Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Imminent Threat to America:  Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump and Climate Change Deniers

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We remain a nation dedicated to following old angry men into fighting the last war with the next generation, instead of filling Congress, Judgeships and State and Federal Executive positions with them.  We are a people still defending freedom by oppressing those less fortunate, and citizens still confusing patriotic civic duty with, that’s not my problem.

Iranians, holding accountable their leaders, who, like Trump/McConnell think themselves above the law, reversing their approval of a, proportional response, to the precision outcome of a flippant presidential golf course order to takeout a celebrated murderer, that spared American lives, but killed 82 of their own – Trump impeachment headlines slide to third place, life-threatening Australian fires left to pleas from Golden Globe winners and Puerto Rican earthquake barely receiving an honorable mention.

The imminent threat to America is Americans transforming ourselves into separated solos, behind firewalls blinding us to the dangers of remote revenge transposing the ensemble of life on earth into collateral for Trumpism.

Yes potentially, we are better than the hypocrisy of Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and Trump/Pence, yet we still allow their direction for America to determine our character.

Those over fifty may claim some degree of ignorance, as historically, government practiced, citizens should be seen but not heard, until stunned when sixties’ assassinations, the Vietnam War and Nixon’s exposed criminality not only woke the unknowing masses but jolted their mass appeal for, all we like sheep.

It’s not too late to save ourselves from the dragons of Corporatism who have always known the deadly dangers of their adroitly aimed addictions:  cigarettes, Opioids and fossil fuels – convincing millions, we couldn’t do without them, until we couldn’t – if seniors and Millennials unite.

Unlike the German originals and their American Neos, we cannot claim, we didn’t know concentration of love of money trading lives for lies and, being mesmerized by narrowing views, lured into tangling webs we ourselves weave with divisive chants of misinformation.

For better or worse, American births confirm, to whom much is given, from him much is expected, and everyday bears witness to how much more we’ve been given than others, despite allowing bankers, oil men & women and their political, and media, puppets to magnify economic gain as an escape clause.

In 1929 American industry, corporations and government knew, what a margarine commercial would imply fifty years later, it’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature, and did nothing to warn us; no industry adjustments, no Wall Street public service announcements, no government offer of freedom of choice.  Honestly, loving ever increasing convenience as we do, what would we have stopped, changed, or even slowed?

Would we have returned Mr. Olds’ Oldsmobile for a wagon train; recanted desertion of Mall Stores for Amazon packages stolen from our front porch?  Will we give up our Netflix streaming recliner when movie theaters get what Blockbuster didn’t, and lower movie ticket prices?

Blessings and Miracles, like Royal Marriages and foreign Markets, are a flawed evolutionary chain of events – and America’s tragedies and comedies, a mystery whose beauty resides in the eyes of the electorate – just as the chain of evidence links our dictatorial, practicing demagoguery imperialistic and impeached president to Iran’s conservative religious leader, Ayatollah Khamenei.

America isn’t immune to Newton’s third law.  The chain of revenge has come full circle from General Solemani, through Trump’s irrational hitjob to Iranian missiles snatching life from 176 souls – and with them, too perilously and unforgivingly close to stealing the last shreds of proof of America’s human decency.

We’re not separate and apart from the government we elect.  Yet we are better than Trump/Pence and deserve better than Mitch McConnell and his GOP corroding America – but we’ll never achieve it if our thoughts, focus and energy stop at such villains, instead of embracing a collective and individual pursuit of a life of loving excellence.

Truth that sets us free:  we can never return to what we thought normal before Trump, because that normalcy, trusting gender inequity and believing Facebook, elected him.

Truth is, the earth will live longer than all life upon it today, especially if we allow a Trump infested unencumbered conservative GOP to have its way:  ignoring the Constitution, raping our environment and degrading the presidency.

We can, nonetheless, be a 2020 Revelation:  more new beginning than assumption that, on Mars we’ll be able to eat money.

What does it matter if…

  • people who see the world like Chuck Todd can’t fathom why Speaker Pelosi delayed Trump Senate trial headlines
  • Wall Street moguls lose sleep over Andrew Yang’s pragmatism
  • Mitch McConnell believes he can fool all of the people all of the time

When we see kindred souls in each other and seize this truth:  we’re not done.

Moscow Mitch, We need those four stinkin’ Witnesses – OpEdNews.com Headline & Best of TREMR

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With Impeachment dividing us, 48% for Trump vs. 48% for our Constitution, round two is in limbo – America, in abeyance.

America’s journey has again run headlong into a great uncivil directional tug of war between the titans of stalemate and progression:  The Right Guard, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vs. the Queen of democracy, Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Only the foolhardy would underestimate the unscrupulous bias of the former, or the tactician tenacity of the latter.

Only an imperious chess player broadcasts his next move, believing sixty-five million journeymen will withdraw in submission after he, Castling to protect his king, to cover up the defensive wall of willingly rented plodders plotting for Corporatism, Trumpism and Communism’s wannabe champion, Vladimir Putin – casting Homeland Security toward violence.

At this low ebb in America’s journey, each needs to listen to the still voice within to accept the impeachment of a third president.

Isn’t it more predecessor, than short-lived ineffective discriminatory overreaction to an extremely tanned president, giving rise to a false positive brew – indeed nailing Lincoln’s party to the burning crosses of, Jim Crow; denying affordable health care to all and giving birth to a Trump hoax:  Birther Movement?

After all, before 20 January 2017, Mitch McConnell, smirking proudly, was forecasting one term for Obama, refusing a SCOTUS garland for Garland and arguably paving a yellow streak path, inciting the riotous Don to forbid his courtiers:  staff, cabinet and executive branch to respond to Congressional subpoenas – thus empowering Trump’s American Carnage with, Get over it Mick Mulvaney, let Ukraine eat cake Steve Mnuchin and Sonny Perdue’s climate crisis welcome mat, giving climate scientists a thirty-day-notice for Kansas or, journey on.

With a well-placed Bill Barr firewall to justice, McConnell’s senate largely ignored Robert Mueller’s call to Congressional action – albeit in 2017 Charlottesville, America’s journey was both witness and target of invading white supremacists, with the bigotry gauntlet thrown at America’s Constitution, by an, I think there’s blame on both sides American president.

Too many memories, or myths, blind us to the truth of change, believing less in our deductive reasoning than a forked tongue – comparable to believing Ukraine hacked our 2016 election because, Putin told me so.

Although not an Evangelical Christian, I am an older Caucasian anti-abortion Roman Catholic Italian-American who believes in a woman’s right to choose, more than in a president who, Mark Galli’s Christianity Today strongly suggests is a, profoundly immoral specimen who, should be removed from office for his violation of the Constitution.  So, Family Leader Bob Vander Plaats, who comes to your mind when Better Angels warn, Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves?

What insider Ivanka sees as energized, is more antagonistic display of someone confused about his role in, vengeance is mine saith the Lord.  Nonetheless, an impeached Trump is a far greater threat, for bullies target the most vulnerable:  immigrant children, Ukrainians under attack by Russia and refugee families seeking asylum, yet not even the honored dead are safe from one so unaccustomed to being held accountable for, conduct unbecoming.

Pondering Thomas Paine’s 19 December 1776, these are the times that try men’s souls, reasonable men and women must revolutionize summer soldiers and sunshine patriots, by example, knowing tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.

Speaker Pelosi has long reminded me of my grandmamma who, over my five-year-old head, in one stroke of a garden hoe, decapitated a snake who dared to slither too close to me in her vegetable garden.  I couldn’t eat tomatoes until graduate school.

Better we emulate our Speaker seeking a balance between denying confessed Trump enabler McConnell any quick and easy out, and knowing when to fold them – than allowing one-dimensional debate questions to diminish America’s journey into Wine Cave crystal ambiance imbibing, and past wins and losses smothered in the cheap shots of hyperbolic rhetoric, instead of substantive answers for those not benefiting from Trump tax cuts.

Both Right and Left feel lost in the quagmire of our own making, but whether our 2016 vote was motivated by the fear that time itself is replacing the, great way of life of holy white protestant valuesor embracing an uncertain future with a Johnny-come-lately commitment to stewardship for both planet and children, even if in an, end of days, both courageous and wise will now passionately pursue the excellence of reason over carnival, positive inspiration above angry tweets and defusing cultural wars with the harmony of loving kindness.

No matter how long America’s journey, Gerrymandering, state voter purges and Citizens United remain our inglorious 21st century stain, but be assured, one person one vote, give me your tired your poor and equal means equalour miraculous Exceptionalism.