
2020 Choices:  Herd Mentality or United States of Human Kindness – Best of TREMR & Headline

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Well-meaning, but self-protecting Founding Fathers created our, Electoral College to maintain American election integrity by placing a protective shield of supervision, peopled by the one-percenters of their day:  wealthy, educated Caucasian “property” owners, dedicated to saving our new nation and its, one-person, one-vote Exceptionalism, from the potential danger of a largely unsophisticated populace, who were vulnerable to their emotional whims.

Our new and improved Electoral College has been officially finalizing the voting will of We the People, supposedly, from Thomas Jefferson’s 1804 reelection until 2016 – with the notable exception of 2000, when the U. S. Supreme Court hijacked this tradition by injecting the William H. Rehnquist Court and Sandra Day O’Connor’s swing vote into a Floridian election hurricane, full of attorney torpedoes, blowing off the popular vote.

Now, with 2020 hindsight and foresight combo, we can, reclaim our vote, by choosing our new American reality, as seen in the virtual around the nation vote to nominate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – for in that virtual rollcall, we saw Lincoln’s American Dream – with all its diverse locations, attire, accents and colors – proving, though sharply divided – we now stand at victory’s precipice, mostly surviving

  • two world wars
  • political assassinations
  • Watergate, Trickle-Down and Too Big To Jail
  • Cheney/Wolfowitz forever oil wars
  • Domestic Terrorism and police brutality
  • the white washing of backlash against our first black looking president

IF we realize we cannot truly rise above our self-inflicted failures and wars, nor surpass our largely MIA contributions to slow the death rate of too many earthbound species, until we embrace the totality of harm Climate Change and Donald Trump have wrought upon planet earth, by admitting our responsibility for both.

Even as an unfit president attempts to undo our Constitution – prescribing government by mob rule steeped in aggressive herd mentality, too akin to, the fickle crowd of 1930’s Germany and Italy – we must unite to save who and what we can be.

By forgetting the reminders in the book, der leader, held up in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church, we, through him, mock the faith of our Founding Fathers, the hope in peaceful assembly and our love for the rule of law, casting ourselves as bystanders witnessing a third of our nation celebrating, a man of lawlessness.

Even before the sacrifices of Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Seneca Falls abolitionists – who left behind Suffragettes resembling Sojourner Truth – yet like Stonewall Rioters, heroes all – whose descendants now march for and with those who take a knee for people who have borne the knee of economic oppression, gender second-class citizenship and racial degradation for centuries.

Having arrived late to the cause of, equal means equal, we the paler majority, do now increasingly repel the self-serving evil intent, in the dirty cash flow between corporatism’s puppeteers and our current Acting-at-government puppet-in-chief.

Electing to kidnap children from their parents and imprison them in cages, we invite the, Love it or Leave it patriotic hypocrisy of, law and order, distortion candidates.

America wins, however, when we make certain no American feels so unseen and unheard that, feeling neglected will ever again elect indifference to our common good.

Everyone is entitled to an abortion opinion, but not to emulate Nazi physicians by forcing abortions and unauthorized hysterectomies as Trump appointees, resettle Refugees, by inflicting ICE brutality on asylum seekers.

When projecting one’s sins on others is your thing, The Right leader labeling self-sacrificing uniformed Americans, losers & suckers, is Right for you, but you are wrong about America.

2020 voting is choosing between:

  • Whose COVID-19 guidance we want, scientists and medical professionals or non-Senate approved unqualified political appointees releasing fake health reports to the public, encoring HHS rants
  • A president happy about COVID-19 saving him from shaking the hands of his disgusting supporters, or educators refusing to allow DeVos and Trump cloned Governors to put school children in harm’s way
  • A Trump mega-donor sabotaging our USPS or a Federal Judge ordering DeJoy to reverse his changes that slowed down our mail delivery for Republican political gain

With more than a million Americans turning to Mexico for less expensive COVID-19 medications, and untreated sewage flowing from Tijuana, under Trump’s Wall, through Southern California, passing a U. S. Seals training facility – Corporatism’s Conservative Republicans aren’t the only, inside job, we need expel.

Vote for those who oppose Trump’s hypocritical faux fear of Vote-By-Mail, and his desertion of over six million human COVID cases while secretly failing to death almost 200,000 human beings.

Vote for who we thought we were before the McConnell, Barr and Trump Republican Party.

If our Electoral College is the birth, wouldn’t not voting for reason be the curse, enabling Trump’s scourge on earth.

Vote to finally be, America the Beautiful to all.

Our Best Thanks for #RBG is to #Vote



HERos — Headlined on Mon 2/22/16

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Atticus Finch Harper LeeHarper Lee, like Boo, almost always out of sight, but rarely out of mind, put human faces on our strengths and weaknesses, but only fleetingly altered them.  Nonetheless, she remains, my HERo.

Amidst the crescendo of election nomination campaigning accelerating like earth’s temperature, with un-statesman like personal attacks and hoarse rants surmounted only by passionate desperation — I long for the poetry of justice and the prose of unbiased civility, waiting teary eyed for the past due recognition of all of America’s Harper Lees – the half who were denied the vote, land ownership and, in divorce, a credit card in their own name.

So hello young lovers whoever you are:  Maybe we should give former Secretary of State Madeline Albright a break for her hellish reference, as her journey through unjust gender imbalance, exceeds your years of student loan debt.

Despite the lives of Molly Pitcher & Margaret Corbin, Los Angeles’s property owner and philanthropist Biddy Bridget Mason, Congresswomen Jeannette Rankin & Tammy Duckworth, Suffragettes Alice Paul, Anna Julia Cooper, Ida B. Wells-Barnett — and of course, Amelia Earhart, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Marian Anderson, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou and Harper Lee – women still occupy too few pages in American history books – however many have writ large, casting a giant shadow of protective courage, sacrifice and patriotism to shade the Millennial path to prosperous equity.

Women like Abigail Adams, Air Force Lt Col Margaret K. Hamberger, Army SPC Jessica Y. Sarandrea, Master Chief Petty Officer Jackey Smith, Admiral Michelle Howard, Army Sergeant Latianna Wilson, first female Silver Star for combat heroism recipient, Leigh Ann Hester, Army CPL Jessica Ann Ellis, Rachel Maddow, Senator Elizabeth Warren, most decorated Army Col Ruby Grace Bradley and Anita Hill have paved our path to the ballot box with, blood, sweat and tears.  

America’s female half has always contributed tremendously to the development, independence, security and survival of our American nation — standing their ground beside, or instead of, men – living the American experience of gut wrenching gender, as well as economic, disparity.

I’ve seen the movie and listened to the audio book of To Kill a Mockingbird, many times – but now, it’s too soon, too sad, too tragic to bear so much honesty crying out from the wilderness of our political, geographical, racial, and historical charades.

Without Google, or Apple, aiding and abetting, how many of us can identify a photograph of current female members of Congress or mayors policing the police, or challenging lead water supplying Governors?  Do we know how many women serve on the now eight-member Supreme Court? Can we spell their names?  Pick them out of a lineup?

Can we even yet discern female points of light nationally, globally, even galactically, with pen, sword and vision; serving in home kitchens, as House Reps, committed to country on and off the battlefield — in the Senate, municipalities, State Houses, Courts, carpools, PTAs and Family rooms?

Gay or straight, Liberal or Conservative, rich or poor, of every belief, faith and tradition, from every tribe, community and skin color, the lives of women have taught us the truth of duty, honor and family — yet still they are denied Constitutional equality.

In this presidential election year of extremes, I dare to hope all will discover within them, the courage of women, and protect the privilege of voting from reactionary anger, fearful frustration, national fog of war, and the male tendency toward oversimplified Open Carry solutions to our global challenges.

Even before religion was resurrected as a tool of Conservative politicians to rewrite history and compromise science, women of all faiths, social-economic levels and political, racial and sexual persuasions were ignored, cast as second class citizens, even abused.

Maya Angelou RememberedIn honor of our HERos who have honored us, let’s now live, act and vote to honor our better half.Akemi Women Make it Work Small