Mitch McConnell

2020 Choices:  Herd Mentality or United States of Human Kindness – Best of TREMR & Headline

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Well-meaning, but self-protecting Founding Fathers created our, Electoral College to maintain American election integrity by placing a protective shield of supervision, peopled by the one-percenters of their day:  wealthy, educated Caucasian “property” owners, dedicated to saving our new nation and its, one-person, one-vote Exceptionalism, from the potential danger of a largely unsophisticated populace, who were vulnerable to their emotional whims.

Our new and improved Electoral College has been officially finalizing the voting will of We the People, supposedly, from Thomas Jefferson’s 1804 reelection until 2016 – with the notable exception of 2000, when the U. S. Supreme Court hijacked this tradition by injecting the William H. Rehnquist Court and Sandra Day O’Connor’s swing vote into a Floridian election hurricane, full of attorney torpedoes, blowing off the popular vote.

Now, with 2020 hindsight and foresight combo, we can, reclaim our vote, by choosing our new American reality, as seen in the virtual around the nation vote to nominate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – for in that virtual rollcall, we saw Lincoln’s American Dream – with all its diverse locations, attire, accents and colors – proving, though sharply divided – we now stand at victory’s precipice, mostly surviving

  • two world wars
  • political assassinations
  • Watergate, Trickle-Down and Too Big To Jail
  • Cheney/Wolfowitz forever oil wars
  • Domestic Terrorism and police brutality
  • the white washing of backlash against our first black looking president

IF we realize we cannot truly rise above our self-inflicted failures and wars, nor surpass our largely MIA contributions to slow the death rate of too many earthbound species, until we embrace the totality of harm Climate Change and Donald Trump have wrought upon planet earth, by admitting our responsibility for both.

Even as an unfit president attempts to undo our Constitution – prescribing government by mob rule steeped in aggressive herd mentality, too akin to, the fickle crowd of 1930’s Germany and Italy – we must unite to save who and what we can be.

By forgetting the reminders in the book, der leader, held up in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church, we, through him, mock the faith of our Founding Fathers, the hope in peaceful assembly and our love for the rule of law, casting ourselves as bystanders witnessing a third of our nation celebrating, a man of lawlessness.

Even before the sacrifices of Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Seneca Falls abolitionists – who left behind Suffragettes resembling Sojourner Truth – yet like Stonewall Rioters, heroes all – whose descendants now march for and with those who take a knee for people who have borne the knee of economic oppression, gender second-class citizenship and racial degradation for centuries.

Having arrived late to the cause of, equal means equal, we the paler majority, do now increasingly repel the self-serving evil intent, in the dirty cash flow between corporatism’s puppeteers and our current Acting-at-government puppet-in-chief.

Electing to kidnap children from their parents and imprison them in cages, we invite the, Love it or Leave it patriotic hypocrisy of, law and order, distortion candidates.

America wins, however, when we make certain no American feels so unseen and unheard that, feeling neglected will ever again elect indifference to our common good.

Everyone is entitled to an abortion opinion, but not to emulate Nazi physicians by forcing abortions and unauthorized hysterectomies as Trump appointees, resettle Refugees, by inflicting ICE brutality on asylum seekers.

When projecting one’s sins on others is your thing, The Right leader labeling self-sacrificing uniformed Americans, losers & suckers, is Right for you, but you are wrong about America.

2020 voting is choosing between:

  • Whose COVID-19 guidance we want, scientists and medical professionals or non-Senate approved unqualified political appointees releasing fake health reports to the public, encoring HHS rants
  • A president happy about COVID-19 saving him from shaking the hands of his disgusting supporters, or educators refusing to allow DeVos and Trump cloned Governors to put school children in harm’s way
  • A Trump mega-donor sabotaging our USPS or a Federal Judge ordering DeJoy to reverse his changes that slowed down our mail delivery for Republican political gain

With more than a million Americans turning to Mexico for less expensive COVID-19 medications, and untreated sewage flowing from Tijuana, under Trump’s Wall, through Southern California, passing a U. S. Seals training facility – Corporatism’s Conservative Republicans aren’t the only, inside job, we need expel.

Vote for those who oppose Trump’s hypocritical faux fear of Vote-By-Mail, and his desertion of over six million human COVID cases while secretly failing to death almost 200,000 human beings.

Vote for who we thought we were before the McConnell, Barr and Trump Republican Party.

If our Electoral College is the birth, wouldn’t not voting for reason be the curse, enabling Trump’s scourge on earth.

Vote to finally be, America the Beautiful to all.

Our Best Thanks for #RBG is to #Vote



Let’s Make Good Trouble Get in the Way of our Bad President -Best of TREMR – Headline

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Self-medicating more trying to get more than five hours sleep a night?

Seizing on a Bitcoin request, sailing off on a ship of Twitter fools soon parted from their money?

Seeing a familiar supremacist playbook, do we speak up, say something, do something morally courageous like, exercise the right of the people peaceably to assemble?

Are we so oblivious to Fascists transforming American Dream into a confused nightmare, thinking, Freedom of Speech gives us the right to endanger others – especially in southern states bearing the additional burden of Conservative Republican Governors’ arrogance and ignorance:  failing constituents by not engaging in the commonsense of lockdowns and humanitarian patriotism of wearing masks.

Ignorance is not bliss.  It’s been killing thousands of Americans every day, long before COVID-19 was aggravated by the trumped.

Sometime after midnight Thursday 16 July 2020, still heavy-laden by thoughts of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg facing another battle with Cancer and the cancerous tissue reconstructing Lincoln’s Republican Party, I decided to try sleeping.

By 7am Friday 17 July 2020 I was calling my political mentor who, in 2008, was the Democratic Nominee for Congress for Virginia’s 4th District – who had years ago invited me to an exploratory meeting, as a potential Communications Director.  Introducing me to her table team, including an older gentleman at its head – I shook the hand of the Reverend Dr. C. T. Vivian.

Now, I was calling to tell her of his death.

Shortly before midnight Friday 17 July 2020, my screens lit up with a Washington Post news alert:  John Lewis, front-line civil rights leader and eminence of Capitol Hill, dies at 80.

I was so overwhelmed by the sense of loss to American moral and intellectual leadership that I forgot the reality of the ineptitude and immorality of Donald Trump:  now pushing to stop new money for CDC, testing and tracing our Homeland pandemic.

Only almighty universal power decides when to cutoff the tree of life of two such mighty oaks, whose justice for all roots dared to inspire peace in the face of physical brutality, unlawful arrest and a president refusing to preserve, protect and defend We The People.

The branches of such giants will continue to provide inviting shade for those weary of delays and half measures, seeking true democracy in the rejuvenating sanctuary of good trouble.

Walking in the shadow of death, we remember all who lost their fight to live, defeated by anti-American Conservative Senators, Governor clones of an apathetic president and the greed of corporate political handlers willingly risking the lives of school children.

Let’s get in the way of those who abuse medical staffs and grieving families targeted by COVID-19, and emulating John Lewis and C. T. Vivian, insist, get thee behind us selfishness, ignorance, and the MAGA arrogance infected Republican Party.

Although, in the midst of the Trump plague – not COVID-19 nor SCARS COVID-2 – but our infectious diseases exposed by Coronavirus.

While we were, the home of the brave, when

  • United for independence for all
  • Preserving our union
  • Sacrificing at home and abroad to save the world from Axis powers far too similar to our current federal leadership
  • Peaceful marchers protesting systemic racism, asking only that America keeps its promises

we have never been the land of the free – not completely, not ever – because the problem is not just the symbols but the, house divided against itself champions they celebrate.

Although a repugnant example of our extreme inhumanity to humankind, it was never just Trump.

It’s the journey from Dulles & Koch brothers to Karl Rove & Steve Bannon; from Nixon & Trickledown to Bush/Cheney forever wars.

It’s a post FDR’s 1945 death GOP, free at last, aided and abetted by Mitch McConnell’s 1984 election, now looking the other way when, with impunity,  Trump’s private police kidnaps American citizens off American streets.

Auditioning to replace Netflix’s WWII Documentaries, Trump’s, Public Affairs Guidance: CBP Support to Protect Federal Facilities and Property – marked, For Official Use Only, enables a special task force created by the Department of Homeland Security in response to President Trump’s Executive Order on Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence.

That task force:  the Protecting American Communities Task Force (PACT), has been tasked not only to assess civil unrest but also to ‘surge’ resources to protect against it.

It’s time to stop fighting among ourselves, and in ensemble, recognize, the greatest threats to America have been ensconced in our White House by Supreme Dirty Money, whose suppliers are not likely to accept negative returns on their investment.

As goes Advocates for peace and justice for all, so goes America.

Are we there yet, no, but following examples of better heroes, we’re closer, as a three-year-old plainly sees.