
What does, Follow the Leader with AUMF, make America? – Headlined on

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Skid marks on Donor Class Boulevard:  Koch-heads, ALEC, Congress, Deutche Bank, Tax Fraud, Russian Collusion, Treason – but knowing there are populists’ roadblocks ahead — silent partners accessorizing after with alternative facts means:  just following the money, miscalculates consequences of cause and effect – and the Seventh Veil of our cause célèbre.

How far are we willing to be dumbed-down by dummies allowed above the law, to not recall?  How far are we willing to let those caked in the mud of yellow journalism, to be left behind, exposed only to a Sinclair Group POV?

Ignorance is bliss, but no more excuse than, the devil made me do it.

What undercuts an informed electorate?  Is it the invasion of dishonest reporting by a new low in Conservative broadcasting, or Liberal neglect?  What if Democrats are more for equal access for all, in education, in opportunity and under the law?  Shall America believe Stanley Milgram, or adopt Nuremberg defense?

With the boss abused spice gone out of SNL, is Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a law-abiding shield protecting Robert Mueller from the malice aforethought dictated through a banking mooch mugger?

Following the soulless, who are the real tax dodgers, draining the public trust, ignoring diminishing infrastructure and suppressing the votes of the oppressed, we become their clones, do we not?

There is little security and less comfort in a Summer season of extreme forest fires, tornadoes, floods and political chaos in the heat of the night, unless we make peace with the truth about our pattern of indulgencies in injustice, vainglory, over-zealous hero worship, gun violence and acquitting those who live by it – though sometimes forgiven, targeted too often off camera.  For family and friends, a snatched life is never forgotten:

July 20, 2017:  Australian Justine Damond, shot to death in Minneapolis by policeman

June 12, 1994:  Around the clock coverage of O. J. Simpson tried and acquitted for the duel murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman – paroled July 2017.

May 13, 1985:  Philadelphia Police, dropped makeshift bomb on 6221 Osage Avenue to end political opposition organization known as, The Move.

July 23, 1967:  A police raid on an unlicensed, after-hours bar morphs into five days and nights of one of the deadliest riots in American history.

Still don’t think our Democratic Republic corrode into anarchy?  If we allow propagandists shouting the most outrageous excuses for a free pass:  He’s ‘Just New to This,’ give him a chance – yes, and we won’t need an Alaskan house look-out for foreign missiles.

Freedom of thought and Liberty to peacefully assemble, are as freely sacrificed, as taken at liberty.  People distracted by imagined fears and legitimate concerns are most vulnerable to secret keepers seeking public power over private citizens – imposing beliefs by distorting public systems of communication.

What if getting ahead of Father Time is more nation building than following the deep-pocketed money trail?  What if the Repeal and Replace Healthcare voting debacle is up for debate, for national distraction?

Thankfully most Americans can discern truth from fiction, and recognize the difference from a self-assured sense of direction, and being led by a self-aggrandizing Pinocchio.

Nonetheless, if we continually allow Trumpsters  to be excused by a Republican Congress fearful of its anti-Obama Base polling at 80%, then we are following terrorized political cowards, even as they violate sacred oaths and restrict those with limited access to the truth that would free them from the terrorism of money laundering.

If we lay America bare before an escalator descending into treason, We the People will soon find ourselves standing at the precipice where, she persisted and lock her up, will either throw each other over — for a pretender, or form a more perfect union, remembering — we are indivisible when separating the savage beast from our Crest.

To be silent is to side with Corporatism’s gold-plated government, conflicted between obedience to authority and their patriotic duty to serve all of us.

Either way, for public integrity, we need become citizen sleuths for the truth.  For, like Spielberg’s Lincoln, We the People of the United States of America are clothed in immense power, if we can keep it!



















Celebrating American Independence or Free Passes for Trump? Headlined on & PoliticusUSA Feature

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Unlike the carelessness of the thoughtless abuse of constitutionally guaranteed, Free Speech, there have been shining moments of Exceptionalism.  However, it only takes a few Members ignoring to death, the future of seniors — willing those under 40, demise by Opioid addiction, second class education, crushing debt, self-doubt induced suicide and a planet in the throes of being overwhelmed.

It only takes a few short-sighted, self-serving, knee jerk choices to seek and destroy a nation – for every secret thought & spoken word; each decision & vote cast; full-throated cover ups — whether choosing weapons of vile, despicable behavior or willingly playing games with team of Grovels – we are settling for the summit of the worst in ourselves.

Even as a congressional few ignore foreign disregard for our national sovereignty, trumpet puppets are, State by State, instituting institutional theft of personal data, voting information – a colossal invasion of millions of Americans.

A helter-skelter nation needs to embrace unity to reestablish its Gettysburg Address vision of civic responsibility.  However, it will likely be governors and Secretaries of Red States, who will profane Lincoln’s example, by relinquishing unmitigated exposure of its citizens’ privacy.

To reaffirm our Independence, it is for us, on July 4, 2017, to recapture the essence of The Golden Rule, for it is never too late for the Exceptionalism of self-rule, mutual respect and living lives that practice what we preach.

For our Independence, let us proclaim, there is no last time for war when it is declared endless; no last time for violence when we’re married to it, acquitting both mass murder in public places, while good men with guns shoot good men of color; no last time for Arlington ball-field, when Little Rock shots ring out in echo of a Bronx Hospital.

When the proudly despicable violate the honor of the highest office in the land, clearly The Home of the Brave is being run by the cowardly.  Regardless of Party, all Americans are being mocked with a smirk having no more depth than 140 characters.

Yet, this is not a nationwide choice, nor a national great divide.  It’s the sum of people who can be fooled most of the time by the few repetitiously casting a bait and switch, and gossip dominating investigative reporting with hyperbole, seeking ratings.

Nonetheless, like heroic first responders, it is on us, to get out in front of stampeding mob rule, with sheer numbers, votes and boycotts proving we mean business, to the business of Koch heads owning politicians and government at every level.

The challenge is not too many fires to put out, but too little Independence thinking, to resist false prophets and puppets of industry currently occupying too many State Houses, Legislatures and our current three branches of federal government.

If the super poor will always be with us, it is not because the bible told me so, but rather, since ushering in the second Gilded Age in 1980, the super-rich have perpetuated it so.

America survived Valley Forge, Lincoln/JFK/MLK/RFK assassinations and The Red Scare because of dreamers & the young at heart, farmers & lawyers, students & educators, preachers and sinners – and again, America needs human decency to overcome the small minded and hateful – especially elected leaders who are the greatest dangers to our national security and international integrity.

Like Paul Revere, women road to warn of invasion and The Greatest Generation included females, African-Americans, Latino and LGBTQ.

However, where there are narrow-minded men, there are abused women & minorities; where easy access to guns, mass shootings; and when We the People act like kittens chasing a laser of a Fourth Estate led around by a Pinocchio nosed President, we are accessories after the fact.

Yes, Donald Trump’s behavior is not presidential, but more importantly, his conduct is unbecoming a Commander-in-Chief, and absolutely, an unacceptable example for fathers, husbands and children.

So, we can choose to be responsible for continually giving free passes to someone intellectually, psychologically and mentally unfit to be President, or like 1776 American wannabees, pick up the gauntlet of reason and be Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.