy and Corporatism’s immorality.

Mueller’s, In Like Flynn, trumps Pence, giving us time to put away treasonous things and with the courage of an Alabamian teen, exercise our legal right to expose the blatant shame of deplorable hot pursuit of self-aggrandizement, by the Don Family Sham.

However, doing good often ignites a resurgent evil, fighting back to regain lost power.  Remembering for every action there is a reaction let us prepare for probable backlash against allegations of sexual misconduct ignoring our 6th Amendment, by standing tall for a woman’s right to enjoy the same privileges of any swinging male appendage.

Yes, once again America slows at a dangerous intersection.  Bearing Right, bodes incalculable harassment from collusion between Wall Street and Capitol Hill, camouflaging Red Mapping by mortally wounding our 2020 censusto forever white wash Gerrymandering.

To be certain, our American Dream has been molested by trumped men and women, but raising the equity bar for all women, races and creeds, we remove the anti-American fingerprints with which trumped Republicans have profaned our Statue of Liberty promiseholding the watchfire torch, warning, he who is without honor cannot preserve, protect nor define, American character.