Lady Liberty

2023 Amazing Grace or a Never, Never Land of Ignoring Lies with Hypocrisy – Best of TREMR Featured Writer & Headline

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Pleading to be Seen and Heard

Given the thousands of immigrants risking all to live in America:  death by drowning, opportunistic Coyotes abandoning them in 100-degree locked trucks – and free busing to freezing locations as far away from Texas and Florida as possible, begs the question… 

Why so many hues of brown, follow white European examples believing, red Americans still have a place where dreams are born, without Reservations or promises scorned, like forgotten New Year’s Resolutions, indigenous treaties, Japanese internment, or our greatest gift to be:  give me your tired and poor yearning to breathe free.

Perhaps our time is never planned for pro-active action transforming from the USA on everyone’s chart, to being what was in our Founding Fathers’ collective heart:  an ever forever dream come true art.

It was miles beyond Columbus on unchartered ocean blue lite only by the moon, explaining his missing us in 1492.  Prevailing sailing Italian Amerigo Vespucci in 1499, however, found us right here where we will forever stand – if we only keep an open mind, so then suddenly we find the ever promised, but never completely, freedom land.

We’ll have a treasure if we’re welcoming there, more precious far than gold.  For once joining Lady Liberty lighting the way there, the American Dream can never, ever grow into a Congress sold by greed made bold and soullessness foretold.

And that’s our home where Lincoln’s dreams were born, where news time was never gossip nor conjecture, even when time failed all the promised land’s plans:  Camelot’s Chariot under fire departure, plummeted our hearts into traitors’ hands, deeply wounding our desire to fly on hopeful wings forever in the never harmonious promised homeland, until everyone sings.

Surely, we’ll have a treasure if we only stay like Good Samaritans there, more precious than a fool’s bold resume embellishments for political gold.  For once we have found our way home there, the American Dream can never, never grow old.

It may not be the reason our nation’s history keeps reenacting, what is past is prologue, akin to New Year’s Resolutions revolving like toy trains under the tree, lost in a fog.

And that’s the way it is and shall ever be, as long as we skim the surface of scammers waving and hugging flags with a wink and a nod, forgetting the lies we tell ourselves choke individual thinking like peas in a pod.

That’s how our American dreams are stillborn when we fail time given, but never unlimited, is banned, because our preparations for visible climate disaster, have rarely been planned.

Just think of the happiness denied those who come after us expecting to fly on wings soaring forever, though not in an ever-neglected land.

So, is America merely a mirage, of an oasis that never, ever was the land where dreams are born, or not?  Just think:  our very survival plan awaits our plot.

Time, however, is being lost to us every day; pickpocketed by Captains of industry, Media A.I. programming and MAGA political Hooks tango dancing fairytales, whisking away the Clear and Present Danger to our Nation’s diversity fears; puppets strung along by those like ALEC promising to make them puppeteers, but betraying them, like us, to the sum of all our fears.

The failure is not our American COVID wake-up call, suicides, mass shootings and feet of killer snow burying life’s dreams below.  The failure is that too many believe dealing with the visible immediacy without ever seriously investigating the root causes isn’t lunacy.

While ringing bells, red buckets and bearded padded costumed men in red suits summon our Scrooge’s generous spirit in the month of December, our memories are not planned for reality checks:  homelessness and hunger are not limited to the last month of each year, remember.

Perhaps the dropping ball in Times Square could forbid our dropping another stall on Americans needing to be seen and heard beyond Thanksgiving in November.

It’s our, Gettysburg Address asking, What You Can Do for Your Country that lifts us up to keenly deem the extension of Lincoln’s, I Have a Dream – when we never again make our American Dream a never was Land of the Free and a Home open to all yearning to be free.

10% of annual giving takes place the last three days of the year – which might work if the newly jobless, homeless and children who depend on schools for hot meals Monday-Friday and food insecurity fear 365 days and nights, would, like Christmas in January, just disappear.

Exchanging our self-dishonesty for an American dream come true reality, we here solemnly resolve that our American Dream ability thrives best when all living here benefit mutually from every American’s dream virility.

That’s the America where dreams are born

State of our Union:  Racism, Rape Yes; Immigration Reform, Hell No!?! Headlined 11/24/14

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Generations after generations embrace, succumb to or master their own weapons of mass destruction, so powerfully hash tagged, we self-distract with Instagram:  from ears ringing out the cries of gunshots’ victims; our wisdom defused by selective sight clouded by summer and tear gas smoke — so rigorous in our southern border tastes, we’re inflamed, fearing losing something we never wanted.

Hyperlinking hot air rhetoric with blustering inaction, dishonoring both past and future, without shame Conservatives steep our national integrity into the depressed state of our union, while blaming The Help for the stench of our Golden Rule in rigor mortis.

Ask victims not perpetrators: CIW Tomatoes

  • Amnesty: ask your undocumented lawn’s keeper
  • Pride: ask those who clean our toilets for minimum wage
  • Human Rights: ask migrant farmworkers
  • Self-esteem: ask women paid less than men for the same work
  • Financial stability: ask students overwhelmed by banks
  • Life: ask those found guilty of neighborhood
  • Net neutrality, ask parents of children dead by Bullicide

Do we really believe it’s the accident of birth that guarantees the least of these our brethren the indignities of discrimination, bullying, rape and murder by a racist police state – drugged and beaten by household names – alcohol induced rape by fellow students?

Whomever the perpetrator, the targets are the same, and as purposely chosen, as those who were dangled by bad mortgages and diddled by banker selective bankruptcy credit score reporting.

When Home of the Brave citizens disintegrate from culture of character to culture of stonewalling our little brown brothers from having work we wouldn’t dare stoop to conquer, our Congress reflects hypocrisy of Corporatism stamped Wall Street Conservatives.

American power is diminished when Americans turn away from those traumatized by poverty, bullying, unjust imprisonment, rape and racial discrimination.

Sadly it’s too late to ask the amazingly talented gift to America, immigrant Mike Nichols, but immigrants still work all around us, trying as we, to support families, but unlike most of us, doing so by harvesting the food we eat and cleaning up after we eat it.

As rite of passage, each nationality reaching our shores was prejudiced against by the immigrants who came before, yet each shared in our history Pearl Harbor, Cuban Missile Crisis, 9/11, Katrina, Boston bombing, but since the Reagan administration, Conservatives like Koch brothers, BP and Jim DeMint’s Heritage Foundation have been allowed to turn us into sitcom characters with mind numbing truth twisting TV ads – until we glaze over like holiday turkeys.

We remember November 22, 1963 as the day President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated, but ignore June 11, 1963, the day he proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to the 88th Congress.

Can we not now insist the 113th or 114th Congress pass an Immigration Reform bill as a moral human rights issue, rather than their vacation political football?

Let’s turn our back on Boehner hypocrisy and one term president anti-American Mitch McConnell rhetoric, and step up for families forced into hiding and women forced to endure the trauma of rape in silence.

Let us free ourselves from imprisoning people guilty only of their skin color, and resuscitate our Ellis Island promise.

Let us salute the patriotism of a US Marine Corp Captain Derick Herrera, rather than preserving the 19th century prejudice of Conservative Mo Brooks.

Let us be courageous enough to share the Home of the Brave, rather than cheer a House of Representatives that divides us.

Let us give thanks to Native Americans giving us our first Thanksgiving, rather than deny races racing to contribute to our Land of the Free melting pot.

Let our Free Will keep Lady Liberty’s torch alive, rather than branding ourselves, the great white hope.

Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government are charged with being the humane and equitable voice protecting the Republic, especially perhaps, from extremists abusing democracy by victimizing the vanquished.

We keep our humanity safe by saving each other, or following Cain, we live the murderous consequences of Conservatism.