
Donald Trump is “the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on Americans” – TREMR Staff Pick & Headline

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As William Barr mounts his already shame stained DOJ throne to squat on the rear receptacle crusted over with Trump’s executive order to defy all Congressional subpoenas, his stream of spying spin, from Russia with Love through a media too lazy to look beyond surface excrement, adds another slick of jaundice to our current seat of government.

By comparison, our 2000 coup d’état aided by the U.S. Supreme Court, and abetted by Reagan’s ultra conservative appointee, Justice Antonin Scalia – preemptively striking out Florida’s Supreme Court, was more blunt force trauma than takeover by Trump/Pence/Bolton/Mnuchin/Pompeo/McConnell – by a thousand cuts.

Domestic spies heavy laden with Koch and Deutsche Bank dirty laundry, coming in from the cold to warm their feet on ever increasing GOP, boil, boil toil and trouble for, of, by and for the people government – the Trump syndicate flips an AG middle finger not just at one co-equal branch but to the entire Land of the Free tree, including Founding roots.

Perhaps another reason to un-elect Donald Trump in 2020, is to be able to walk along 5th Ave without fear of being shot by a President of the United States – or at least, deny absolution to Trump’s Global and pre-pardons to go – as Conservatives amass attack from the female Right flank, in state legislatures’ push to pit lower courts against what they expect in a Kavanaugh v. RBG SCOTUS.

Imagine being both poor and female, whether paleface or tanned out of history:  post tax cuts for super wealthy, twisting poverty standards to adjust for fewer Americans qualifying for Food Stamps.

The Non-exonerated investigated excommunicating justice from the Department of Justice, now investigating how his private foreign parts got probed without facilitating any hired urinating sources.

Trusting Pharmaceutical Opioid pushers and health insurance ravens is as dangerous as believing in peddlers of fear herding us into desperation that settles for any ol’ unqualified leaders.  As a result, we’re being Saturday Night Massacred, again.

While many well-meaning parents remain whirling under the pressure of those who teach fear of vaccinations, fear of affirmative action and fear of true patriotism:  the courage of, first do no harm – even when thinking for oneself, remember America’s greatness has always come from collectively caring for the common good.

Repetitive Republican talking points have made an unquenchable cliché of, I’m not a scientist, so when Science Guy Bill Nye goes ballistic on those who refuse to hear the truth about what they see, is it any wonder that logic is sacrificed on the altar of needing a stimulated political Base?

Smarter to, full stop conservatives trying to pry out of our grasp on reason, the birth of a new onslaught on women’s Constitutional rights – eager to clone Alabama, Georgia and Ohio reverberation of eleven Republican dominated legislatures, with their MAGA on, for another round of:  the Trail of Tears, Slavery, police beaten Suffragettes, McCarthyism and Jim Crow.

To the peril of America’s humanity, we’ve Right-Winged patriotism, deserted the less fortunate, scorned human kindness, whitewashed dishonesty and betrayed our Constitution so much – finding our way out of the quicksand of a trumped GOP bog seems as insurmountable as defeating a raving, self-aggrandizing, narcissistic, maniacal demagogue, whose practiced charisma incited in an otherwise sane and industrious people, the willingness to allow the slaughter of more than six million human beings.

Nonetheless, despite this incredibly unimaginable horror, human decency overcame, and devastated families prevailed.

Collective self-delusion emboldens lawless executive action, whether emanating from Wall Street boardrooms, bankers banking on bank induced recessions or a foreign agent occupying the White House.

Change for the better never follows voting against the best interests of union members, small businesses or farmers oppressed by the side effects of violent white supremacists and executive privilege’s trade wars against patriotic voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.

It’s not the color Tim Russert emulators paint our States, but the lacquer with which we ourselves stain our souls.

It’s descendants of lynch mobs – Alt-Rightness wrongly hijacking, do the Right Thing – and the vulnerable to quick and easy fixes of false prophets without a plan.

It’s falling for the showmen of over-simplification spouting lies camouflaged by promises of coal reruns and manufacturing returns – only to recycle Blue-Collar workers, and women, to their 1898 place.

It’s failing to internalize these self-evident truths:

As conservative Republicans trumpet refueled War on Women, reason responds:  Lady Justice, blindfolded and not, our Statue of Freedom atop DC’s Capitol Building and our Statue of Liberty — are all women.


From Bone Spurs Trump to a Virginia Encore in Alabama — Headlined on

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Tuesday 7 November 2017 lessons:  hope vs. you can fool some of the people all of the time, but most Americans, having heard, last call for the American Dream, recognize the silver lining of Trump — inspiring persistent civics and voting for racial and Gender equality, equal economic opportunity and respect for all — no matter their sexual persuasion or political preference.

The United States is in a state of humanitarian emergency, taking a knee in the shadow of towers that threaten to crush our Democratic Republic.  So American Exceptionalism needs to include reaching out to decent people with different points-of-view, in a way that emboldens them to protect fellow citizens from government collusion with Wall Street — and sexual assault.

Then the change we seek will appear like the return of a prodigal ideal, the very moment we replace domestic in-fighting – armed with weapons of massive closed minds dug into the limitations of self-inflicted blindness – with universal truth, with joint ventures resolving difficulties securing our daily bread and stabilizing our international example, as the glow that can truly light the world, embracing

  • Harmonious gatherings that dissolve any denial of, a House Divided cannot stand
  • Support our troops by not insisting they serve at the pleasure of American Corporatism.
  • Honor for our Veterans by ending the war on women, and respecting LGBTQ Americans
  • A modernized mindset regarding how we treat females – with their personal security in school, athletic medical offices, Hollywood — and in workplaces like Capitol Hill, be a Firewall between them and groping spin

What works?  The clarion call:  Those who embrace every hue, every idea progressing all forward and upward and every culture, creed and courageous Good Samaritan act of courtesy, civility and kindness.

Let’s open hearts and minds to exceptional, all-inclusive potential, by opening doors for females of all ages, especially Millennials and first time   voters and candidates running for office — encouraging all to raise the anchor mooring any segment of our population to sinking America further into a do-over Civil War.

Let us eradicate the fake supremacy of Bannon projecting Moore sins on America, distorting faith with propaganda.  Let’s reach out to Middle and Southern America, Las Vegas and Texas with a fifty-state hope for We The People, relegating the NRA to its OK Corral past.

Let us turn the other cheek through peaceful assembly, transmitting our transition in passionate numbers, rising well above the hate of the new Alt-Right generation, Roy Moore’s sexual perversion and Jeff Sessions’ inability to recall.

During Basic Training, I was a squad leader responsible for a dozen men, mostly just out of high school, away from home for the first time, destined for Vietnam.  Drill Sergeant tasked me with, when they come to you whining about home, give ‘em backbone.  I shared a room with a squad-leader from Alabama, who, after pretending to be asleep while I tried to carry out my orders for a tearful member of our platoon, confessed, I had no idea, I’ve never met a black person before.

Maybe empathy is all in who you know.

Arguably the greatest lessons to be garnered from our history textbooks are, The Half Has Never Been Told, our national need to embrace Herstory and to deliver our deserving youth from the darkness of hypocritical zealots.

Alabama is no more replete with Roy Moore clones, than trumped thinking was defeated by a popular vote of at least three million more citizens — neither blind to America’s greatness nor failing to enthusiastically answer the life-giving call to love thy neighbor as thyself.

Nonetheless, Virginians, came, saw and conquered Trumpisms like an Attorney General with no recollection, with a resounding victory for championing wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, even transgender girlfriends against the intimidation of the powerful, powerless against their desires, and the humiliation invading Short Eyes on our capacity for decency.

Call an Alabamian you know, to save the country we love!