Emerge America

February: Lincoln, Black History, Valentines, #MeToo, Olympic Union = http://lnr.politicususa.com/

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Years before Steven Spielberg cast me in Lincoln, I was directing at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts – most notably, The Other Bed, a prize-winning play by Ted Hirsh, which led to a telephone friendship with Celeste Holm and directing African-American playwright and actor, Bhetty Waldron.  Her Charcoal Sketches, launched my appreciation for Black History. 

In a time that needs more Chloe Kim Valentines and fewer Pence petulant, Ugly American scowls, even Steve Bannon has seen Oprah’s light, Time’s up on 10,000 years of recorded history.  This is coming. This is real. 

Yes, the transition of power is set in motion.  Men, who reek with the stench of inflicting reprehensible gender agony, will no longer rule our world.  Even next generation Alt-Right, failing to hear the death nell tolling, are marching backward into oblivion – all while Kim Yo-jong, armed only with a smirked Mona Lisa smile, does a Centering Pass to South Korea, leaving Pence and Trump puckered, but nullified.

Not the Last Hurrah for hypocrisy, but a Valentine’s Card inviting government to look, talk and act — of, by and for.

The reign of domineering old men, awash with hangers-on, kissing the ring of the pretender perched on his s**t-hole throne, whitewashing racial and gender bashing, is coming to an unsavory evacuation.

Now, in ensemble let us persistently rise to harmonious example:

  • Daring to share the American Dream with Dreamers
  • Immortalizing Moral Mondays every day
  • Celebrating African-American lives twelve months a year
  • Grasping LGBTQ equality
  • Supporting UNFPA global initiatives
  • Dissolving Red Mapping Gerrymandering
  • Morphing America into a true reflection of our immigrant predominance
  • Embracing our multi-cultural rainbow

In our 2018 elections, may all Dreamers, Democrats and Due Process hold-fast to pragmatic solutions — and to each other.

Even before we invaded Native Americans, well to do gray-haired men, held tight rein on our economy, enslaved thought, maligned education and information, manipulated chaos, beat and molested women and killed people of color – all for personal gain.  Now to the new low in immoral and unethical definition reflected in the haggard dishonest faces of Trump’s administration, proclaim: #TimesUp.

With constitutionally protected, Peaceful Assembly, our resistance empowers women with income parity, gender equality and healthcare, on a reconstructed Justice for All foundation.

We rise for the demise of predatory behavior, not only from Donald Trump and his minions, but all wife beaters, military, civilian and campus rapists and any employer who dares turn a deaf ear or avert supervisory eyes when bullies threaten women and men with workplace harassment or violence at home.

The strength of any nation, is aligned with the individual philosophical and psychological strength of its people – not in the denial of evolutionary truth, the oppression of diversity or the ratification suppression of full Constitutional female citizenship.

Regardless of political geography or historical heritage, the twins of fear and anger can no more defeat inevitable change than the bad seed of The Great White Fleet and Great White HopeMAGA.

However, government compromised by corrupted private enterprise, may finally be mortally wounded on the archaic anvil of Robber Baron roots, accelerating a climate motivated race, awakening those who’ve pinned their hopes on Mars or Mar-a-Lago.

21st century American Dream amendments, don’t ask to replace Caucasians with non-whites; nor seek to fire straights to hire queers.  Nor is the goal of equality and justice unleashing a sea of Dominatrix Amazons to castrate men like Rob Porter, David Sorensen and Larry Nassar – no matter how deserving.

Justice illuminates beyond political clichés, to the collective wisdom of reason expecting all to:

  • Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
  • Emulate UNFPA with all-inclusive healthcare for safe motherhood, family planning, reproductive health – and gender specific issues
  • Save our children from the world we’ve bequeathed them, by lighting their path, to World Peace

Because female political power is emerging, A Change is Gonna Come, has landed, and now Misogyny, Xenophobia, Bigotry and homophobia are destined to drown in their own desire for revenge.

Equality and Justice favor the wisdom of our evolving beyond the generals surrounding Hitler, thinking wrinkles and stars protected them from succumbing to demagoguery, as they profaned patriotism with treason — inviting holocaust.

Despite Trump, there’s a better World A-Coming — Headlined by OpEdNews.com 5-4-17

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Most Americans, have always worked hard to get ahead, but if you weren’t as pale as Andrew Jackson, you had to run faster and slave longer to be acknowledged:  hero.

Not so for Groper-in-Chief proponent of foxy sexual harassment, walled in by conflicts of interest, threatening affordable healthcare and scientific discovery shutdown.

Whether shouting from baseball stands, religious altars, white hoods or Bully Pulpit, mocking or demeaning others is the act of cowards with horrific potential and tragic probability.

Yet, we still walk among heroes — in classrooms, hospitals and neighborhoods; in the aftermath of tornadoes, hurricanes and floods — good Samaritans clothed as strangers, saving us from the reality of erratic humans and weather extremes.

Though a nation too steeped in denial and consumed by belly-up fear, spun by spin:  hot-air, broken promises and past glories, blowing in our face like ice cycles in Spring, no divider-in-chief can wall in American heroism, if women, children, scientists, educators, activists, surgeons general, attorneys general and peaceful protesters advocate for reason, equal justice for all, renewable energy, clean air & water, free public education and a financially secure EPA – knowing true heroes rally to save — not incite to riot.

Heroes are rarely loud or torturous or self-aggrandizing; rarely thinking themselves superior or even worthy.  They are teachers & nurses, doctors & lawyers, the insightful friend — and stranger just in the nick of time.

Yet, heroes aren’t only those saving families in trapped cars, breathing life anew into infants, but are the daily bread care propelling us forward, in melodic ensemble:  there’s a better world a-coming.

Now we petition, march and campaign to renew elections with an informed electorate.  We must be risk-taking heroes for our children because their children are depending on it.

We are the descendants of depression, inheritors of progressive winds and stewards of the immigration legacies of legends.  Heroes and immigrants, come in all sizes, shapes, shades and sexes — but where there are dreamers, there are detractors; where the best & the brightest, also fear of change; where innovative ideas, old habits; where God Bless America, assassinations in the streets; where just say nofatted calf feasts for drug lords; where genius, envy; outreach, duck & cover — for every protagonist, an antagonist and every hero, a villain – where heroes seek balance, cowards create chaos.

Despite a James Comey two-step or POTUS MIA side-stepping, Not the White House Correspondences Dinner, broadcast chambers maintain empty barrels, oblivious to America’s greatness is in the kindness of strangers, mentors and Nature.


  • White Congressional males or Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton, Hetty Green, Hellen Keller & her teacher Anne Sullivan, Frances Perkins, Georgia O’Keeffe, Amelia Earhart, Marion Anderson, Rosa Parks, Martha Raye, Katherine Graham, Ella Fitzgerald, Nancy Reagan, Shirley Chisholm, Maya Angelou, Audrey Hepburn, Coretta Scott King, Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton, Oprah, Simone Manuel, Simone Biles and Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
  • Newborn William Billy Kimmel’s doctors, nurses and scientists who develop ways to save the lives of babies and the elderly or Climate deniers

May 1884, Moses Fleetwood Walker squatted to catch baseball fans off guard.  Seven years before Tax Day was knocked out of the Ides of March, Jackie Robinson stole bases in 1947 almost as fast as a 1936 Buckeye Bullet winning four Olympic gold medals.

Yet we still need Sam Cooke and Woody Guthrie lyrics to apologize to Adam Jones – but I know, a change is gonna come, oh yes, it is.

Since, Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country, the GOP has diminished equality for non-whites, non-males, non-straights and non-documented American dreams.

Caveat Emptor:  Halliburton gulf oil deaths, Pharmaceutical price hikes and Healthcare that denies covering pre-existing conditions.

We choose who we honor as heroes:

  • Mike Flynn or Desmond Doss who earned his Medal of Honor by saving 75 wounded at Hacksaw Ridge?
  • Donald Trump or Jimmy Kimmel?

MOBs don’t fire honor and too often, America’s forgotten heroes are women.

Change that makes a better world, allows truth to set us free from the darkness of Lincoln’s betrayers and  Emerge  into the light of Heroes.