Ronald Reagan

Trump’s Father’s Day: Wagging the Dog and Foreign Hacks Hatching Kellyanne con

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To those who are, willing to march into hell for a Heavenly Cause, here goes:  Our Declaration of Independence, Gettysburg Address and U. S. Constitution are reduced to parchment hyperbole, the moment enough of us, see real change for the better in a reality show – then in reality, elect those who have lost all sense of moral necessity.

America’s 1775-2020 chain is only as virtuous in revolution, Lincolnesque in reconstruction and as ethical as a repentant people honor past sacrifices to our equitable law-abiding ideals.  However, following the example of current GOP’s Trump/Pence/McConnell opprobrium weakens our link to any hope of Justice for All.

Isn’t Pompeo’s Iran oil tankers attack announcement too reminiscent of the tempo with which Lee Harvey Oswald was proclaimed the lone assassin of President John F. Kennedy, reeking of more recent media messaging:  mass appeal made by massaging merger with a malice aforethought Mushroom Cloud gang?

Perhaps, with boogeyman updates, the GOP/Trump/Pence, Make America Great Again puppeteers believe, the best way to an American Heartland is through its, the South Shall Rise Again underbelly.

Democrats too, have taken turns twisting truth in pugnacious political prejudice:  fleeing Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation – transforming into Dixiecrats, they, Went South, helping to create, The Solid South, for Jim Crow.  However, claiming Democrats created the KKK is as vile a lie as Trump’s, good people on both sides Charlottesville assessment.

The Ku Klux Klan, like all parented by fear and hate, was birthed by, We the white People – without reparations.  Denying our current political infamy by defending the people who people it, we emulate wheeling rodents running in circles, fighting the last war and reliving the last election campaign to be the last guinea pig standing on the dung hemp of racism, sexism and moneyed power lust.

There is no perfection in politics, no Wall Street penance for perpetuating, thirty pieces of silver legacy, nothing to be proud of in the pride of sanctimonious zealots – so our Democratic Republic hangs in current imbalance, by a silkworm’s hind parts.

Fear, especially when disguised as patriotism clothed in knockoffs of lambskin, baits false prophets with, the idle brain is the devil’s playground – trouble is, we were marched into hell before Mnuchin stole our Harriet Tubman $20.00 bill:

  • LGBT Americans Banned from Government 27 April 1953; Mass Deportation of Mexican Migrants 9 June 1954
  • 1950-1954, convinced by Joe McCarthy, Americans internalized internal combustion of government, principles and love thy neighbor as thyself – and, as with Trump, were wooed by outrageous stories to keep his name in the headlines
  • Amidst America’s Bi-Centennial Celebrations, Ronald Reagan cast all less fortunate Americans with the caste system label: Welfare Queen

Political PACs are solidifying political parties behind Red & Blue lines for profitable power.  America, however, isn’t as simple as, The Right is wrong and The Left weak.  Nonetheless, we’ve forgotten Exceptionalism’s Heavenly Cause remains, unraveling the conveniently obscured complex definition of greatness in the mindset of the people peopling popularity of all-inclusive prejudice.

Imagine what webs of deceit we could delete; indeed, what solutions we could conjure if not mesmerized by talking-heads hypnotized by con-artists dangling political puppets on Corporatism strings.

On this Father’s Day, I bid you love, wisdom, happiness and this possible bit of comfort:  one day, like earth and all life upon it, all supremacists supremely gutting voting rights; all citizens denying a woman’s right to choose, while crushing citizenship attempts with the profanity of a bigoted Census question; all those blocking Congress from legally saving our election process from foreign intervention will, like Mitch McConnell, turn to dust – unable to grope one thin FDR dime of their ill-gotten gain.

Our American Dream is meant to be shared, yet, not all of God’s children are safe from being kidnapped by the Trump/Pence/ICE administration – but passionately pursuing a life of excellence protects all children from the savages that rage against them, for, like music, peaceful assembly can also, soothe the savage breast.

Fear not for Behold, courage abounds, reflected in us to magnify:  David Ortiz, Ali Stroker, Jon Stewart, the United States Women’s National Soccer Team, Paige Winter, Sara Cunningham and third grader Sara Hinesley.

On Father’s Day, thirty years ago, I took my parents to see Field of Dreams.   I hope all children of any age will seize this unifying family experience – perhaps imagining a world where our multitude of worthy causes join in one all-inclusive lifelong ensemble.

Resonating harmoniously, we compose the highest possible human life:  universal love wrapped in giving hearts, inside a Heavenly Cause – asking humankind to seek human kindness, by knocking at the door of human decency.

The torch has been passed to a new generation – run with them, or get out of the way.


Why Bother to Care about a Trumped America? Tremr Staff Pick & Headline

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Why should Americans voting for the national security party care that Reagan’s 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Putin’s predecessors is being blown off by a blow-hard?

Why bother with a president with no civilian or military government leadership experience, texting while teetering on the financial shoulders of Fred Trump, Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince?

Why would Right-wing thought be bothered by giving a loose cannon – having the power to whimsically declare Marshall Law to coagulate their selective, Family Values?

Why should members of the working Middle Class care about why Republican members of Congress don’t care when ultra-Alt-Right White Supremacists armed with Free Will, choose to fall in lock-step with a presidential cover-up – aping his laughable alternative facts:  Democrats produce mobs, Republicans produce jobs?

When presidential history is replete with Taft’s little brown brothers, Hoover’s Hoovervilles, lawlessness of Nixon’s Watergate, Polk’s Mexican war stealing Texas, Remember the Maine McKinley, LBJ’s Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin – and of course, the continuing residue of Bush/Cheney/Wolfowitz hubris – why care, if you can keep it?

Why bother with protecting public lands when residents of Montana and North & South Dakota vote for a pretend savior who delivers unto corporate developers control of what Teddy Roosevelt bequeathed to all Americans – including the human beings, from which we stole it?

Why care about voter suppression in Walker’s Wisconsin, Crosscheck Kobach’s Kansas and Kemp’s Georgia – or GSA Emily Murphy lying to preserve, protect and defend Trump making America his ATM again?

Why should we bother challenging Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, disabling Section Five of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, with, How About Now?

Why bother being indivisible against an administration celebrating presidential attempt to deny, freedom of the press – when Congress confirms in reaffirmation, violence against women?

Should we be bothered by American history:  from Native American reservations, to Slave auctions, to kidnapping children from their parents crossing our border fleeing tactics – too reminiscent of Guantanamo?

While not a, new normal for America, we are at an all-time new low – a darker place where self-imposed destruction flourishes when too many neighbors feel emboldened to call police on differences – and too few Samaritans save a woman from a purse snatcher.

No caravan of refugees crying out from the wilderness to our Statue of Liberty promise can vote in 2018 elections – and those telling such lies need, in every election, be replaced with a new birth of all-inclusive freedom – for tyrants betraying America’s economy, elections or human life have no place in The Home of the Brave they’ve stained with shame.

Why bother getting in a huff over a State Attorney ignoring a court order prohibiting purging Indiana’s voter roll?

Why risk caring about change without defining it with our lives, so the America that survived sixties’ assassinations, Kent State murders, and far too many acts of gun violence will emerge – until justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream – exposing The Art of the Deal and its morally bankrupt landlord as a brazen fraud.

Why should we care about fellow citizens falling victim to an anti-Immigrant, anti-Press misogynist, whose family breezes by on the wings of multiple Conflicts of Interest, secret finances and self-aggrandizement anti-American foreign deals – aided and abetted by Proud Boys?

Why care about Audit USA, or how Republicans impact electoral process in Ohio, Nebraska, Illinois and Nevada?

When is the best time to be bothered by assaults on America’s Rule of Law, being accessible to foreign governments adding 2018 insult to 2016 injury?

When the serpent’s temptation rises again to strike in defense of hate and fear, should we care that Republicans elected in 2016 – or running in October 2018, choose to be antithesis of our October 1962 administration?

Why bother to confirm our active voter registration, stand in long lines to vote and transport others to the polls?  Because when

  • Hostility is our first response
  • African-American seniors traveling to vote are removed from bus by Jim Crow
  • We celebrate our 397-year-old pilgrim myth by demanding reservation addresses for Native-Americans

We bother to care because, either the buck stops in Trump’s pocket or with ballots cast by you and me.