Fossil Fuel Fracking

Lifeblood of Decision Makers:  Image – Money – Votes – Power: Headline

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We need to stop banging our brainpower against banks instead of bankers, chastising Corporatism instead of CEOs and thumping Trump instead of trumping individual Koch-heads.

We need to sever our lifeline between lowlife lobbyists, gobbling Governors and corrupted Congress, by invading their space, and in serial peaceful assembly, hound the hording takers by increasing Call in Days.

In addition to marching in the street, let’s block driveways, corporate parking lots and entrances to government offices, so when decision makers look down through a glass darkly, they no longer see Boehner’s ants but democracy’s numbers.

Invading decision makers in ever increasing numbers, we light our path from under greedy uber power needing to keep us under their spell, into the light of being their earthly hell.

The individuals with whom we seek a face-to-face are far fewer than we and weakened by dismissively underestimating us.

Knowing they are serving poisoned food and water, suffocating life on earth, killing with endless waring lies and snuffing out the future of all younger than forty – they cling to Robber Baron infrastructure and do it anyway.

We are energized by identifying the marionettes dancing to dissonant tunes played by puppeteers without a public face.  Although unable to reveal those we cannot see, let’s divulge to those we know, the consequences of robbing, raping and pillaging USA.

This is not a time of Revolution or Civil War reruns, nor any form of violence.  This is a rebirth of freedom that demands the courage to stand tall, stand united – even in boycotting silent laser beam focus, directed at the heartless, soulless, arrogantly shameless decision makers who are laughing at us and the plight they’ve bequeathed us.

None of which will matter, however, to either valiant vanquished or vile villains if we keep enabling wannabe masters racing to Frack us with oil slicking, pipeline leaking, factory farming, water polluting and life chocking air.

Know this truth to be self-evident, our complete devastation in the next 25-75 years – brought upon us by those who know they’re killing us, but nonetheless, laugh all the way to the decision makers at Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank et al – is only a dire possibility, not immanent to the fool-hearty – for foolishness dictates, there’s time to frolic, because poorer nations populated by darker complexions will have their food and clean water supply discontinued first.

When We the People recognize decision makers, like Koch’s Mitch McConnell, bigot Jeff Sessions and Paul Ryan’s Scott Walker are killing us, but our organized mutually beneficial causes choose to fail separately rather than grasp victory with the union needed in current power play heaped upon us by offenders of freedom – we die.

Forevermore, we must be, Out of Many, One!

Decision makers have money, but all our marches demonstrate, we are the numbers.  No CEO or elected official inner circle can win against united advocacy – nor can separate but equal causes defeat advertising billions.

However, when a moderate Center and all Left of Center prioritize having collective power over self-defeating turf battles, we will not be welcome mats for Trump/Putin/Pence/Sessions urinating Fascism all over our America the Beautiful.


  • Why will America, except for Puerto Rico and Florida, be one of the last nations to self-destruct?
  • Why are industry polluting facilities only built in neighborhoods populated by people of color?

Despite our current administration of human ticks, We the People reflect more international heroes like a Thai Soccer Coach, NATO and The Queen – when we embody the essence of our 1776 Declaration and 1863 Address.

King’s, all of God’s Children, still teaches importance of internalizing lessons of Gandhi’s fasting and Denzel’s Malcolm X – so we are emboldened by the hope in a reopened Emmitt Till murder investigation, Peter Strzok v Gowdy GOP – to hold accountable, presidential power inciting violence.

Now, let’s confront political image, expose bribes, halt gerrymandered votes threatening our 2020 Census, castigate CEO power and nullify the takers, taking our United States of America.

PS: if you think private and public decision makers will warn us like they did in Flint Michigan — you’re right.

Obama Out – What’s Next? — Headlined on Sun 5/1/16

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Obama almost doneJust running for President of the Divided States of Corporate America, Barack Hussein Obama proved you can take their money and still give them Frank Underwood cufflinks.

Whether Alzheimer’s, The Bomb or Climate Change, now is the time to hold accountable the They in our mirrors – because We Are They, and it’s about as funny as, It felt like I was crossing the border.

Laughing at the suffering of less affluent people of any color, mocking women or ignoring the assaulted distinguishes between The Good, Bad and Ugly Americans.

Convinced to make war on our best interests, we vote for the war mongering They, to continue reaping the fruits of our labor.  It didn’t start with Guantanamo water boarding and won’t end with Nestle privatizing our water

No need for Googling Eden’s Garden for Cruz temptations or Cain and Abel family feuds, for we need look back in anger no further than West Point’s All American Class of 1861, to find inhumane abuse for cotton profits pitting brother against brother.  And still purchase powered sweat shops remain the support of Bernie’s top one percent of the top one percent – for the They can’t survive without the Us, of USA.

Whether agriculture denim, uniformed government or Wall Street suits, men have historically suppressed women, enslaved conquered cultures — even murdered to appease their hunger for the thrill of power.

Like Red scared sheep, the 1950’s hung on every word of Joe Stalin, then hung American careers out to dry believing in Joe McCarthy.  Like Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback, it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that Joe Swing.

So, is America again being trumped by opportunistic phony patriots from Koched university administrators and governors de-educating our future into grand old malice aforethought, aided and abetted by the reality of We shall over comb, profaning the United States of America of We Shall Overcome?

Repeating the backlash to twelve years of FDR, the GOP is now financed by those who want to impose a Republican Red Book on an all-inclusive America.  Surrogates for Corporatism, Congress now sacrifices the Supreme Court in resistance to any potential of a melting pot at the end of our American Rainbow.

The more the We allow the They of corporate owned media to brainwash us against the Brown, the Black and the Woman-card, the more the Too Big to Jail enslave Middle Class to Too Big to Fail.

We will never secure world peace nor find freedom from They, until We stop camouflaging the power of our vote with the pageantry of The Street’s deceit.

Not all men are created equally evil, but traditionally, most who connive for evil doers are angry conservative old white men who think something they never had, nor were ever guaranteed, has been taken from them.

For example, America’s wars on Crime, Communism and Drugs, financed by a corporate government alliance, were waged against Baby Boomers to ostracize people who looked like MLK and thought like RFK.

Real Enemies of the State prosper from our ignorance of history:

  • Before Koch brothers, Dulles Brothers
  • Before Nixon’s Watergate, Kent State
  • Before Cheney’s Guantanamo, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI
  • Before Bundy’s Oregon siege, NRA’s Sandy Hook
  • Before Fossil Fuel Fracking, Cow flatulence
  • Before Heroin & Cocaine,  tobaccoalcohol, and opioid painkillers
  • Before Voter ID, Jim Crow

Now we live in the age of abrupt climate change, when the sins of The Silent Generation are the consequences occupying Millennials.

What follows Obama can either be boorish disunity or Shall We Gather at the River of global preservation, embracing each other in a Climate Action that withdraws from Corporatism’s bottom line.

Our best potential Stand Up, is saving the earth from the climate of The Street.Obama Rainbow

“Obama Out.”